You Belong To Me Chapter Nine

They spent the day watching movies and playing board games. Now it's about 5:00 and they are started to get hungry.

"I am starving, what do you guys have to eat around here?" Melissa asked sitting up in her wheel chair as she wheeled her way into the kitchen.

"Absolutly positively NOTHING, I mean common Liss they are guys, and guyz don't cook shit!" Janell answerd getting up from laying down next to Justin and sitting in a bar stool next to the kitchen.

"I'll have you know that I can cook!"JC said

"Yeah I can cook too!" Justin replied.

"Yeah but were talking about somthing eddible and quick!"Melissa said as she continued to look through the cabinets.

" I bet you $200 that me and Justin can make the best meal you have ever had by 8:00 tonight."

"Yeah but what do we get if you loose and we have to suffer eating what you made?" Janell asked

"You get a $200 shopping spree!" Justin answerd.

"Alright you have a deal" "Let's go to my room Jen and start picking out some new outfits cuz I can't wait to go out shopping tomorrow on an all expenced paid JC trip." Janell wheeled Melissa to her room as the both were laughing.

"Yeah we will see who will be laughing when we win right Justin?"

"Umm JC I don't know about you but I have never made a dinner before have you?"

"Umm ... well ...I it doesn't matter it can't be that hard right?"

"I Hope not I don't wanna cough up $100 bucks"

"Me either" Justin and Jc left to go shopping at the grocery store.

(Ring, Ring) "Common common pick up pick up..."

"Hello?" a sweet voice said "Hey Mom it's me Justin"

"Oh hello darling it's been a while since you have called it's soo good to hear your voice!"

"Yes mom good to hear yours too, But umm I was wondering do you have a really good dinner recipie? Cuz JC and I are planneing to cook dinner tonight 4 these 2 .....Mom, you can common stop laughing it's not funny I am seriouse"

"Oh i am sorry dear I thought you said you were cooking?"

"I did, MoM!!!!!!"

"Alright Justin come over and I will give you a recipie that is quick and easy, I just hope for the girls you are cooking for you 2 don't screw up to badly!"

"Thank you and I love you too."

"I love you son see you in a few bye bye"

"She's doenst think we can do it does she?"

"No but she said she was pulling out a recipe and we can go over and pick it out"

"Alright" they drove to Justins Mom's house.


"So what do you think the guyz are going to make?" Melissa asked while flipping throguh a magazine.

"I have no clue but knowing them they called Justin's mom!" this made them bust up laughing.

"So have you gotten to meet Nick yet?"

"Yes, oh god he's so sweet and charming and so romantic, ooh How I love him!!!"

"What do you love about jusin?"

"Well justin is so cute and really funny, he has a great voice and he's romantice he does things at the spure of the moment which is really cool, I love him too!"

"What am I going to do with you??" Melissa asked

"I don't know but it's not like I am in a position to go out w/ nick I mean he has a girlfriend."

"But what if he didn't?" "He does so I am not even going to answer you!!!!"

The guys went to Justins mom's and got the recipie then went to the store. They were mobbed but managed to get out fast and safely. they pulled up to the house and started cooking. Melissa and Janell watched tv and around 7:30 Justin walked up the hall to Melissa's room and knocked on the door and quickly ran back to the kitchen. Janell opened the door to find two boxes one with a note that said, Melissa and one that said Janell. She gave Melissa her box and the notes were almost the same Melissa's read

" My Dear Lissa,

Please except this gift as a token of a future possiblility and use this gift tonight, Please stay in your room until we are ready,

Love JC" ' "Oh my god how sweet!"she opend the box and there was a beautiful balck evening dress that She put on with some help from Janell.

"This is the best thing anyone has done for me and we arent even going out" She said to Janell as tears of joy fell down her cheek

"Open yours"

Janell opened the letter inside it read

" My Dearest Love Janell, The song 'God Must have spent a little More time on you' was clearly how I felt the moment I first saw you and I still feel everytime I look into your sparkling brown eyes. I want you to have this gift as a token of our love. and i ask that you please wait in Melissa's room untill we send for you. I love you with all my heart,

Love Always, Justin"

Janell read the note and cryed

"No one has ever made me feel so loved from just a note i before in My entire life."

Janell opend the box and inside was a green crused velvet evening dress that was breath taking she qickly put it on and look incredible. They did eachothers hair, Melissa's hair was half up and had the rest of her hair in curls down her back. Janell's hair was down with butterfly clips and Melissa curled her hair too so she had all these ringlets really pretty. they finished putting on their make up just in time there was a knock at the door.

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Chapter Ten(Not up yet)
