(Please note that spellings and punctuation are as published, so may not be correct in modern usage. Some of the articles relating to the Chartist Riots are too long to transcribe. I have copies of most of these and can look up the details if required )

28 December 1821
Cardiff, Dec.22 - The Adventure, of and from London to Aberthaw, was driven
on shore about a mile to the westward of that place, on the night of the 15th 
inst., and became a complete wreck. The Adventure's stores and materials
are saved.  The Marianne, of and from this port for London, parted from her
anchors at the Mumbles during the gale, and was lost near Aberavon. Crew

29 April 1822
A person calling himself John Smith, pretending to be master of the brig Anne,
just arrived, and owner of her cargo of timber, has been attempting to swindle
several persons on the Welsh coast, by producing manifests of her cargo,
some from St.John's and some from the Baltic, and getting them to advance
money to pay his travelling expenses to and from his vessel, which he 
represents as lying at a neighbouring port, or on account of the sale of the
cargo. He is a tall thin man, about 5 feet 11 inches high, dark complexion, and
seems to understand nautical affairs, and the timber-trade. He is now
supposed to be about Cardiff or Bristol.

27 November 1822
A most appalling catastrophe happened in the neighbourhood of the Holmes' 
Lights, in the Bristol Channel, on Friday se'nnight. Captain Gill, his wife, two
sisters, and a servant lad, were coming over from Watchet to Cardiff on one
of the pilot-boats belonging to the latter place; and when about mid-channel
the boat was overtaken by a sudden gust of wind, and instantly upset, and the
above persons, together with two boatmen, were buried beneath the waves.
Mrs. Gill was in an advanced state of pregnancy, and was returning to Cardiff
to be confined. None of the bodies have yet been found, but part of the boat
and sprit-sail have been picked up. When the boat left Watchet, considerable
apprehensions were entertained for the safety of the voyagers; which have
thus been fully realized.

1 February 1823
On Tuesday last a meeting was held at Cardiff of a number of highly
respectable gentlemen interested in the trade between London, Cardiff
and the neighbourhood, for establishing a shipping company between these
ports, when Mr.James Thomas Walker, of London, who had instigated the
formation of a Joint Stock Company for this purpose, was called to the chair;
and after briefly explaining the advantages of such an establishment, it was 
unanimously agreed to; and the sum of £2,000 was subscribed in £50 shares,
in furtherance thereof. William Crawshay, jun., Esq. was then elected
chairman of the company, and six other respectable persons appointed as
directors for the general management. The vessels are to sail at stated
periods, whether having full cargoes or not; and there is no doubt that, by this
additional despatch in the conveyance of goods, the intercourse will be
considerably facilitated - Cambrian.

1 August 1823
Yesterday, at St.George's, Bloomsbury, Frederick Wood, Esq., of Cardiff,
To Mary, daughter of Wm.Crawshay, Esq., of Stoke Newington.

23 September 1823
We are sorry to state, that the banking-house of Messrs. Wood, Wood, and
Co., at Cardiff, stopped payment on Monday last - Cambrian

29 September 1823
John Wood, Cardiff, banker, Oct. 22, 23, Nov. 8, at the Angel-inn, Cardiff:
Solicitor, Mr.Gregory, Clement's-inn.

 1 December 1823
Certificates (of bankruptcy) to be granted, unless cause be shown to the
contrary, on or before December 20
J. Wood, Cardiff, banker.

30 July 1824
On the 25th inst., at her house at Cardiff, Mrs. Miers, relict of John Nathaniel
Miers, Esq., of Cadoxton-lodge, Glamorganshire; in her were combined all the 
virtues that adorn humanity, and her death is a general and afflicting loss.

23 August 1824
Hereford, Friday, August 20
Before Mr. Justice Park, and a Special Jury
The King v Thomas and others
"This was an indictment against Robert Thomas, David Williams, Thomas
Thomas, Jenkin Morgan, Benjamin Lewis, and David Williams, for a 
conspiracy to defeat the course of justice by suborning false witnesses. The
case arose out of an action of ejectment tried at the Great Sessions at Cardiff,
for recovery of certain large estates, said to be worth £60,000, in the county
of Cardigan. On that trial, in support of the case of the lessor of the plaintiff,
a family Bible was produced, containing entries of births, important to 
substantiate a pedigree. To destroy the effect of this evidence, witnesses
were called on the part of the defendants, whose testimony was directed to
show that the entries were forged, and that the appearance of the Bible was
given to it by artificial means for the purpose of the cause. After a trial which
lasted three days, a verdict was given for the defendants. The present
indictment was preferred by the unsuccessful party against the several
persons charged for conspiring to defeat the effect of the entries in this Bible."
There follow some lengthy arguments. The result being that the judge directed
the jury to acquit the prisoners.

16 March 1825
About eight o'clock on Sunday evening last, as Anne (aged 15 years), the 
daughter of Mr.D.Rees, of the Plymouth Arms, Merthyr-Tydvil, was returning
home from chapel, a sudden gust of wind got under her umbrella, and threw 
her into a deep brook of water (which runs through a tunnel under the Cardiff
and Merthyr canal into the river Taff), where unfortuntely she was drowned.
Search was immediately made for the poor girl, but the body was not found
till Tuesday morning, about two miles below Merthyr. 

29 March 1826
Monmouth, March 25
The assizes commenced here this morning
Thomas Jones, otherwise Thomas Thomas, was indicted for feloniously
intermarrying with one Anne Thomas, spinster, on the 17th October, 1825,
he well knowing that his former wife, Mary Jones, was then alive.
Mr.Maule opened the case for the prosecution.
David Evans stated, that he was a constable residing at Cardiff. On the 8th
of the present month he examined the parish register of Kenfigg, and there
found entered the marriage of the prisoner with his first wife, Mary Hawkins,
on the 23rd of March, 1818. Witness produced a true copy of the marriage
William Ware stated, that he was a blacksmith. He was present at the
prisoner's marriage with Mary Hawkins, in March 1818. After that, they 
lived together as man and wife usually do, and had children. The witness
saw Mary Jones alive on the 8th of this month.
On Mr. Baron Garrow asking the prisoner whether he would ask the witness
any questions, he said, that his first wife had left him, and gone to live with
Another man, whom she preferred.
The witness said he never knew that she kept company with any other man.
John Jones, a constable, here produced a true copy of the parish register of
Christchurch, in this county, where the prisoner was married, on 17th October,
1825, to his second wife.
Edward Lewis said he knew the prisoner, and went with him to be married, on 
the 17th of October, 1825. He then saw him married to Anne Thomas, at the
parish church of Christchurch.
Anne Thomas, the second wife, an interesting young woman, was then called,
And was a good deal affected. She said, the prisoner married me in October
last. He said his name was Thomas Thomas, and that he was a bachelor. I 
was, at that time, an unmarried woman. The prisoner lived at my father's, as
a servant. He paid his court to me, and at the time I married him. I had no 
notion that he was married to another woman. Before our marriage, I was
pregnant, by him. I shall be 21 years of age in May next. I was persuaded by
him to leave my father's house with him before he married me.
Mr.Maule said this was the case for the prosecution.
The prisoner, on being called upon for his defence, said, that he had parted
from his former wife six years ago. She parted with him of her own accord,
and told him that she preferred another man to him, and therefore he might
go where he pleased. She also told him that the last two children she had
were not by him. When he married Anne Thomas, he told her that he had
parted from his first wife, and he did not know whether she was dead or alive.
The jury found the prisoner Guilty.
Mr. Justice Park then addressed the prisoner, and expressed himself perfectly
Satisfied with the verdict of the jury. His Lordship said that there were
Circumstances of great aggravation in this case, because the prisoner had
destroyed the peace and ruined the character of an unoffending young
woman, and now attempted to palliate his crime, by alleging that he had not
lived in peace and harmony with his real wife. Even if such a statement were 
true, it would be no defence. His conduct was most infamous and scandalous,
for it appeared that he, a married man, with young children, had debauched 
the daughter of the person whose bread he ate, and to whom he was indebted
for employment. Under all the circumstances. His Lordship thought it would
not be fit for such a person to remain longer in the country, and he sentenced
him to seven years' transportation.

17 August 1826
A singular circumstance took place in Cardiff Church on Saturday morning
last. While the curate was performing the marriage ceremony for two young
people, the bridegroom behaved so indecorously that the clergyman was
under the disagreeable necessity of reproving him; this not having the 
desired effect, and the man being found unable from intoxication to repeat
his troth as required, the curate felt himself bound to stop the service, and
dismiss the couple unmarried. A precisely similar occurrence had taken place 
in Cardiff Church within the last six months.

21 June 1827
On the 2nd June, at Cardiff, Captain J.B.Minchin, to Charlotte Anna, third
daughter of the late Mr.Allen of Cardiff.

27 June 1827
On Saturday, the 2nd inst., at West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Mr. James Ayres, 
of Cardiff, to Maria Jepson, eldest daughter of Mr.J.T.Gritton,of that place,
and grand daughter of the Rev. George Jepson, Prebendary of Lincoln.

25 September 1827
Cardiff, Sept. 21 - The Harriet, hence to London, is totally lost on the Nash
Sand. Crew saved.

14 February 1832
Cardiff, Feb. 11 - The Maria Eliza, of Cardiff, in running into the roads 6th
inst., during a gale from W.S.W., carried away her main-boom by getting
foul of a brig at anchor.     
18 December 1834
An excellent draught-horse belonging to Mr. John Morgan, boatman,
Cyfarthfa, was bitten about two months ago by a dog in a rabid state,
belonging to Mr.E.Lewis of Cardiff. The poison continued for some weeks 
latent; but on Thursday in last week the poor animal was seized with the usual 
dreadful symptoms, and began pawing at the earth, which he scratched up 
violently and scattered in all directions. On his master venturing to approach
him the horse rushed at him in terrible fury, and Morgan only secured his 
safety by running hastily away and jumping into the canal. The poor animal 
was afterwards shot - Merthyr Guardian   

4 March 1835
On the 28th ult., at Cardiff, William Towgood, Esq., aged 76

20 March 1835
Mr. Nicholl, the member for Cardiff, the new Lord of the Treasury, is
appointed in the room of Mr. Ewart Gladstone, Under-Secretary for
The Colonial Department, who relinquished his seat at the Treasury
Board on accepting his present office. Mr. Nicholl is the only son of 
Sir J.Nicholl, the ecclesiastical judge.

24 July 1835
Three Lives Lost
On Monday week two young men of Newport, Monmouthshire, George
Oliver, jun., and Thomas Pain, started with their boat for the purpose of
witnessing the regatta at Cardiff, taking with them a boy named Driscoll.
The wind in the morning blew hard, W.S.W. when they were going down
the river. At the time of their entering the Channel the wind shifted to
W.N.W., and they endeavoured to beat down in the direction of Penarth. 
While reaching for the shore on the larboard tack, it is thought a sea struck
and swamped the boat. A person on the tower of St.Wollos' Church, 
aware of their danger marked and missed them opposite Peterston Church.
Several boats have been down to the spot, and succeeded in raising the
boat, and used every means to recover the bodies, but without avail. They
were excellent swimmers. 

14 September 1835
Police - Marlborough Street
Nathaniel French, formerly a linen-draper at Cardiff, but recently in the
Employment of Mr.Hodgkinson, draper, 91, New Bond-street, was
Charged by that gentleman with embezzling sums of money to a great 
Extent, and stealing a large quantity of goods.   
Mr.Hodgkinson stated, that having reason to suspect the prisoner, he
Caused his lodgings to be searched, when pledge-duplicates for six or
Seven pieces of linen were discovered of the value of between £30 and
£40, and also other articles which he knew formed part of his stock. A
quantity of bills was also found, made out to his customers, to the amount
of £300 and upwards, which he entertained no doubt had been received
by the prisoner and not accounted for. The prisoner had been two years and
upwards in his employ, and great confidence had been placed in him........
The prisoner had continued these transactions until detection became 
Inevitable, when he decamped; and it was not until after a diligent search
That he was apprehended.
The prisoner said nothing in his defence and was remanded,

31 August 1836
James Crosscomb, master of the brig William Irvine, of Cardiff, lost his life 
In Ramsey Bay, on Friday week. The vessel cast anchor in the bay, and the captain, 
accompanied by his wife, proceeded on shore to purchase provisions. A stiff breeze 
sprung up during their absence from the vessel, and in attempting to get on board again 
the captain was washed overboard and perished; his wife, to whom he had only been 
married about six months, was a melancholy spectator of his unhappy fate.- Cumberland 

19 October 1836
On the 26th ult., at Frankfort-sur-Maine, by the Rev. J.Lindsay, Theodore,
Baron de Dietfurt, to Annabella Jane Langley, third daughter of John
Langley, Esq., late of Cardiff, Glamorganshire.

22 November 1836
Union Hall - Yesterday, Charles Lewis, a seaman, belonging to the brig,
Barnsby, of Goole, was brought before Mr.Wedgwood, charged with
assaulting John Lott, mate of the Emerald Isle, schooner, by which he fell
overboard and was drowned.
William Davis, a sailor of the Glamorgan, of Cardiff, stated that on Sunday 
night he went on shore with a brother seaman, and spent the evening at the
Three Pipes public house, in Horsleydown. About half-past 12 o'clock, they
went to Pickleherring-stairs for the purpose of going on board and went off
In the ferry boat, accompanied by Lott the deceased, and Charles Lewis, the
prisoner. They all got on board the Barnsby, which was lying on the outside
of the tier, and the moment they got on deck, a large dog commenced 
barking at Lott, who, on crossing to go on board his own vessel (The Emerald
Isle), exclaimed "if this dog bites me I'll kill him". At this point the prisoner and
the deceased were standing alongside the starboard gunwale of the Barnsby, 
when the former said "If you strike that dog, I shall strike you". Some other
angry words passed between them, when witness who was standing at a 
little distance off, saw the prisoner hastily take off his jacket, and immediately
strike the deceased a blow, who staggered, and fell overboard between the 
two ships. The moment witness saw the man fall over the side, he went to his
assistance, and saw him struggling in the water between the two ships, and 
tried to save him, but it being flood tide, which was running up very strong at 
the time, Lott was hurried along, and in his struggles to save himself, caught
hold of a chain, which, however, he let go immediately; and while witness was
in the act of jumping into a boat to render further assistance, he saw the
deceased sink. Witness pushed in the boat towards where he observed the
deceased sink, but he could see nothing of him, and it was his opinion that 
he did not rise to the surface any more.
Mr.Wedgwood - were the prisoner and deceased sober at the time ?
Witness - they appeared to be rather the worse for liquor, especially the
deceased; but they were not what I would consider drunk - they were able
to walk and talk.......
Lewellyn Davis, another seaman of the Emerald Isle, confirmed the above
Account of the unfortunate transaction, and said that the deceased was 27
years of age, that he was a native of Carmarthen, and that he had only been
just married.
Mr.Wedgwood asked the prisoner, who seemed to be labouring under
Excitement of feeling, what he had to say in answer to the charge ?
Prisoner - The deceased and I had some angry words about the dog when
We got out of the boat that took us from the shore. On the deck of the
Barnsby, to which vessel I belong, the dispute ran very high between us, and
He threatened to kill the dog. I said that if he struck it I should strike him, upon
Which he struck me, and I returned the blow, and he fell over the side of the
The Magistrate said that he should commit the prisoner for trial for
Manslaughter, upon which charge he was committed.

6 December 1836
The shipping interest is very much improved of late and particularly as
regards the coasting trade. At Cardiff and Newport it is difficult to get vessels
to carry off iron and coal, and a considerable advance in freight has been the
consequence. - Bristol Journal

30 December 1837
At Cardiff, on the 23rd inst., the wife of William Wilcox, Esq., of a son.

12 December 1838
New Church at Cardiff - A numerous and highly respectable meeting was
held on Wednesday last, at the Town-hall, Cardiff, for the purpose of raising
funds to erect a church in that town capable of accommodating 2,000
persons. The chair was taken by Dr. Nichol, the member for the borough, and
the sum of £1,800 was subscribed at the meeting. The Marquis of Bute
contributed the princely donation of £1,000, the chairman £200, and the
remainder was subscribed in sums from£50 to £20 by gentlemen in the
neighbourhood. We understand that the site of the church will be in that 
part of the town where the spiritual wants of the poorer classes are most
(NB: St. Mary the Virgin Church)

22 February 1839
"The Glamorganshire papers have for some months been teeming with 
advertisements of the most _____promise, puffing the miracles (for they
are nothing less) said to have been performed by Baron Spolasco, in
healing all sorts of diseases.. We now find in the Merthyr Guardian the
following - The death of Susannah Thomas, a young woman of 22 years
of age, has produced great excitement in the town and neighbourhood of
Bridgend, The deceased had been on the night previous to her death
consulting Dr. Baron Spolasco, who gave her medicine to take, and 
directions how she was to take it. She took the medicine, but it did not
operate, and late on Friday evening she expired. On Saturday an inquest was
held on the body before Mr. Lewis Rees, coroner, and a respectable jury.
Dr. Verity of Bridgend, at their request made a post mortem examination of
the body; he found a perforation of the stomach cause by excited
inflammation. The  medicine found in the deceased was proved to be highly
injurious." The jury found "manslaughter" and a warrant was issued for the
Baron's arrest. He subsequently appeared before the magistrates, and was 
committed to Cardiff gaol, to await trial at the next Quarter Sessions. He
wrote to the newspapers saying that it was all "a foul conspiracy got up
against him".

2 August 1839
On the 1st inst., at St.Pancras, by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, Mr. George Abbott, of
Cardiff, to Eliza Jane, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin D'Aranda, of
Billericay, Essex.

10 August 1839
Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff - E.Barrett, having withdrawn from the business of
the above hotel, begs to express her grateful thanks to the nobility, gentry and
commercial gentlemen, and the public, who have so kindly patronised her for the
last 27 years, and respectfully asks for the continuance of their favours for 
her son-in-law, whom she feels will make it his study to merit.
R.Ainsley, having succeeded to the Cardiff Arms, hopes by strict attention, to
retain that support and success (?), which his mother-in-law has so liberally
experienced; no effort on his part will be wanting to ensure every comfort to 
those who may favour him with their patronage. The house is now receiveing
thorough repair, with entire new stabling, coach house etc. - Cardiff, Aug.7th
12 October 1839
A long article covering the opening of the Bute Dock - Too long to transcribe -

16 October 1839
A few months ago it came to the knowledge of the Marquis of Bute that, from the
depression of trade, a considerable number of the working classes and small
tradesmen of Cardiff were in distress. A list of the persons suffering was 
promptly and silently obtained by Lord Bute; after which every Monday morning
during the pressure each of the individuals affected by it received from an
unknown quarter an envelope containing a half-sovereign. Such is the veneration
in which the private virtues of this nobleman are held, that at the late
celebration at Cardiff numbers of the Merthyr Radicals, who had bitterly 
denounced his Lordship in the frenzy of 1832, attended to do him honour. On
a gentleman expressing to one of them his surprise at this change, he was
answered "Lord Bute is so good a man that our party can have no hostility to
him: we admire him as an honour to our county" - Bristol Journal

6 November 1839
Cardiff, 4 o'clock Monday afternoon.
The Mayor and Magistrates here having received some intelligence of the
Chartist intentions, assembled last night, and having summoned the staff 
of the Glamorgan militia, and the pensioners, kept watch all night. Every
thing, however, was quiet.
To-day, upon the arrival of an express from Newport with the above alarming
intelligence, still further measures were taken to preserve the peace of the
town, and the Mayor ordered some six-pounders to be placed at the various
entrances to Cardiff, manned by some sailors and the pensioners.
The following is a postscript to a letter received yesterday morning from
Pontypool -
"Another outbreak of the Chartists occurred last night; our town has been full
of confusion: the soldiers are expected to arrive this morning"  

 14 November 1839
A report of the trials of Chartist rioters - too long to transcribe in full, 
but the following extract gives the names of those committed etc
"The following list of the prisoners whose cases have already been disposed of 
has been kindly furnished:-
John  Frost, for high treason and sedition
Charles Waters ditto
John Partridge ditto
James Aust ditto
Thomas Davis ditto
Richard Benfield ditto
John Rees ditto
John Lovell ditto
Solomon Brittain ditto
George George ditto
William Jones ditto
James Morris, committed for one month
John Barrett ditto
John James ditto
William Jones ditto
Thomas Gibson ditto
Bound over in sureties to appear to any indictment-
Edward Frost and Charles Groves
Admitted to bail - Job Harris
Discharged - John Regan, Thomas Edwards, William Griffiths, John George, Arthur
Parker, Joseph Walter, John Slugg, Henry Jones, Robert Hodges, Henry James,
James Cantil, Henry Chardes, Thomas Auralius, Absalom Crook, Thomas Crook, 
William Purnell, and John Thomas
There are seven prisoners remaining in custody, one of whom is Henry Frost, the
son of John Frost, whose examination is looked forward to with great anxiety,
and will take place tomorrow. The court was much crowded today, expecting it
would come on. The country around Pontypool and at Merthyr is in a very
disturbed state, Colonel Considize having been sent for express to Merthyr in
the night. Three companies of the 45th have to-day marched for Cardiff and
Some of the witnesses interviewed were
Moses Scard, police officer at Newport; Margaret Jones, Bakehouse-lane, Newport;
Trial of JohnBowen and Lewis Thomas for high treason and sedition - 
Witness - Isaac Venn, special constable;  
Trial of John Thomas for harbouring a traitor -
Witnesses - William Parfitt Powell, special constable; Michael Jenkins, 
Boot and shoemaker of Market-street, Newport

(Full details can be supplied - contact me at

18 November 1839
Another long report of the trials relating to the Chartist riots.
People mentioned are
George Shell, a Chartist leader at Pontypool, killed by the soldiers
A Chartist named Bartlett arrested at Bath
William Cardo, shoemaker, of 16, Church-row, Pancras-road, Somers-town, an
emissary from the Birmingham Chartists to the Welsh Chartists
Henry Vincent, editor of the Vindicator
F.Burgess, Commissioner of Police
T.Phillipps, Mayor of Newport
Rev.J.Coles, magistrate
Mr.Brewer, magistrate
Mr.Octavius Morgan, magistrate
George Turner, charged with high treason and sedition;
Thomas Hopkins, of Stow-hill, Newport, son of Edward Hopkins, superintendent of
police for Newport - witness;
Daniel Evans, of Newport (opposite the Wetgate) - witness
John Rees, commonly called Jack the fifer - rioter
Samuel Williams, of Pillgwenlly, Newport - witness
Mr.W.Brewer, surgeon, of Newport
Henry Kear, of the Salutation, Commercial-street, Newport - witness
Herbert Williams, chemist and druggist, of Commercial-street, Newport - witness
S.Shell, father of George Shell - witness
Jenkin Morgan - rioter, apprehended at Bristol

(Full details can be supplied - cntact me at

22 November 1839
A further long report of the trials of Chartists
People mentioned are
Rev.J.Coles, Mr.O.Morgan, Mr.Brewer, Mr.Hall, Mr.Fothergill - magistrates
Mr.Gooch - attorney for John Frost
Mr.Roberts, arrested yesterday
Jenkin Morgan, milkman & chandler, of Pill-gwenlly, Newport, apprehended in
Maria Harper, wife of William Harper, of Pill-gwenlly, Newport - witness
Morgan James, labourer, of Pill-gwenlly, Newport - worker at Fleur-de-Lis
colliery, - witness
Jones, the watchmaker, of Pontypool
Zephaniah Williams - rioter
Parson Roberts
Mr.Crossfiel's warehouse
Waters, secretary of the Chartists
John Frost - rioter
Morgan Jenkins, blocklayer
Mr.Clarke - prosecutor
Benjamin Davis from Fleur-de-Lis
Frances Gibbons, wife of Thomas Gibbons, of Pill, watchman - witness
Mary Jenkins, wife of Morgan Jenkins, blocklayer, of Pill - witness
Moses Scard, police officer - witness
George Hodges, collier living near Blackwood - witness
Richard Pugh, keeper of the Coach and Horses, Blackwood
Mr.Prothero - attorney fot the prosecution
Mr.Thomas Jones Phillipps, clerk to the magistrates
Mr.W.T.H.Phelps - attorney for the prosecution
Samuel Etheridge, committed for high treason
Elizabeth Morgan, of Portabello - witness
John Lewis, keeper of the Tredegar Arms, Pillgwently - witness
Mapson Thomas Smith, farmer, of Maesglas farm - witness

23 November 1839
Report re the apprehension of Zephaniah Williams, Chartist leader.
People mentioned:-
Zephaniah Williams 
Samuel (sic) Box Stockdale, superintendent of police for Cardiff
Captain Williams, of the ship Vintage
Mr.Harford, Sirhowy
Thomas Jones Phillipps, clerk to the magistrates
Evan Edwards, watch and clock maker of Tredegar, accused of high treason
Ann Spooner, wife of William Spooner, of Tredegar Iron Works
William Phillips, special constable at Tredegar - witness
Walter William Homan, superintendent of police at Tredegar - witness
Henry Crow, special constable at Tredegar - witness
John Batton and Thomas Batton, father and son
Benjamin Richards, shoemaker, charged with sedition
John Gullymore, of Tredegar
Daniel Pywain and William Davies
John Jenkins, publican of Newport - witness
Israel Firman, of Gellygroes - witness

23 November 1839
Public Meeting at Newport to thank the gallant 45th for their brave defence
of the town
Thomas Hawkins, Mayor of Newport
Captain Stack of the 45th
Lieutenant Gray of the 45th
Ensign Stack of the 45th
Sergeant Daly of the 45th
Mr.O.Morgan, of Tredegar Park
Mr.T.Prothero, of Malpas

23 November 1839
Arrest of William Davies, Newport Chartist, at Canterbury
Trial before the magistrates at Canterbury 22 November 1839
Long report - details available on request

26 November 1839
Uneasy state of Merthyr - March of troops for Cardiff - Further examination
of prisoners
People mentioned :-
Roger Davies, of Blackwood - prisoner
Moses Horner - prisoner
William Horner - prisoner
Thomas Davies - prisoner
Mary Thomas, wife of William Thomas, of Mynysdae, Mynyddislwyn
John Hearn, carpenter, living near the Greyhound, Pontllanfraith - witness
Long report - details available on request

27 November 1839
Trials of Llewellin and Zephaniah Williams
Long report - details available on request

18 December 1839
On the evening of Sunday last, as Mr.Edward Parris, of the Taaff Vale Railway
office, Cardiff, was returning on foot from Cogan Pill, he was suddenly
encountered by two men, near a wood, and felled to the ground, before he was
well aware of their approach. It was very dark, and he could perceive only 
The forms of the two fellows standing over him, one keeping him down forcibly,
the other attempting to come at his pockets. Mr. Parris fortunately had a brace
of pistols in his breast pocket, one of which he drew, and fired at the man 
immediately over him, and who instantly dropped. The other villain immediately
let go his hold, and went to the assistance of his comrade, who was lifted up,
and both went off through the wood. Mr.Parris' coat was much torn in the
scuffle. He had no doubt of having wounded the culprit in the shoulder. A 
reward of £20 for the apprehension and conviction of the offenders. - Welchman.

27 December 1839
Dublin 24 December
Meeting at the Adelphi Theatre
A long report of a political meeting held by Mr.O'Connell MP 
A small part of the meeting was about the request by Cardiff Catholics to be
allowed, by Lord Bute, to build a Catholic church on his land. A request which
he had refused, and which resulted in an attack on him by O'Connell. However, it
was said, despite this refusal, the Irish in Cardiff had remained loyal during
the Chartist Riots. No Irishmen had joined the Chartists and 100 of them had
asked the mayor to swear them in as special constables. 

30 December 1839
Letter to the Editor of the Oxford Herald re the Marquis of Bute
My dear Sir, - Having shown Lord Bute the article relating to him, which 
appeared in the last week's Oxford Herald, he has desired me to make his best
acknowledgements of the kind notice which is there taken of O'Connell's attack
upon him. As usual there is no foundation in fact for the main statements
contained in the Bandon speech, (the 100 Irishmen who offered themselves as
special constables at Cardiff are nothing better than "Falstaff's men in
buckram") as you will perceive from the following extract, which his Lordship
has allowed me to transcribe from a letter from Mr.Williams, the late mayor of
that town -
(the letter says that 118 special constables were sworn in, mostly from the
most respectable inhabitants and tradesmen of the town, and a few mechanics,
who were known to the gentlemen present. There were also 14 paid men and the
Cardiff police, none of them were Irish - they were all Welsh. Then there were 
30 or 40 pensioners, mostly ex Glamorganshire Militia, and all Welsh. The letter 
appended a list of the names of the special constables and the 14 supernumery
police officers - these are not listed in the Times)

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