You Belong To Me Chapter Eight

"Common already spit it out who are you in love with???"Melissa asked getting irritated by Janell's long pause.

"I am in love with Nick Carter" Janell said finally

"Who is he??"

"He's the blond guy from the Backstreet boys"

"Well who are they??"



"Well they are a lot like N'sync but they came out first"

"Who's N'sync??"

"Girl Where have you been??? N'sync is the group Justin and JC are in"

"Oh yeah I think I remember JC saying something like that." Janell ran over to the cd player and hit play.

"This is N'syncs cd this is the song 'God Must have spent' it's really good"

Melissa sat and listend she thought the song was so sweet. While Melissa listened Janell was looking though her bag and found a video then popped it into the VCR.

"This is the Backstreet boys Paperview concert, That's Nick right there the tall blond and the guy, and next to him with the red hair that's Aj and that's kevin and that's howie" Janell told melissa as each guy appeard on the screen.

"Who is that Hella fine one right there??"

"That's Brian, These are the hottest guyz next to Justin, but no one Can Top my Nick" Janell said not taking her eyes away from the Tv.

"If you like Nick so much why don't you break up with Justin and get with Nick"

"Well one that's a shitty thing to do to Justin I mean I still love him to death and number two Nick has a Girlfriend"

"Who??" "She the girl right there" Janell said pointing to a girl on the tape.

"That's her, Her name is Alison she's 17."

"How do you know her??"

"I met her once at an awards show, she's funny and she's really friendly except to those really bitchy reporters they were bugging her so she told them off. we got along pretty well."

"So getting back to you Lissa, do you like JC??"

"Yeah I do he's so sweet and caring, it's kinda sad but I am almost glad he hit me" Melissa answerd laughing

"By the way when do you get your casts off??"


"That was fast"

"I know I can't wait! having these things on suck, I can't do shit" they finished watching the video.

Meanwhile...........(With Justin and JC)

"So do you really like Melissa??" Justin asked Jc who was driving the Jeep.

"Yeah I do and when she get's those cast's off I think I might ask her out what do you think??"

"I think she really likes you, When does her cast come off?"

"Tomorrow, do you think she's fine??"

"Hell yeah she is, But so is my lil lady Janell, you sure picked one hell of a girl to crash into" Justin said with a grin

"Tell me about it when I saw her my heart just about melted and then when I came back to reality and saw what I had done I could have killed myself."

"Well something tells me even after tomorrow she will be with us for a while"

"I think so to, I think I am starting to fall in love with her, i mean she is everything I have ever wanted in a woman and I have finally found her!"

" Ok mr romance just don't jump the gun I mean you havent even gone out with her yet"

"Yeah I guess your right!" they pulled up to the house and got out of the jeep.

"Hey I think that's the guys!!" Janell said taking the tape out and returning it to the bag.

"Oh good I missed Jc!" "Oh Brother" Janell replied with a giggle Melissa Flung a pillow at her which hit Jc as he was Just walking through the door.

"HEY!!!!!" he said

"Opps, My bad I ment to hit Janell" Melissa answerd as she was laughing.

"I am gonna 'Opps My Bad'YOU!!!!!!!!" JC said running over and playfully hit her with the pillow.

"OK when you childern are through I would like to start the Movie!!" Justin stated as he sat down and put Janell in his lap. Janell looked up and kissed him passionatly.

"I missed you too"

"I Missed you baby" JC said moking Janell in a girly voice

" OH Not as much as I missed you " Melissa said in a guys voice

"OH TAKE ME JUSTIN!!!!!" JC screamed Running up to Melissa

"YES BABY RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW" Melissa said and the two of them doubled over in Laughter.

while Janell and Justin although upset couldn't help but laugh too.

You Belong To Me

You Belong To Me
