(Please note that spellings and punctuation are as published, so may not be correct in modern usage. Some of the articles relating to the Rebecca Riots are too long to transcribe. I have copies of most of these and can look up the details if required )

3 July 1840
Thomas Morgan, Llantrisant, Glamorganshire, victualler, June 12, July 14, at
12 o'clock, at the Cardiff Arms Inn, Cardiff

22 July 1840
A poor fellow who was employed as a porter in the Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire
Infirmary at Cardiff absented himself on Friday week in consequence of some trivial
quarrel with one of the establishment, and no intelligence could be had resecting 
him till last Sunday, when some boys prowling about the fields at the back of the
Infirmary discovered his body in a dry ditch in a shocking state of decomposition.
It appeared that in retreating to the field he had tied a ligature round his arm,
exactly where surgeons use it when bleeding a patient, then cut through the veins
in the usual place, and there bled himself to death. - Welshman

22 September 1840
After transferring the Royal Marines to the Queen, the Alban will proceed to Cardiff
to embark the 45th Regiment for Belfast.

3 October 1840
The Comet steam vessel, Lieutenant Syer, left Woolwich on Thursday for Cardiff, to
assist in removing the 45th Regiment to Belfast, and the 86th from Belfast to Dublin.

8 October 1840
Her Majesty's Commissioners have further to report that plans for 12 churches have
been approved of to be built at the following places, viz. - in the parish of St.Mary,
Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan;.....

12 October 1840
Plymouth, Thursday, October 8
The Comet steamer sailed the same day for Cardiff to embark troops for Belfast.

28 October 1840
Richard David, Newbridge near Cardiff, Glamorganshire, draper, Nov, 10, Dec 8, at
2 o'clock, at the Commercial-rooms, Bristol

29 December 1840
On Thursday Ann Davis appeared before the magistrates sitting at the Angel, Merthyr,
to crave their merciful interpretation to save herself and infant from destruction.
She was in great distress, and appeared exhausted with mental and bodily affliction.
It appears that the unhappy woman was the mother of a child, to which a low vagabond
fellow in the parish of Gelygaer was father. When the child was born she was in service
in the adjoining parish of Gellygaer, and there left it at the dwelling of its father.
For leaving the child in that manner she was brought before the magistrates of Merthyr
by the parish office of Gellygaer, and was committed to Cardiff gaol for a month for
the offence, she observing at the time she wished it had been for a longer period, as
she did not know what to do. The period of her imprisonment having expired, she was
set free, and now applied to the magistrates, saying that she had passed the previous 
night under a hedge with her infant, which she did not wish to murder, but which she
could not support ! The father neither would nor could support her or it. She would
be glad to be sent to gaol to keep them from perishing. The magistrates lamented their
inability to make any order in her case; all they could do was to request the parish
officers to give her a few shillings for the supply of her immediate wants. The poor
creature said. she had preferred coming to Merthyr to returning to her own parish, as
she did not wish to distress the feelings of her poor parents, who were unable, from
their poverty to relieve her or support her infant. Let the hard hearted advocates of
the bastardy clauses of the New Poor Law read this, and then say whether those clauses
are not mercilessly cruel in their operation !  Here is a poor creature compelled, in
an inclement season, with a sucking babe at her breast, to pass the night under a hedge,
imploring for incarceration in a gaol as offering her asylum from such horrors. Supposing
this forlorn being had in her desperation and misery destroyed her babe or herself, or
both, on whose head would be the fearfull responsibility of the crime ! We shall not
pretend to fix the imputation on any man or set of men, but we do say solemnly, let a 
statute which contains provisions so repugnant to the laws of God and nature be either
altered or repealed - Merthyr Guardian

13 January 1841
David Storm, Cardiff, Glamorgan, builder, Jan.25, Feb.23, at 11 o'clock, at the
Westgate Inn, Newport, Monmouthshire

25 March 1841
Yesterday the following painful intelligence reached the underwriters at Lloyd's, relative
to the loss of the Mary Stuart, of Cardiff, and the death of Lieutenant Smith, R.N., and
five of the coast-guard, which happenedon the morning of Tuesday last near Penzance, Cornwall.
At about half-past seven o'clock on Tuesday morning the inhabitants of Porthleven, a small 
village situate on the sea coast, ten miles from Penzance, observed a vessel lying off
Prad Sand Bay in distress. They immediately hastened to the spot to render assistance, but
the sea being rough, and the blowing a gale from the south-west, it was impossible to launch
a boat in safety. The vessel proved to be the Mary Stuart, a schooner, laden with iron ore
from Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, bound for Constantinople. It appeared to those on shore that
her rudder had unshipped, and the crew, fearing that the vessel would go on shore, let go the
anchor and brought her up about three quarters of a mile from the land. Unfortunately the
situation was one of the worst description, but the night being excessively dark, the crew
were unable to perceive the precise spot where they brought up, and at daybreak the gale had
commenced, and too alter the position would occasion her immediate destruction. Towards 9
o'clock the gale increaced in severity; and by 10 it blew a hurricane. The crew expected 
the vessel would every moment part from her anchors, and in the hopes of saving their lives
cut away her masts, which in falling overbiard nearly capsized the ship; however, she righted
and the anchors kept fast until about 12 o'clock, when a heavy sea broke her cables, and she
went ashore. By that period several hundred people had assembled on the beach, and there was
also a strong detachment of the coast-guard service, under the direction of Lieutenant Smith,
of the Royal Navy.
The spot where the ill fated vessel grounded was within half a mile of the shore, and Liutenant
Smith determined to make an attempt to reach the vessel, and accordingly one of the boats
belonging to the service was got in readiness, but owing to the heavy swell it was found
impossible to carry this intention into effect. In the course of an hour the sea became 
somewhat abated, Lieutenant Smith and five of the men jumped in and pushed off, amidst the
loud huzzas of the assembled multitude, but scarcely had the cheers died away before a 
tremendous wave broke over the boat, and swamped it. For a few seconds the gallant fellows
were seen buffetting the waves; their struggles were, however, of short duration, and they one
by one disappeared. What renders this unfortunate occurrence still more melancholy is, that the
whole of the persons who had been drawn to the spot beheld them perish without being able to
afford the least assistance to the brave fellows, and among them were the wives and children of 
four of them. At about 7 o'clock in the forenoon Her Majesty's revenue cutter Sylvia arrived
from Penzance, and succeeded in rescuing the crew, who were in an exhausted condition. The 
vessel, it is feared, will become a total wreck. She was a new ship, and this was her first
voyage. We regret to state, that none of the bodies, at the time our information came away, 
had been found. A general gloom pervades the place, the unfortunate men leaving 26 children
to lament their loss.

12 May 1841
George Gower, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, grocer.

30 June 1841
Iltid Evans, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, Ironmonger.

30 September 1841
Lloyd's Half-yearly meeting
£50 to the families of four coast-guardsmen and one fisherman, who were unfortunately drowned
in their laudable attempt to rescue, during a heavy gale on the 22nd of March last, the crew
of the Mary Stuart, of Cardiff, dismasted and in distress, off Prad Sands, in Mounts-bay;

13 November 1841
Admiralty Court, Friday, Nov.12
The Kara - Salvage
In this case the Kara, of Cardiff, with a cargo of wine from Messina to Bristol, on the 23rd of
March, got upon the Gore Sand, in the Bristol Channel. The steam tug Endeavour, which was employed
to tug vessels in and out of Bridgewater and Bristol, was getting up her steam, and hearing of the
accident, proceeded to the spot, and the vessel's jolly-boat having been put out with a rope, the
tug was connected with the Kara, and in about a quarter of an hour drew her off. The vessel had
lost her rudder, and had water to the extent of four or five feet in her hold. The value of the
ship, cargo, and freight was £3,000. A tender of £50 was made and rejected.
For the owners, the Queen's Advocate and Dr.Jenner, contended that the tender was sufficient for 
so slight a service, rendered without risk.
Dr.Phillimore and Dr.Robinson were for the salvors.
Dr.Lushington considered that, although the service involved no risk, and was of short duration, 
yet the tug had rescued the vessel from a state of danger, for he could not consider that a vessel
on the Gore Sand, a dangerous sand, with her rudder off, and making four or five feet of water, was
not in a state of danger. He thought the tender insufficient, and he gave £120.

21 December 1841
Court of Commmon Pleas, Monday, Dec.20
Crawshay v Thompson and others
This was an action on the case for the fraudulent imitation of the mark or stamp on the iron
manufactured by the plaintiff.
(Too long to transcribe, but it was between William Crawshay and his brother-in-law Alderman 
Thompson MP for Westmoreland, and his partners in Forman and Co. Crawshay used a mark W.C. in an oval,
Forman & Co, started using WO in an oval. Crawshay said that this mark was an imitation of his mark.
The verdict of the Court was for the defendants.)
(On 26 May 1842 there is a further report when Crawshay appealed, but he lost the appeal)

28 June 1842
Bowmore, Islay - The brig Pilot, of Cardiff, for Havannah, sank near the entrance to Lochindahl the
2nd inst: crew saved, and arrived here.

9 July1842
South Wales Circuit
Cardiff, July 8
Richard Edwards was indicted for the wilful murder of his mother, Tamar Edwards. The prisoner, who
pleaded "Not Guilty" appeared rather flushed, but otherwise did not seem to feel the awful situation
in which he was placed.
Mary Traherne, examined by Mr.Nicholl, - I am the wife of Jonah Traherne, mason, at Merthyr Tydvil. 
I knew old Tamar Edwards and lived next door to her. I know Margaret Edwards, the wife of the 
prisoner at the bar. She came to my house on a Saturday in April, about a week before the end of the
month. I had a conversation with her: she said she could not think where her mother-in-law was so
long. I went with her into Tamar Edwards' room. Before I went in I fetched a woman named Martha 
Walters to accompany me. When we got into the cottage Martha Walters lifted up the corner of the
curtain of the bed on which the old woman slept, and put her hand on the elbow of a dead body; it
was the body of Tamar Edwards. She was dead. I cannot say what clothes she had on, for I was too much 
frightened. The floorof the house had been washed and sanded to the door, and also to the tester of 
the bed. The room was a small one. The bedstead was high enough for a body to be concealed under it.
I know the prisoner Richard Edwards. I had seen him the Monday before the Saturday I went to the house.
He was standing by the deceased's door. He asked me "When did you see my mother ?" I said I did not
know when I had seen her; I thought she was down towards Llandabon as usual. The prisoner answered 
"Ay, it's down to Llandabon she is". When I went into the house the curtains of the bed were round 
the bed, and very nearly reached the ground.
By the prisoner - I saw you by the door on Monday
Martha Walters, examined by Mr.williams, gave similar testimony.
Mary Jenkins, examined by Mr.Nicholl, - I knew old Tamar Edwards when she was alive. I saw her on
Thursday, about nine days before her body was found. I saw her about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. She
was taking a jug of water by the door to her house. I did not see her go into her house, but she went
in that direction. My house is two doors from hers. She looked as usual, as if she was quite well. 
I was in the habit of seeing her daily carrying coal or water. I never saw her alive after that day.
I was at hime every day until the body was found, and must have seen her if she had passed. I don't
think I saw the prisoner at all after that time.
Gwenllian Jones, examined by Mr.Williams, - I live at Merthyr. I remember the body of Tamar Edwards 
being found; it was on the 21st of April. I know the day because it was the day of the great pay at
Victoria works. 
David Lloyd, examined by Mr.Nicholl - I live at Merthyr Tydvil, by the lower furnace. I remember 
when the body of Tamar Edwards was found. On that day I saw the prisoner at the bar; he was sitting
in the corner, on the right hand, as I went into Tamar's house. His wife, Margaret Edwards, was there
I asked him how he was, and lit my pipe at his fire. I then asked him where his mother was, as I said
I had not seen her that week. The prisoner said she had gone down to Llandabon. He said he expected 
her up with the trains from Llandabon that night. The trains run by the house of Tamar. The prisoner's
wife was washing the floor when I went in.
Jane Phillips, examined by Mr.Williams - I am the wife of William Phillips, a collier, living in 
Coedraw. The prisoner's wife is my brother's daughter. I remember hearing that the body of Tamar Edwards
was found. I heard it on a Saturday at 2 o'clock. Some time before that the wife of the prisoner, Margaret
Edwards, came to my house. On the Saturday before Margaret's mother brought her to my house. She slept
two nights at Eleanor Davis's house, as I had no place for her to sleep. Before she came to me I believe
she lived with her father, but I am not certain. Her husband (the prisoner) came to her on the Monday
before the body was found, at about 6 o'clock in the evening; she was then at my house, and the first 
words he said to her were "Peggy, what art thou doing here ?" She said she was obliged to go somewhere
that her father had turned her out of doors because he (the prisoner) had been there on Friday. The
prisoner replied - "Why didn't he throw thee over the door whe I was there ?" Margaret said, "because
he chose to keep me in the house by night and turn me out by day" He then asked her to come home with
him. She said she would not, and asked him where he was going to take her. He said to his mother's
house. She said "What, for your mother to turn me out, as she did before ?". The prisoner then said
"Between thou and me, my mother is ay Llandabon". I asked him if there was a fire in the house. The
prisoner said there were coal and sticks inthe house to make a fire. The prisoner's wife asked if there
was any victuals in the house, and he said his mother had made him enough bread before she went to 
Llandabon. His wife asked him to hold the little boy, that she might tidy herself to go with him. After
that they went out together, and the prisoner, in bidding me good night, said "Good night, Jane; when will
you come and see us ?"
Mrs. Williams examined - I am the wife of Richard Williams. On the Monday I remember seeing the prisoner
at the bar. It was the Monday before I heard that his mother's body was found. I saw him by his mother's
house about 5 o'clock in the evening. He was looking in through the pane. The cloak was across the window
a little higher up than where the pane of glass had been broken. It was across half of the window. He 
pressed the cloak so that he might look through the broken pane into his mother's house. When he looked
through the broken pane he could see the whole of the room and the bed, towards which he was looking.
I came on to meet him. He had left the house, and was coming to meet me. I asked him how he was, and told
him that his wife had been by his mother's house on the Saturday morning before that, and that I had told
her when she was there that I thought her mother-in-law was not at home. On the Saturday after I heard of
the finding of the body of the deceased. I asked the prisoner when he had last been at his mother's house.
he said he had seen her on Thursday night. I asked him if he had heard her talk of her intention of going
from home. He said he had, and that she went away on Friday morning. He asked me if I knew where Peggy or
Margaret (his wife) was. I said I did not know. The woman next door (Mary Traherne) told him where his wife
was. He then went up the tram-road in the direction of Caedran. I have been a neighbour of the deceased for
two years. She went from home sometimes. She was a pauper at Llandabon. When she used to go from home she
used to put a piece of calico or something like that at the window. I know the cloak which was before the
window; the deceased use to wear it; she had another cloak to go from home in.
Messrs. Davis and Dyke, surgeons, of Merthyr, deposed to the post mortem examination of the body of the
deceased, who in their opinion died of strangulation.
The prisoner having declined saying anything in his defence, the learned Judge summed up, and the jury 
returned a verdict of Guilty.
His Lordship then put onthe black cap, and proceeded to pass sentence of death upon the prisoner,
exhorting him not to entertain any hopes of mercy in this world.  
11 July 1842
Summer Assizes
South Wales Circuit, 
Cardiff, July 9
John Harris and Evan Lloyd were indicted for having stolen a receipt for the sum of £105, and divers 
pieces of gold, silver, and copper coin, to the amount of £15 and upwards, from the Odd Fellows Lodge
at Merthyr, of which they were members.
For the purposes of the prosecution, the ownership of the property was laid in the person of the treasurer
Evan Rees, the landlord of the house at which the society holds its meetings.
Evan Rees examined - I am the landlord of the Crawshay Arms, at Aberdare, in this county. An Odd Fellows
Lodge is held at my house; it is called the Loyal Wyrgan Lodge. I am a member of that lodge, the prisoners
are also members. David Davis and Benjamin Davis are the stewards. The money of the lodge is kept in a box,
which is in my custody. After the meeting of the lodge I took the box from the lodge-room and locked it up
in my desk. I saw it contained money and papers. There were two checks, a banker's receipt of the Brecon
old bank, sovereigns, copper, and silver. The box is the property of the lodge, but I am answerable for it
and accountable for its contents. Having some reasons, on the 21st of May, to suspect that all was not right,
I sent for the two men who kept the keys. They came, and tried the locks. Soon after the box was opened and
examined, and we found it only contained a stone and four half-pence. The prisoners having absconded I went
in pursuit of them, traced them to Bristol, and on the Thursday after succeeded in apprehending them. On 
their way to the station-house they confessed to me that they were guilty of having stolen the money. The
money is the property of the society, the officers of which are changed every six months. I saw he contents
on the 5th, and on the 14th the prisoners came for the box, and, knowing them to be members, I did not think
I was doing wrong in letting them have it, especially as the prisoner Harris was the secretary of the society.
Elizabeth Rees, mother of the last witness, deposed to the prisoners having returned the box to her after 
they had had it. When she received it she locked it up until it was had and examined by the two persons
keeping the keys.
Mr.David Evans examined - I am one of the partners in the Brecon old bank. The lodge had deposits in our 
bank - one of £105 and one of £20. On the 15th of May the prisoners came to the bank at about half-past
10 in the morning, and brought me a signed order for the money, and the vouchers which we had given when
it was deposited. I paid the money to the prisoners.
The police officer having deposed to the apprehension of the prisoners, and to the finding upon them of a 
considerable portion of the money, Mr.James, who appeared for the defence, contended that the prisoners 
were not properly indicted, in as much as they had obtained the money by filling up the order on the bank
with the names of the noble grand and the vice-grands of the lodge, and that, therefore, they ought
properly to have been indicted for uttering a certain forged order. Several witnesses were also examined,
to prove that the prisoners had said that they removed the money to place it where they could get better
interest for it; which Mr.James contended they had a right to do.
Mr.Baron Rolfe intimated, however, that he should allow the case to go to the jury, who found both the 
prisoners Guilty. His Lordship, however, respited the sentence, until he had taken the opinion of the
judges on the technical point raised.

26 July 1842
The murderer Richard Edwards, alias Tamar Dick, who suffered the extreme penalty of the law this morning
in front of Cardiff Gaol, has made the following confession 
"I was not alone when my mother came by her death; there were three present besides me. My child, ten months
old, was in bed in the room. When dead two women placed my mother in bed beside my little boy, where the 
corpse remained until the following day. The two other persons present besides me and my wife when my mother 
died were the nearest relations of Peggy my wife. These three persons told my father-in-law and my mother-
in-law's sister that they had passed that night on Cefn-Coed Cymmer. I gave my mother a blow about the jaw, 
because Peggy cried out that my mother was beating her. My mother fell down under my blow. Peggy, her mother, 
and brother, then laid hold of my mother. My mother did not speak; she groaned for some time. I saw Peggy 
and the other two squeezing her throat until she ceased groaning. I was in liquor; the others were not. This 
happened about 12 or 1 o'clock; and if Peggy had been allowed to be examined by me in the hall, I would have 
made all this known there. Peggy asked me to bury her.I said I would not, but that I would leave her there, 
for I was afraid that I should be seen. I told them they had killed my mother. They begged me to keep every-
thing secret. We all remained in the house until the dawn of the day. I then went up to Dowlais, and the 
others returned home to my father-in-law's, as they say, and told their story about being all night at Coed 
y Cymmer. I met my wife again about six o'clock in the evening of the following Monday, at her aunt's at Cae 
Draw (Jane Phillipps's), and we went together, the child in her arms to my mother's house. My wife placed the 
child in the opposite side of the bed to where my mother's body was lying. We then together dragged the corpse
out and placed it under the bed. We continued to live in the house during the rest of the week, sleeping five 
night in the bed under which the corpse lay. I was full of anxiety all the week, and on Saturday I started off, 
the day my mother's body was discovered, leaving my wife in my mother's house. I was from Saturday until the 
following Wednesday,when I was apprehended, in the Cash-house, at Duffryn, and wandering about. I tell the 
truth - the truth I should tell in the presence of God, where I shall be next Saturday - to you now. My blow 
did not kill my mother, for she groaned afterwards. Her death was caused by their meddling and scuffling with 
her on the ground, I know not exactly in what manner. I mean Peggy and her mother and brother were scuffling 
with her. Neither of these three charged me at the time with having killed my mother. This is all true as I 
shall answer to God. I know nothing of the death of any other human being male or female; if I did I should 
confess it now having gone so far; but I am guiltless of every other sin or crime except theft or murder. 
And now I have no more to say, having told the whole truth, and my heart is already feeling light. I began to 
feel lighter yesterday, when I determined and promised you to confess everything.
The X of Richard Edwards"
The whole of the foregoing statement was read over in Welch by Mr.Stacey, and explained to Richard
Edwards and signed with the mark, in my presence the 18th day of July 1842.
John B. Wood, Governor of the County Gaol.

5 September 1842
Dreadful Murder at Llantrissant and Suicide of the Murderess.
The inhabitants of the village of Llantrissant, Glamorganshire, were yesterday shocked by the discovery of
the mudered of a child by its own mother, with the suicide of the merderess. The following are the partic-
ulars :- The unfortunate woman who committed this double crime was, it appears, a Mrs.Evans, who with her
husband kept a secluded but respectable public-house called the Red Cow, about four miles from Llantrissant,
and one mile from Ton-yr-Efel. The inn is well known to all persons travelling that road, and the characters
borne by both Mr. and Mrs. Evans were highly respectable.
On the murder being discovered, a frightful spectacle presented itself at the Red Cow, which was speedily 
filled with friends and neighbours. Mr.Evans, the husband, sat in a state of complete distraction, and the
floor of the room where the bodies lay was covered with blood. It appears that in the morning Mr.Evans, who
is the owner of several houses at Cummer, on getting up proceeded to that place to receive some rents due
to him, leaving his wife and little boy six years of age at home. The child, from being their only one, was
a complete pet. Mrs.Evans was dotingly fondof him, and among the neighbours he was appropriately called "his 
mother's boy". Mr.Evans having left the house, what passed afterwards can only be a matter of conjecture,as
the only two persons who could give any account are no more.
About 10 o'clock in the morning a little boy who used to call to take Master Evans to school, called as usual
for him, but finding the doors and windows closed, he went away. He, however, remarksthat he heard a noise
inside, and from this circumstance it is not improbable that the murder was committed at that time. No 
discovery, however, took place until 3 in the afternoon, when the husband returned home from Cummer, and was
struck with surprise at finding the doors and the shutters of his house still fastened. After knocking for
some time ineffectually, Mr.Evans, with a person from Aberdare, who had stopped at the house at the time, 
forced the door, and on entering found that everything down stairs was in its usual order. His wife having
of late been of low spirits, he became greatly alarmed, and proceeded up stairs, the first object that met
his view was the lifeless body of his wife, suspended from a beam in the room. Her legs were trailing on 
the ground, and it was at first supposed that she was alive; but on cutting her down she was found to be 
quite dead, and on a closer examination it was found that before placing the cord round her neck her throat
had been cut. The manner in which the cord had been placed over the beam was peculiar. Mrs.Evans must have 
made two turns round the beam with the rope, then fixed the noose at the end, and with a view to prevent its
frustrating her deadly purpose, fastened it over a peg which was in the timber.
When the husband saw the body he had no idea of the death of hisson, and shocked as he was by the death of his
wife, it can scarcely be imagined how perfectly horror-struck he must have been when on proceeding to the 
parlour he discovered the body of his son lying in a pool of blood. his throat cut dreadfully. Quite overcome
the unfortunate man fell back senseless in the arms of one of the by-standers.
When we saw the body of the poor child it had been removed to a table, but the room remained in the same state
as when the murder was discovered. In a pool of gore lay a razor with which the murder was committed, and from
the blood marks which were all over the room, it was evident that the poor child must have struggled violently.
From the shutters of the room being closed, the person who first entered the room fell over the dead body of 
the little boy. It is not a little singular that although Mrs.Evans's hands and arms were covered with blood
to the elbows, yet not a trace of blood was found in the room where she hung herself. She must, it is supposed
have cut her throat down stairs, and then finding her attempt to destroy her life ineffectual, she hung herself,
having provided the rope and adjusted it beforehand. Mrs.Evans had of late been observed to be low-spirited,
but no apprehensions of her injuring herself were entertained. She had been heard to say that her husband would
do very well without her and the child. she also frequently expressed her fears that she should come to poverty.

28 September 1842
A female sailor
On Thursday week, just as the Lady Charlotte was about to sail from Cardiff, attention was drawn to a person in
sailor's dress, who was exhibiting money rather carelessly, and expressing great anxiety for the sailing of the
packet. Perkins, a constable, accosted him, and on refusing to give any account of how he got the money, or 
where he came from, took him to the stationhouse. Mr.Superintendent Stockdale, after asking a few questions,
suspected the apparent sailor-boy was a girl, and charged her with being so, which she resolutely denied. A 
woman was made to search her, and the young sailor turned out to be a very pretty-looking Welch girl. Finding
disguise to be useless, she gave an account of herself. Her assumed name as the sailor was Edward Williams, but
her real name was Mary Davis. She is 20 years of age. She lived with her father, who is a decayed farmer, about
nine miles from Merthyr, and between that place and Neath. Having a brother away from home, she determined to 
go in search of him. she had received a letter lately from him enclosing £5 and it contained a request that she
should come to him; this letter she had lost, and so entirely had she forgotten her brother's address that she
did not know whether the letter came from Americ, Australia or Ireland. Her purpose in the present instance 
was to go to Bristol, and thence to America. She was taken every care of at the station-house, and visited by
the worthy mayor and the Rev.T.Stacey, who after hearing her statements were convinced she was of weak mind. 
She was desired to be sent to the union-house, until her friends could be communicated with, and her money was
left in Mr.Stockdale's hands. She cannot speak a word of English. - Silurian

18 October 1842
Suspected Murder
The neighbourhood of Bute-street and places adjacent - the purleins of the Whitmore-lane, Cardiff - have been
excited in consequence of the death of Captain Carter, whose body was found in an erect position, between the
lock gates under the railway-bridge, crossing the new cut at the bottom of Bute-street. This lock is only of
small dimensions, and is used for letting in and out canal barges to and from the old Glamorgan Canal, at this
junction, to the new Bute Ship Canal. The singularity of the position of the body (being nearly midway between
the two gates, and, therefore, centrally erected in the lock) together with the finding of a pocketbook outside
the dock, gave rise to reports that the deceased had been murdered, robbed, and thrown in. A coroner's jury
returned the following verdict -  "We find, from the evidence adduced, that the unfortunate deceased was 
drowned in the junction between the new and old canal, but howor by what means he came there we have no reason 
to adjudge, otherwise than by accident. We fully concur, however, in the mysterious and suspicious appearance
touching the absence of the money known to have been in his possession, and consider there is every probability
of his having been robbed". - Welchman

14 November 1842
Female Sailor - Dreadful Death
It will be recollected that a few weeks since a girl was apprehended at Cardiff going on board one of the Bristol
packets in sailor's attire, on which occasion she stated that she was going to America to see her brother. We 
lament to state that the unfortunate girl, whose name was Anne Rees, and who was about 21 years of age, was burnt
to death at Merthyr, on Wednesday last. It appears that the poor girl, who is of weak intellect, had come to 
Merthyr in search of employment, and, not having money to pay for her lodgings, she went to rest in one of the
night lodging-houses, in which there is generally a fire, and having fallen asleep her clothes ignited and were
entirely burnt from her person before her cries brought any person to her assistance. On being discovered the
poor creature presented a shocking spectacle, her face, hands, thighs and abdomen being burnt in a shocking 
manner , the flesh on the thighs being burnt nearly to the bones. Surgical aid was imediately called in and she
was removed to the police-station, where every attention was paid to her, but after lingering in the greatest 
agony for 20 hours she expired.

20 March 1843
The Welch Collieries
Aberdare, March 17
In my last communication I stated that I should proceed to Aberdare. On my arrival
I found that the Scots Greys, having made a demonstration in the neighbourhood,
returned to Cardiff under the advice of the magistrates. In Monmouthshire the
whole of the colliers still continue on strike to the number of about 5,000, and
continue meeting in various parts of the hills. In Glamorganshire the works on 
strike were Mr.Powell's, of Gelly Gaer; Mr.Beaumont's, of Gelly Gaer; Mr.Hensell's,
of Pont-y-Preed; the Duffryn works, and one or two others. The strike in Monmouth-
shire having now continued for 10 weeks, a number of the Monmouthshire colliers,
to the number of about 700, came from Monmouthshire, and having crossed the Taaf
Vale Railway, they compelled the men of the Duffryn Aberdare works and the Gelly
Gaer works to strike, and from this the strike extended itself to other collieries.
In this state of things considerable alarm, of course, spread throughout the county,
and meetings of the magistrates etc were held for the preservation of peace, and 
the proprietors of the Gelly Gaer and Duffryn Aberdare works procured men from 
Dowlais who were willing to work, and placed them at the collieries. This, however,
not suiting the refractory colliers, they, on Wednesday proceeded to the works, 
headed by a number of women (under the supposition that the women might break the
law with impunity), and proceeded to drive the workmen from the pits and levels. 
The agent having remonstrated with them, his life was threatened unless he immed-
iately discharged the men, and showers of stones were thrown. shortly after, one of
the police having taken a man into custody he was immediately attacked; he, however,
succeeded in retaining his prisoner. Under these circumstances the Scots Greys were
sent for, and the 73rd Foot, stationed at Dowlais, were ordered to hold themselves 
in readiness. No further actual outbreak took place.
Some of the men having subsequently gone into work, a deputation of the Monmouth-
shire colliers came over, and a meeting was held yesterday at Lanvabon, where about
400 colliers attended. After a long discussion, the Monmouthshire men reproached
the others with a breach of faith, and the meeting ended angrily.
A large meeting was also held at Cross Penmawr. Monmouthshire, on Tuesday, when
they were met by Mr.Owen, attorney of Monmouth, who promised to lay a representation
of their grievances before the magistrates, and after addresing them for some time,
advising them to be peaceful and orderly, Mr.Owen adjourned to the inn to await
the deputations from several collieries, 42 in number, who were to draw up a list
of grievences. On the same day, some "volunteers" had been procured by Mr.Powell
from the neighbourhood of Dowlais, but on their arriving at the Duffryn Aberdare
works they were met by the men and their wives, and attacked in a violent and
riotous manner with stones, etc., and driven off the ground. Warrants having been
obtained against some of the ringleaders , Captain Napier, chief of the county
constablary, proceeded the same night to apprehend three of the men and two of
the women, who are now in custody and will be brought before a special meeting 
of the magistrates at Cardiff on Saturday, whence I shall forward you a report 
of their examination. I understand Mr.Owen has accepted a general retainer from
the colliers and will attend on their behalf.

21 March 1843
The Welch Collieries - Cardiff - A meeting of the magistrates took place on the
18th inst. with the view of inquiring into the cases of Llewellin Lewis and
Edmund David, who were charged with threatening and intimidating the workmen at
the collieries at Gelly Gaer. Mr. Evans appeared for the prosecution, and Mr.
Owen for the prisoners. John Lewis, of Dowlais, stated that, in consequence of
the colliers of Gelly Gaer having struck, he was engaged to work at those coll-
ieries, together with several other men. As they were proceeding to work they
were surrounded by a crowd of men and women, who pelted them with stones, and
compelled them to abandon their work. Jenkin Thomas, one of the men employed
saw the prisoner Llewellin Lewis in the crowd. Mr.J.Lewis remonstrated with
the mob. He returned to his brother workmen and informed them that they would
be allowed half an hour to make their escape. The workmen then left the 
contractor's house, to which they had fled for shelter, and made their escape
amidst a shower of stones. Lewis Lewis stated in evidence that he had, in
consequence of the strike among the workmen, obtained a fresh supply of hands
from Merthyr and Dowlais. When he arrived at Cardiff works he found a large mob
had assembled, and the most violent language was used. His life was threatened. 
A man of the name of Thomas Thomas, who was in the crowd, said that he would
drive his fist through witness's heart. Witness, considering the lives of the
new workmen in danger, asked for time to send them back again. Half an hour was
granted for that purpose. The mob, however, broke faith with the contractor. 
As soon as the new workmen issued from the house they were pursued by the crowd
of enraged colliers. Mr.Bruce Pryce spoke highly of the last witness. He had
examined the books and found that these colliers were receiving 25s per week,
and that the average rate of wages was 22s per week; and that, too, when wheat
was at a low price. Both prisoners were found guilty, and were sentenced, one
to three months imprisonment and hard labour, and the other to one month's 
confinement in prison.

11 May 1843
Westminster General Sessions, May 10
Mary Rees, a lady of independent fortune and highly respectable connextions, being
related to some of the first families in wales, and who resided near Cardiff, and
was formerly a milliner, was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 20th of April
last, a pair of white silk stockings, value 8s, the property of Nathaniel Hill, 
hosier, of Regent-street.
The prisoner was dressed in mourning, and wore a handsome black veil, so that her
features might not be recognized. The case having already been fully reported our
police intelligence only a short period since, a repetition of the evidence is 
(I will not give the detailed report of what happened but in summary, Mary Rees is
said to have gone into Hill's shop and asked to see some silk stockings. As she was
leaving the shopman challenged her and the stockings were found under her shawl. She
denied having stolen them and said that she must have picked them up off the counter
with her handkerchief)
Mr.Evan David, one of the directors of the Glamorganshire Banking Company, was called 
to character. In answer to several questions by the Chairman, the witness stated that 
the prisoner's name was not Rees, and hoped the Court would not press for the disclosure
of the real name. The prisoner possessed an independent fortune, which was left her by 
her mother. At one period of her life she had been a milliner in Cardiff.
Mr.Henry Morgan, one of the magistrates of Cardiff, gave the prisoner an excellent 
character, whom he had known for 20 years. She was extremely charitable, and also very
religious. A more charitable lady could not possibly exist.
The Chairman, in summing up, observed that he differed in opinion with several of the
judges with respect to character, and said that when character was given, it ought to
be sifted to the bottom. This was due to the prosecutor and the public, as well as 
the accused.
The jury, after an hour's consultation in court, retired. At 3 o'clock, having been in
consultation three hours, they returned into court, announcing to the chairman they were
unable to agree, and asked the chairman if there were not some little discrepancy in 
the evidence and cross-examination.
Mr.Chambers handed up his brief, and the answer of the witness was explained.
At a quarter past 6 o'clock the chairman again sent for the jury, and asked them if they
were likely to agree. 
The jury replied that there was not the slightest probability.
The Chairman said he would wait five minutes, when, if they could not agree, the jury 
must be locked up for the night. 
In two minutes after this announcement, the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.  

22 June 1843
Report on the Rebecca Riots
Details on request

28 June 1843
Report on the Rebecca Riots
Details on request

14 & 15 July 1843
Cardiff, Wednesday, July 12
The Llaleston (sic) Murder
A lengthy report of the trial of Edward Thomas & his wife Mary Thomas for the murder
of her brother William Howells of Pantrossyla, Laleston
Too long to transcribe but a copy can be obtained from me if required.
The main participants in the trial were:-
Edward Thomas - accused
Mary Thomas - accused - sister of William Howells, the deceased
Ann Thomas - witness - housekeeper to the deceased William Howells
William David - witness - servant to William Howells
Gwenllin Davis (Gwenllian Davies) - witness 
Jane Harry - referred to by Gwenlliam Davies - now deceased
W.Pritchard - witness - surgeon, of Laleston
Joseph Loosemore - witness - sergeant in the Glamorgan Police
Captain Charles Napier - witness - Chief Constable 
Thomas Jones - witness - police constable, Glamorgan Police
W.Herepath - witness - magistrate in Bristol &  "philosophical chymist" 
John Morgan - witness - a little boy who had been sent to get some beer for Howells
Mrs.Lewis - referred to by various witnesses as an "intimate" friend of Howells; said
to be his intended wife.
William Howell - witness - a farmer of Laleston
William Howells - deceased - freehold farmer of Pantrossyla, Laleston, aged 53; only 
relative was his sister, Mary Thomas, wife of Edward Thomas. He was unmarried but had
been friendly with Mrs.Lewis for many years and had said that he would have married
her years before if she had accepted. Howells and the Thomases drank beer with their
meals, usually home-brewed, but otherwise obtained from Mrs.Lewis. His death was 
initially put down to cholera, but the body was later exhumed and a post mortem showed
that he had died from arsenical poisoning. The arsenic was said to have been in the

7 September 1843
At Cardiff, on the 5th inst., Jane Mary Elizabeth, infant daughter of Dr.Pitcairn,
4th Light Dragoons

30 October 1843
The Report of the Cardiff Special Commission (on the Rebecca Riots)
Indictment against prisoner named Hughes
Too long to transcribe but copy available.
The main witnesses were:-
Captain Charles Frederick Napier - Chief Constable of Glamorgan
John Dillwyn Llewellyn - magistrate - one of those who accompanied Captain Napier
Lewis Llewellyn Dillwyn - one of those who accompanied Captain Napier
Henry James Peake - Superintendent of the Glamorgan Constabulary   
Sergeant Jenkins - one of those who accompanied Captain Napier
George James - Sergeant of police
Thomas Jones - police officer
John Price - Swansea police officer
William Robertson Williams - police officer
Peter Wright - police officer
George Evans - blacksmith of Pontardulais
Evan Griffiths - printer of Swansea
William Lewis - collector of tolls at Pontardulais-gate
John Morgan - road and land surveyor
William Cox - Governor of the Swansea House of Correction
J.Jones - farmer charcter witness for the defence
John Rees - farmer character witness for the defence
John Jones - innkeeper charcter witness for the defence
Richard Jones - character witness for the defence
The jury found Hughes Guilty but recommended mercy because of his previous good 

13 November 1843
A slave from the land of liberty
A runaway slave, belonging to an American vessel that lay out in the Penarth
roads last week, was found secreted on board a Waterford brig in the Bute-docks,
which he had entered some weeks previously as an able seaman. A strong party of
the American ship's crew, having ascertained his place of retreat, entered the
brig and forcibly bore off the unfortunate slave. Neither remonstrance nor 
resistance was offered on the occasion, and the Yankee trader having conveyed
the poor fellow on board, immediately set sail for his destination. The captured
slave was an excellent seaman, and bore upon his person many and severe marks of
his helpless condition, and the brutality of his task-masters. [It is a disgrace
to the people of Cardiff to have allowed this poor fellow to be recaptured and
dragged back by his tormentors from the sanctuary of the British soil]

12, 13, 14, 16 December 1843
State of South Wales
Reports of the Commission of Inquiry
These reports relate to the Commission set up by the Government following the
Rebecca Riots, and give useful information on the background to the riots.

5 January 1844
Fatal Coal-pit Accident
One of those disasterous explosions, from the accidental ignition of fire-damp, which so frequently attends mining 
operations in South Wales, took place on Monday morning last at the Dinas Coal Works,the property of Mr.Walter
Coffin. This mine in particular, has been for years distinguished for the extreme care bestowed inthe course of
the operations by the proprietor in guarding against the accidents so frequently attending of mining operations.
On Monday morning last it appears that about 150 of the men employed in the mine had partially set to work, when
a terrific explosion took place. The effect of this was fortunately confined to what is technically termed a 
"heading", where the deceased were employed. The custom, it appears, in order to guard against fire-damp in the
pit, was for a man to descend, for the purpose of securing the doors to the various headings, and exclude the
damp air that might have been generated in the interval between the leaving off and the resumption of work by 
the men. On Saturday night the person to whom this duty was intrusted entered the pit for that purpose, and, it
is supposed, neglected to secure the door to the heading where the explosion took place. A quantity of foul air 
was in consequence generated in this particular spot. On its contact with the candle used by the party thee it
immediately exploded. The rest of the men employed in the other headings immediately took the alarm, and escaped
to the mouth of the pit, whence they were drawn up. The only effect of the explosion on the machinery at the mouth 
of the pit was the displacing of a few stakes on the shore which protects the machinery. two lads were seriously
hurt-one had both his legs broken, the other sustained a dislocation of the arm. As soon as the explosion became
generally known, the utmost alarm and consternation was spread through the neighbourhood, and wives and daughters
tumultuously crowded to the mouth of the pit, anxiously inquiring the extent of the disaster. In the course of 
the day, all that skill, experience, and perseverence, under the guidance of humanity, could effect for the extr-
action of the sufferers, was resorted to, but 12 individuals, consisting of 8 men and 4 boys, were found missing
on calling over the list of names. These, unfortunately, from the nature of the operations, cannot be taken out 
without a new boring, an operation of considerable time and labour. The scene of this melancholy disaster is 17
miles from Cardiff, and has excited in that town and throughout the county a feeling of poignant regret.

22 March 1844
Bristol Bankruptcy Court
We learn that a dividend of at least 4s in the pound will in a short time be declared on the estate of John Wood,
a banker, at Cardiff, in which the last proceedings before the commissioners took place so long since as the year
1827 - Bristol Journal

17 May 1844
Extraordinary Case - Neath, May 14 
A highly-respectable jury was this day empanelled in the hall, to assess the amount of damages to be paid by Mr.
Rowland Fothergill, the wealthy owner of Hensol Castle, for a serious injury inflicted on Mr.Brown, the super-
intendent of his farms, with a pitchfork, on the 17th of August last. The dameges were laid at £1,000. Mr.W.
H.Cooke, the barrister, appeared for the plaintiff; Mr.Coke, of Neath and Mr.Davis, of Merthyr, for the defendant.
It appeared from the evidence, that Mr.Fothergill taking offence at an expression of Mr.Brown's, in a hayfield
on the estate, struck the latter with a pike, which broke in two pieces, and inflicted such serious injuries on
Mr.Brown, that he remained under medical treatment for nearly five months, and still labours under an injured 
vision and partial deafness, from which two medical gentlemen gave it as their opinion he would never recover.
The learned counsel in opening the case for the plaintiff, made a very eloquent and impassioned appeal for
excessive damages, stating among other acts of aggravation, that the assault was wholly unprovoked; that, 
notwithstanding the severity of the injury, Mr.Fothergill had evinced no contrition or sympathy with his victim
and had not tendered the smallest amount of amends, although the plaintiff was a person of superior attainments,
against whose competency and character not a charge was insinuated, and who, a stranger from Northumberland, in
a distant part of the kingdom, was thus left to seek proper redress for these injuries to his person and reput-
ation to the justice of a Glamorganshire jury. A number of witnesses described the occurrence in the hayfield -
the acute sufferings of the plaintiff, and the injuries under which he continued to labour from the effects of
the blow. No witnesses were called for the defendant; and, after a very brief summing up, the jury awarded the 
plaintiff £500 damages. The greatest interest was manifested in Swansea, Merthyr and Cardiff as to the result,
Mr.Fothergill being one of the principal iron-masters, and a magistrate of the county.

25 November 1844
Roll's Court, Westmister, Nov.23
Scale v Fothergill and others
The suit was by Henry and Mary Scale against Rowland Fothergill, William Thompson, MP, Thomas Seaton Forman,
MP, and Thomas Fothergill. The bill set forth articles of partnership of May 15, 1800, between Thompson, 
Hodgetts, George Scale, John Scale, and Homfray, all now deceased, whereby, after reciting alease from Glower
and Rigby to Thompson and others, of the forest manor of Llwydcoed, in the parish of Aberdare, Glamorganshire,
and of all the mines, with power of working the same for 70 years from the 20th of June last (1799), at the
rent of £1,000, and that the lessees took the lease with a view to work the mines ; the parties agreed that the
capital should consist of £15,000; further sums to be advanced at 5/- per cent.; no divisions of profits to be
made until the advances were repaid; Thompson, Hodgetts, and the two Scales to advance £11,250 and the remaining
quarter of the capital viz. £3,750 to be advanced by Homfray. The bill then stated various assignments of the
shares, and the deaths of all the original partners, the last survivor being George Scale, who died in May 1833.
The plaintiffs Henry and Mary Scale were the representatives of George and John Scale and the defndant Rowland
Fothergill, brother of the defendant Thomas Fothergill, was in 1833 appointed the manager of the works, which
were called "The Aberdare Iron Company's Works".
(In summary the Scales alleged that Fothergill had been selling the products of the works to the Taff Vale Works,
of which Fothergill and Thompson were partners, at reduced prices; also to the Penydarren works of which Forman 
and Thompson were partners. The judge said that the case should not have been brought to court because, with 
sense on both sides it could have been settled outside. He deferred judgement until he had read the affidavits)

10 September 1845
The Rhadamanthus steam-sloop, Master Commander Imrie, arrived at Cork on the 3rd, at 3 o'clock p.m. with super-
numeraries, whom she transhipped to the Daring the same evening, ......She sailed on the morning of the 5th for
Cardiff in Wales, to embark six companies of the 75th Regiment for waterford, whence she proceeds to Pater, in
Wales, for the remainder, and will take them to waterford.

15 September 1845
The Rhadamanthus, steam sloop, Master Commander Laen, left the Cove of Cork on the morning of the 5th, for 
Cardiff. .......The Rhadamanthus arrived at Cardiff at half-past 1 in the afternoon of Sunday, and observed
the Daring beating for KIng's Roads at sunset. On Monday the Rhadamanthus embarked the baggage of the 75th,
and Tuesday the troops, consisting of 22 officers, 5 officers' wives, 17 officers' children, 518 rank and
file, 56 women, and 53 children, in all 671; 80 tons of baggage, and two horses, under the command of Lieut-
enant Colonel Halifax, with whom she left on Tuesday, at 2.30 p.m., and passed the Daring, again working down
the Bristol Channel, at 4.30 p.m., two hours after leaving Cardiff. She arrived at Passage  at 7.30 on the 
evening of the 9th and anchored, left on the morning of the 10th, and arrived at Waterford at 10.20 a.m., 
all well. She disembarked the troops the same day, also their baggage, and took in 60 tons of fuel, after 
which she proceeded to Pater, near Pembroke, for two companies more of the 75th, which she will convey to

12 November 1845
Vice-Chancellor's Courts, Tuesday, Nov.11
Nixon v The Taff Vale Railway Company
This is a dispute between the plaintiff, who is an engineer, and the Taff Vale Railway Company, as to the 
amount due to the plaintiff under certain contracts for works executed upon the company's line between 
Merthyr Tydvil and Cardiff. The first contracy was entered into in April, 1838, by which the plaintiff
stipulated to execute certain specified works for a sum of £7,390, and to perform such other work as the
company might require upon certain conditions and at prices set forth in a schedule to the deed. As the
works proceeded the the plaintiff found it necessary to apply for assistance to David Storm, a contractor
at Cardiff, who was at that time under engagement to the company; and an agreement was entered into that
Storm should supply the plaintiff with advances at 5 per cent to enable him to carry on the works, and
also receive a bonus of £300 on their completion. This arrangement was carried into effect by a power of
attorney, in which Storm was empowered to superintend the works in the place of Nixon, receive all moneys
due to the plaintiff from time to time in respect of the work done, and refer any matter in dispute to
arbitration. The plaintiff, however, objecting that Mr.Dalton, the attorney at Cardiff, who prepared the
instrument, had given much greater power to Storm than was intended, an agreement was prepared and be a 
matter of form. The plaintiff consented and became a co-trustee with a person named Briscoe, and convey-
ances were executed in May 1824, vesting the trust property in Briscoe and the plaintiff. The trusts were
- to make sale of certain property; and to stand possessed of the purchase money, after deducting costs,
upon trust; to keep down the interest of certain encumberances, to make various payments, andto hold the
residue upon trust for the parties to the trust deed of the second part. The deeds were prepared by the
Whatleys, and executed by the plaintiff, who trusted entirely to their management, and did not meddle in
the trust. The estates were put up to sale by auction in 42 lots, all of which, excepting one lot, were 
sold, and deposits made, one half of which was received by the Whatleys. In 1829 the conveyances were 
executed and the balance of the purchase moneys paid. The sum received by the Whatleys was £2,348 13s 8d.
The elder Whatley died in 1838. His devisees and legatees were made parties to the suit, and his son, the
defendant proved his will, by which he charged his real and personal estates with his debts. The plaintiff
was afterwards served with a subpoena at the suit executed at the same time, providing that the power of
attorney, so far as regarded the management and superintendence of the works should not be acted upon 
without the consent of the plaintiff in writing, and declaring that the sole object of the power of attorney
was to give Storm an indemnity for any losses he might sustain, and also to protect him against any neglect 
of duty by the plaintiff. In a few months after this another deed betweenthe plaintiff and the company was 
executed, by which they were mutually released from the covenants contained in the original deed of April,
1838, and the contract professed to be transferred jointly to Nixon and Storm. The works were completed in
January 1841 and the sum due amounted, including the extra work, to £16,528. In the meantime, however, Storm
who had received upwards of £9,000 under the plaintiff's contract with the company, became bankrupt. Dispute
then arose as to the amount due from the company to the plaintiff; and the whole question involved in this
suit is the exact state of the account between the company, the plaintiff, and Storm's assignees. The company
allege that the plaintiff and Storm have received together nearly all that is due under the contract; and the
plaintiff insists that a sum of not less than £7,324 is due to him from the company. The plaintiff refusing
to permit his name to be used in an action by the assignees of Storm against the company, the matters in
dispute have been referred, under the power of attorney, to the arbitration of Mr.Stephenson, the engineer,
who had made an award, finding a sum of about £1,000 due to the assignees of Storm. The plaintiff having
given no consent to refer the dispute to arbitration, another question in the case, is whether he is bound 
by it through the operation of the power of attorney given to Storm.
The further argument stands adjourned

8 December 1845
On Tuesday morning the town of Merthyr was thrown into considerable alarm by the news of there having occurred,
on the previous night and that morning, three seperate deaths from drowning. One of them appears to have been
connected with circumstances that require explanation. Ann Meyrick, aged 23, the wife of John Meyrick, living
at Rhydycar, a small village in the vicinity of Merthyr, was, on Tuesday morning, drawn out of the Cardiff 
and Merthyr Canal, within a short distance of her own house, quite dead. On being taken to the house, the 
body bled profusely, and the blood was found to issue from two frightful gashes in the lower part of her abd-
omen. The bank of the canal was literally covered with blood, from the place whence she was taken out to the
archway over the canal - a distance of 40 yards. She was last seen in the company of her husband, with whom 
she left the Heathcock Tavern about 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, both of them very much intoxicated. He was 
seen coming home alone, and though inebriated, was not so far gone as not to be able to go and place some hay 
for the cow to eat. In the morning he was found asleep, his head resting on the table, as he had evidently not
been to bed. When he heard of his wife having been drawn from the canal, he began to cry; but to the spectators
it evidently appeared more feigned than real. He accounts for his not having noticed her absence, by stating
that she frequently slept at her father's house; and states, that on his way home in the early part of the 
morning, he had turned one side to obey a call of nature, while she went on, that he had never seen her since.
A coroner's inquest was postponed to Thursday , with what result we will hereafter relate. The man, John
Meyrick, has hitherto borne a most excellent character, and has always been accounted quiet and inoffensive. 
Some years ago he went to America, she promising to follow should the place meet his expectations. He could
not, however, prevail upon her to follow him; and in preference to living apart from a wife, whom he had always
treated with exemplary kindness, and to all appearances seems sincerely to have loved, he returned to mother
land. During his absence, she had not paid strict adherence to her marriage vows, and had become a very ardent
devotee at the shrine of Bacchus. From these causes, and her rather ungovernable temper, their matrimonial 
happiness suffered frequent interruptions; but on all occasions he was observed to treat her with kindness,
so much so as to have deserved and received the name of being a henpecked husband. such are all the particulars
we have been able to collect. Who the perpetrator of the diabolical deed is, is involved in an obscurity 
equally impenetrable as the darkness in which the scene occurred. The husband has, however, been taken on 
suspicion. - Cambrian     
6 January 1846
On Tuesday last the brig William IV, of Cardiff, John Douglas, master, owner, Charles
Williams, of the same place, was wrecked in Mannin Bay, near Clifden. She was in this 
port some time since and left for Kilrush, in ballast, where she took a cargo of oats
from Mr.P.Glynn, for London. She lost two of her crew, a lad and one of the seamen, by 
a sea washing over her. She was stranded about 10 o'clock a.m., and was abandoned by 
the crew at 4 p.m. She is a complete wreck; her cargo is all lost. She was boarded by 
the county boats, who commenced carrying off every portable matter. We regret to add 
that two brothers of the name of Naughton were killed in the night by the falling of
one of the masts upon them. - Galway Mercury

3 February 1846
The Floods in the West
The damage was equally serious at Cardiff, where the tide rose so rapidly that the
inhabitants, not having time to prepare for it, had the whole of their furniture 
which remained upon the ground floor destroyed. The damage done to the hotel in
the Bute Docks. kept by Mr.Jones, is alone estimated at several hundred pounds.
Lower down the Welch coast the rise of the waters was equally rapid and did immense
mischief. In Neath many of the houses were filled to the depth of upwards of six
feet. This was also the case at Swansea, where considerable damage was sustained. 
Higher up the Severn also the various villages suffered in like manner, and at
Combewitch, near Bridgewater, upwards of 1,000 sheep were drowned. Near Glasbury,
in Breconshire, the country had the appearance of a vast lake, the meadows for 
several miles in the direction of Builth being under water, and on Roath-common,
near Cardiff, the water was so deep that the posts marking the road were complet-
ely under water, and the London and Glocester mail was driven into a ditvh, there 
being no trace of the road. A lady passenger inside narrowly escaped drowning, the
letters were so injured by the water as to be almost illegible, and one of the 
horses was drowned.

15 May 1846
On the 13th inst., at St.George's Church, Hanover-square, by special licence. Philip
Thomas Gardner, Esq., of Conington-hall, in the county of Cambridge, to Mary Wright,
only daughter of William Hopkins, M.D., of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan.

2 April 1847
Taff Vale Railway
At a special meeting of the shareholders, held on Wednesday, at Bristol, the directors
were authorized to appoint a managing director, who is to reside at Cardiff and devote
the whole of his time and services in promoting the interests of the company; and to
enable the board of directors to carry out this arrangement £500 per annum, in addition
to the remuneration at present allowed the directors, was placed at their disposal.

17 April 1847
Admiralty Court, Friday, April 16
The Effort - Collision
This was a cause of damage. The suit was brought by the owners of the late steam tug
Dragon, which was sunk in consequence of a collision with the Effort, off the Bute
Dock, Cardiff, on the 22nd of April, 1846. The steam-tug was engaged in the Cutway, 
with two men on board, in picking up a buoy, and, according to her account, laid 
herself against the bank, leaving sufficient room for the vessels to pass in safety.
She attributed the accident to the improper manner in which the Effort entered the
Cutway. On the other side it was contended that the steam-tug ought not to have rem-
ained in the Cutway at all, but have given way to the Effort.
Dr.Addams, and Dr.Deane having been heard for the Dragon; and Dr.Bayford, and Dr.Twiss
for the Effort.
The learned judge inquired of the Trinitry Masters whether the steamer was to blame
for not giving way ? Was the excuse of want of room true or not ? and ought the 
steamer to have been where she was at that time and under the circumstances stated ?
The Trinity Masters replied, that this was not a case that could be judged by the 
rules laid down for nautical practice. The Cutway was not above 165 feet in width; 
it was merely a deepened channel through a mud bank, and was not navigable till half
flood. The tug placed herself in jeopardy by choosing too early a period of the tide.
The signal having been made for sailing vessels to enter they ought not to be 
subjected to doubt which might cause collision. No blame whatever attached to the
The Court pronounced against the claim, with costs.

4 May 1847
Appeal to the House of Lords in the case of Nixon v The Taff Vale Railway
Adjourned to 6 May 1847

8 November 1847
A most daring highway robbery, of which Dr.Bowring,M.P., and his brother Mr.Charles
Bowring, were the victims, took place on Thursday at noonday, near a place called
Corytraherne, in Glamorganshire, South Wales, on the high road leading from the 
town of Bridgend to Maesteg. Dr.Bowring, it appears, passed through Cardiff on the
mail, and on arriving at Bridgend got off and met his brother, Mr.Charles Bowring;
who is the manager of the Lynvi Iron works at Maesteg, and who had come to Bridgend
for the purpose of drawing the necessary funds for the payment of the workpeople in
the Lynvi Company's employment. They received from the cashier of the bank £600 in
sovereigns, £150 in silver coin, and £250 in bank-notes, making together £1,000.
The money was deposited in a bag, and placed in their gig, in which they both 
proceeded towards Bowring-ton, on their way to the works, distant about eight or
nine miles from Bridgend. When on the turnpike road, between Ydfa and Corytraherne,
it being about noon, two powerful men rushed out suddenly upon them, stopped the
horse, and presenting pistols to the head of each of the astonished gentlemen,
threatened to shoot them if they either spoke, moved, or refused to give up 
without an instant's delay all the money in their possession. Neither the Doctor
nor his brother had arms or any means of defence, and seeing the determination of
the fellows, and having no doubt that they would, if their demand was not complied
with, carry their murderous threats into execution, they deemed that any resistance 
would be worse than useless, and thought it better to give up the money and take the
chance of its subsequent recovery. One of the ruffians then placed the pistol to the
chest of the horse, a spirited and powerful animal, and shot him dead, in order to
put it out of their power to spread an immediate alarm, or give information to the
police before they could make off with their booty. The two ruffians then decamped
into an adjoining wood. Mr.Charles Bowring proceeded in search of assistance and,
having succeeded in borrowing a horse from a farmer, galloped at full speed to 
Bridgend, and gave information of the robbery. Meanwhile Dr.Bowring reached Maesteg,
and gave information at the worls. The police and the workpeople instantly turned
out to scour the country in search of the robbers, both of whom they succeeded in
capturing, and recovered the whole, or nearly the whole, of the hard cash, but the
£250 in bank bills was destroyed. One of the ruffians was found in a wood at Margam,
where after desperate resistance, he was taken; the other was found at midnight at
Taibach. They turned out to be both of them men who had been employed at the works,
and who must have known the fact of Mr.Charles Bowring having gone to Bridgend for
the money for the week's pay at the works.   
From a correspondent - Bridgend, Friday morning
We are happy to inform you that the two men who attacked Dr.Bowring, the member for
Bolton, and his brother yesterday, about four miles on this side of Maesteg, are 
captured. One was taken last night near Margam wood about 5 o'clock, with £130 in gold
on him; the other was taken at Taibach, about 11 o'clock, with £500 in gold. The silver
and notes are still missing. Mr.Bowring is here, and has identified the men, who stand 
committed to take their trial for highway robbery at the next Glamorganshire assizes
in March next.
The Maesteg works are all going on, with a reduction of wages of nearly 25 per cent. 
This has thrown many out of work, and no doubt from this cause arose the attempt on
The exertions of Superintedent Carr and the courageous conduct of Sergeant Sweeny, of 
the county police, assisted by the Margam and Taibach workmen, are beyond praise.

18 January 1848

6 June 1848
On the 27th ult., at the Parish Church of Coyty, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, and,
subsequently on the same morning, at the Roman Catholic Church in Cardiff, 
Chevalier Sebastian Fenzi, second son of Chevalier Emanuel Fenzi, banker, of Florence,
Italy, to Miss Emily Verity, youngst daughter of the late Abraham Verity, Esq., surgeon, 
of Bridgend, Glamorganshire.

21 June 1848
Foreign Office, June 16
The Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr.Richard Jones Todd as Consul at Cardiff for
the Grand Duke of Oldenburgh. 

20 July 1848
South Wales Circuit
Cardiff, Monday, July 17
Thomas Martin and Michael Leary were indicted for the wilful morder of John williams, in the
parish of Swansea, in this county, on the night of the 8th of May last. There was a second 
indictment against the prisoners for the murder of one Jenkin Evan, at the same time and place.
Mr.R.W.Grove and Mr.Benson conducted the prosecution; the prisoners were defended by Mr.
Sergjeant Jones.
It appeared from the case stated by Mr.Grove, and the evidence in support of it, that on the night
in question a party of labouring people were holding an assemblage, called by the natives a "Cwrw-
bach", at an unoccupied cottage on the roadside, between Lougher and Swansea. The object of these
meetings is to collect subscriptions among neighbours and friends for a young couple about to be
married, and on this occasion, as is too frequently the case, the parties assembled had drunk 
large quantities of beer, and the whole party, about 20 in number, were more or less intoxicated.
it so happened that on the night in question the two prisoners, accompanied by three other Irish-
men, had been paid off from one of the railway cotract works at Lougher, and were proceeding to
Swansea. About midnight they arrived at this cottage, and joined the party there, who supplied
them with beer and kept on good terms with them for some time, when suddenly a dispute arose
between a younger brother of Michael Leary and a Welshman about the low rate of wages at which 
the Irishmen consented to work. A general rush tool place towars the door through which the two
disputants had staggered and fallen together over the threshold, and in an instant the deceased,
John Williams, was stabbed to the heart by one of the Irishmen in the midst of all the party.
The other murdered man, Jenkin Evan, was coming down the road at the time, and hearing a cry of
"Murder" he appears to have seized hold of the younger Leary, who was the first man that ran out
from the courtyard in front of the cottage into the high road. Jenkin Evan was also instantly
stabbed to the heart, apparently by the same hand and weapon as had given the fatal blow to John
Williams. The Irishmen escaped in the darkness and confusion, and after passing the night in
swansea they set off the following morning for Cardiff but owing to the activity of the county
police they were apprehended in the course of that day.   
The only man who could give any direct evidence as to the actual perpetrator of this double murder
was the younger Leary, who swore to having seen Thomas Martin rush out from the doorway with an
open clasp knife in his left hand, and stab John Williams as he stood on the left side of the door.
This evidence was confirmed by that of several witnesses, who spoke to threats used by Thomas
Martin, which appear to have satisfied the jury that he was always prepared, in the event of any
dispute resulting in a personal conflict, to use a knife; and that he was actually so prepared
on the night in question.
Similar evidence was given by Michael Leary, but the only direct evidence against him was that of
several witnesses, who spoke to the fact of his having used a spade in the conflict, and having
struck some of the party on the head with it.
Mr.Serjeant Jonesmade a powerful appeal on behalf of the prisoners; and the learned Judge summed
up the case with great care and perspicuity.
The jury deliberated for about half an hour, and then returned a verdict of Guilty against Thomas
Martin for the murder, and against Michael Leary for aiding and abetting him in it.
His Lordship immediately proceeded to pass sentence of death against both the prisoners, holding
out to them no hope of mercy. The silence maintained during the early part of his lordship's very
affecting address to the prisoners was painfully broken towards the conclusion by the cries of their
unfortunate wives and children, who were waiting outside the court, and had received intelligence
of the result of the trial. 
The prisoners, who are intelligent looking men, both displayed the most astonishing indifference
throughout the whole proceedings.

16 November 1848
Murder at Cardiff
On Sunday morning last thetown of Cardiff, Glamorganshire, South Wales, was thrown into a state of 
great excitement by the death of a Welshman named Thomas Lewis, who was murdered in a most brutal
manner by an Irishman bearing the name of John Conners. A feeling of jealousy has existed for a long
time past between the Welsh labourers upon the docks and the line of the South Wales railway against 
the Irish, who have engaged to work at less rates of wages than the natives, and have consequently
deprived many of employment and driven them to the union workhouse. On every occasion that an oppor-
tunity presents itself this feeling breaks out with great violence, and demands the interference of 
the civil authorities to quell it. It appears that on Saturday evening at about 12 o'clock. Lewis,
accompanied by two friends and his wife, was proceeding along Mary Ann-street, towards his home, 
when, hearing a noise at the bottom of the street, he ran to see what was the matter, followed by
the two men who were with him. On reaching Whitmore-lane, which passes the lower end of Mary Ann-
street, he met with the man, Conners, of whom he inquired what was the matter. Conners angrily 
answered, "What's that to you ? Go on"; and Lewis replied "Don't be so saucy; you had better make 
the best of your way home". Upon which the Irishman said he should not go until he liked, as he 
could stand there as long as he pleased. Lewis then walked on with his party to the corner of David-
street, where he lived, and while standing talking to his friends, Conners threw a stone at him 
which hit him upon the leg. He then ran up Stanley-street, followed by Lewis, and when about 20 yards
from the bottom Conners, overtaken, made several thrusts at Lewis with a knife. e then ran away, and
Lewis staggered, but was caught by a sailor named Stewart, who took hold of him by the arm and asked
him if he was hurt. He made no reply, but fell with his face to the ground. At this time his two 
friends came up, and conveyed him home. A medical gentleman, named Evans was called in, but he
pronounced life to have been extinct some time.  On examining the body, four wounds were discovered
upon it. one extending from the ear on the left side down to the chin, another upon the front part
of the left shoulder, one upon the left breast, and one upon the right breast, which penetrated to 
the principal artery of the chest, and by causing the blood to flow into its cavities from the heart,
produced almost instantaneous death. On monday morning, about 12 o'clock, the district coroner, Mr.
R.L.Rees, opened an inquest upon the body at the Town-hall, which after sitting for six hours, was
adjourned until Thursday evening, to give time for the apprehension of the murderer. Five witnesses
were examined but their evidence only went to substantiate the above facts. On Monday evening the
excited and exasperated populace attacked the dwellings of the Irish, broke their windows, burst
open their doors, and burnt some of their furniture, and had it not been for the interference of
the police, a serious riot would have been the consequence. They also attacked the Catholic chapel,
demolished the windows, and did considerable damage to the priest's house.

12 December 1848
On the 9th inst., at the residence of her son, Mr.R.P.Davies, of the Rhymney Iron Company, deeply
regretted, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr.Edward Davies, of Cardiff, Glamorganshire, aged 60.

11 April 1849
Apothecaries' Hall
The following are the names of the gentlemen who passed their examination inthe Science and Practice 
of Medcine, and received Certificates to Practise, on Thursday, April 5, 1849 - 
Franklen George Evans, Cardiff

16 May 1849
Admiralty Court, Tuesday, May 15
The Marchioness of Bute - Collision
This was a suit promoted by the schooner Lady of the Isles against the schooner Marchioness of Bute,
to recover the amount of damage sustained by reason of a collision between them, about 20 miles from
Holyhead, on the 21st of January last. The Lady of the Isles, of the burden of 58 tons, was proceeding
from Liverpool to Terceira, in ballast, close hauled on the larboard tack, with her head bearing S.W. 
by W., the wind, as she alleged, blowing from the S. about half-past 9 pm she descried the Marchioness
of Bute a quarter of a mile on her weather bow, when she instantly ported her helm, but the Marchioness
of Bute kept her course and struck the Lady of the Isles a severe blow, doing her considerable damage.
The Marchioness of Bute was of the burden of 193 tons, and was bound from Cardiff to London. Her course
was N.E. by E., and according to her representation the wind was S.S.E. The master and mate had gone 
below to examine the chart, when a ship was reported on the starboard bow distant about two ships' 
lengths. The second mate, who was on deck, ran down for a light, and the collision occurred immediately
afterwards, which she attributed to the Lady of the Isles porting her helm. It was admitted by both 
parties that the night was extremely dark. A cross action was entered by the Marchioness of Bute.
Dr.Addams and Dr.R.Phillimore were heard for the Lady of the Isles; DR.Robinson and Dr.Twiss for the
Marchioness of Bute.
The Learned Judge inquired of the Trinity Masters by whom he was assisted whether the Lady of the Isles
acted right in porting her helm, and whether the second mate of the Marchioness of Bute on observing 
the other vessel approaching her ought not to have ported her helm instead of going for a light.
The Trinity Masters were decidedly of the opinion that the Lady of the Isles did all she could do
under the circumstances. The second mate of the Marchioness of Bute had sufficient time to port the
helm, and had he done so the collision would have been avoided. 
The learned Judge pronounced in favour of the Lady of the Isles. 

14 June 1849
To the Editor of the Times
Sir - It affords me great pleasure to see you turning the attention of the Nation to the drainage
question. Undoubtedly if the French people are too quick, the English are too slow. Year after year
have the scientific portion of the public been trying to rouse the public mind, but in vain; and
now that the cholera is at our doors we are panic struck.
No part of the kingdom has sinned more deeply in this matter than the town of Cardiff. Would you 
believe it, Sir, that a town like this, numbering from 12,000 to 14,000 inhabitants, has rested
contentedly without any general system of drainage ? You cannot walk through a single street in
Cardiff without having your nose assailed by stenches; at least, such was the case until within a 
week or two; for now we are white washing our walls, and cleansing the little isolated drains that
are scattered through the town, because the colera has appeared among us with a virulency propor-
tionate to our past neglect.
My object in writing is to beg of you to strengthen the hands of the few who wish to purify our 
towns, by keeping the subject before the public. The belief that the insertion of this letter will
have a tendency to produce this effect in some degree is my only apology for troubling you with this
Yours respectfully
A Resident of Cardiff
Cardiff, June 11    

16 July 1849
Melancholy fate of an aeronaut
Considerable anxiety has prevailed in the vicinity of Cardiff and Swansea, thoughout the week, regarding
the fate of an aeronaut named Green (not Mr. Charles Green of Vauxhall celebrity), who, it is feared, 
perished by falling into the sea in his ascent in a balloon from Cardiff on Monday last. The balloon was
the property of Mr.Wadman, of Bristol, who had been announced to make the ascent, but through illness
was prevented. Mr.Green undertook the trip, and took his departure from terra firma about 6 o'clock in 
the evening. Its course on leaving the earth was over the town in the direction of Penarth. Mr.Green
liberating a parachute wait a car attached to it as he passed over. The next morning about 5 o'clock 
the balloon was discovered at Wedmore in Somersetshire, lying on the ground, anout three parts filled
with gas, and not at all injured. No one was with it, but in the car a coat, neck-tie, pair of boots, 
and a pocket handkerchief, were found. Inquiries have been made along that part of the coast after Mr.
Green, but not the least intelligence can be elicited of his fate. At dusk on Monday evening, the coast
guard perceived a balloon crossing the Severn from the direction of Cardiff. It was close to the sea
when discovered, andone party states that he saw it dragging through the sea, and suddenly ascend to a 
great altitude. This leads to a supposition that Mr.Green abandoned the balloon to save himself by 
swimming , but perished in the effort - John Bull    

20 September 1849
On the 17th inst., at her residence in the Mall, Clifton, aged 78, Miss Hill, late of Cardiff, 

4 December 1849
Royal College of Surgeons
The following gentlemen having undergone the necessary examinations for the diploma, were admitted
members of the College at the last meeting of the court of examiners - 
Franklen George Evans, Cardiff

5 December 1849
Vice-Chancellor's Courts, Tuesday, Dec.4
Evans v Protheroe
This was a motion for a new trial of an issue directed out of this court, to determine whether Jenkin
Richards, under whom the plaintiff claimed, agreed in his lifetime to purchase certain cottages from
his brother Evan Richards. The jury at the last assizes for Cardiff found by their verdict that such 
an agreement had been made.
Mr.Walker, in support of the motion, relied - first, upon the admission of a document in evidence, 
purporting to be a receipt for the sum of £20, expressed to be the purchase money of the cottages 
in question, but upon an insufficient receipt stamp; and secondly, upon the observations with which
the learned Judge who tried the cause had left the case to the jury; in which, remarking on the will
of Jenkin Richards, he told the jury to the effect that it was not likely the latter, on the point 
of death, would have declared the property to be his own, as he had done, if that had not been the case.
The Solicitor-General and Mr.W.M.James, for the plaintiff, contended that the document had been properly
admitted, as it was stamped with an agreement stamp. The existence of the receipt stamp did not make
it a receipt. A document which in one character would require a stamp might, even if unstamped, be 
received for a collateral purpose. This had lately been decided by the House of Lords in the case of
"Matheson v Ross", on appeal from the Court of Session in Scotland. - Judgement reserved.

19 March 1850
Strike of Colliers
The Coroner's inquest on the body of John Thomas, whose death was caused by the burns and injuries
he sustained from an explosion of combustibles thrust into his bedroom, where his wife and family
were sleeping, was brought to a conclususion on Wednesday last at Aberdare. The chief witness ex-
amined was the wife, who, after stating the facts relative to the death of her husband, attributed
the fatal occurrence to her late husband's working in the colliery at a time when there was a strike 
amongst the colliers. A verdict of "Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown" was ret-
urned. On Monday last the colliers on strike, to the number of about 400, marched from the Cardiff
Arms, Aberaman, to the mountain adjoining the town, when a long discussion took place on the subject
of the strike, the dissenting ministers who attended the meeting recommending negotiations between
the masters and miners, with a view of coming to an amicable adjustment as regards the points in
dispute. After the speechifying had closed the ballot was taken, each man having given to him a 
white and a black pea; the black to signify the determination to remain on strike, and the white 
to go to work. When the hat was produced, the peas were all black, without a single exception. The
announcement was received with cheers, and one of the leaders said, "Have courage, boys, there is 
money enough to support you for six months longer". Thanks were then voted to the reporters and
dissenting ministers for their attendance, and the meeting quietly dipersed, the colliers returning
in procession to their head-quarters. The meeting lasted five hours, and was conducted throughout 
in the Welsh tongue - Globe

6 April 1850
On the 3rd inst., at St.John's Cardiff, by the Rev. C.Emerson, George Thomas Clark, Esq., eldest
son of the late Rev. George Clark, of Chelsea, to Anne Price, second daughter of the late Henry
Lewis Esq., of Park and Greenmeadow, county of Glamorgan.

3 June 1850
South Wales Railway
Every exertion is being made to open the portion of this line between Chepstow and Swansea as early
as possible. The line is to be worked by the Great Western Company. The corporation of Swansea 
intend to celebrate the opening of the railway in a manner worthy of such an event. The directors 
of the South Wales, the Great Western, the Taff Vale, and the Vale of Neath, together with the 
Mayors of Glocester, Newport, Cardiff, Neath, Carmarthen, and Haverfordwest, have been invited by
the corporation to a public breakfast inthe Assembly-rooms, swansea, on the day of opening the line.

17 June 1850
South Wales Railway
The opening of some 60 miles of this important railway, which takes place to-morrow (Tuesday), is 
an event which is exciting a good deal of interest, not in the southern principality only, but in
the whole of the western and midland districts, inasmuch as this line, when completed to Glocester
will open an important mineral field to the whole of the kingdom by means of connecting railways.

27 June 1850
The South Wales Colliery Strike
We are sorry to learn that the strike of the colliers in Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire still
continues. Our last report represents the following collieries as still suspended in Glamorgan -
The Church, the Tyr Adam, the Carngethin, the Cilvach, and the Clander; in Monmouthshire, the
Abercarne and Gwythen, the Cwmtilery, the Barcella, the Butteryhatch, the Rock, the Place, the
Waterloo, the Gwrhey, the Argoed, the Mamhole, the Ruepark, the Wellington, the Blencoon, the 
Penyven Hold, the Havod Vein, the Blaencuffin, the Penycoeda, and the Trynant. The strike is
doing considerable mischief to the ports of Cardiff and Newport, the chief outlets for these
collieries, numerous vessels have put in for cargoes havng sailed out empty. A comparison of 
the present rate of wages with the price of coal and the comparative price of coal and labour
some years ago, shows that the colliers have little reason to complain. In April 1844 the price
of coal was 7s 6d per ton, and up to the end of last year it was raised to 9s 6d per ton. On that
rise 6d per ton was added to the miners' wages; but the coal is now reduced to 7s 6d per ton
again, and the wages are now reduced 2d per ton.

1 July 1850
South Wales Colliery Strike
To the Editor of the Times
Sir - You state in your paper of the 27th inst. that the strike is doing considerable mischief to
this port, and that numerous vessels which have put in for cargoes have sailed out empty. The
statement, so far as Cardiff is concerned, is entirely erroneous. The Glamorganshire collieries
you name are situated in the lower part of that county, and ship all their produce from lower
ports; the Monmouthshire entirely through Newport. All the collieries supplying this port are in 
work; the difficulty is to obtain vessels, there is no want of freight. As such a statement is
calculated to mislead shipowners, and masters of vessels, and consumers also, will you be good
enough to insert this letter in your columns ?
I am, Sir, your obedient servant
James Banfield,
Coal Agent
Cardiff, June 28

8 July 1850
On the 3rd inst., Anne, relict of thelate Thomas Nevile Guest, Esq., of Cardiff, aged 64.
on the 7th inst., at Thythegston-court, Glamorganshire, Jame Emma, wife of the Rev. Robert
Knight, rector ofNewton Nottage.

10 July 1850
Foreign Office, July 6
The Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr.David Brown as Consul at Cardiff for His Majesty
the King of the Belgians.

12 July 1850
Vice-Chancellor's Court, Thursday, July 11
Stephen v Plowes
Mr.Roundell Palmer and Mr. Willes (of the common law bar) and Mr.Druce moved for an injunction 
to restrain further proceedings in actions brought by the defendants against the plaintiffs. The
defendants in equity were the owners of a cargo on board a ship of which the plaintiffs were the
registered owners. The learned counsel stated that the vessel in question, the Harriett, went to
sea from Cardiff in March, 1848, for Fernando Po, and having discharged her cargo, and after taking
another cargo, in February, 1849, she struck on a reef of rocks in the River La Plata, by which she
sustained great damage. The vessel then put back to Monte Video, where the captain discharged the
new cargo, and not being able to procure funds for the repairs from the agent of Lloyd's, he sold
the cargo, in which the defendants claimed property. It was asserted that the captain had not, as
he had been instructed to do, applied to certain correspondents of the owners. The statute, 53rd
George III., c.159, entitled "An act to prevent any discouragement to merchants", wasrelied on.
Mr.Russell and Mr.J.Wilde opposed the motion,.......
His Honour - Of course there must be a trial at law, as there are disputed facts and disputed law.

13 February 1851
On the 10th inst., at Plas Newydd, Cardiff, the wife of Captain George C.Jackson, of a daughter.

21 April 1851
Apothecaries Hall
The following are the namesof gentlemen who passed their examination in the science and practice
of medicine, and received certificates to practise, on Thrsday, the 17th of April -
Edward Evans, Cardiff, Glamorganshire

26 April 1851
Apothecaries Hall
The following are the namesof gentlemen who passed their examination in the science and practice
of medicine, and received certificates to practise, on Thrsday, the 24th of April -
John Williams, Cardiff, Glamorganshire

7 July 1851
Murder at Cardiff
A young man named James Loynes, who has for some time past acted as a bully to a notorious house of
ill-fame, situated in Whitmore-lane, Cardiff, has been committed to take his trial at the next assizes
at Cardiff for the wilful murder of Giuseppe Samucow, an Austrian seaman, by beating his head in with
a poker, without the slightest provocation. The murder was committed last Tuesday week, and the prisoner
immediately absconded, but was subsequently captured by P.C.Wright, of the county constabulary, at
Treforest. At the examination before the magistrates the principal evidence against Loynes was that of
Giovanni Forenpo, an Austrian sailor, who deposed that he was a seaman, and sailed in the same ship
as the deceased. He was in company with him onthe night of the fatal occurrence, and went with him
into a public-house kept by Catherine Thomas, where the deceased was struck with the poker. When they
got in, witness saw a girl who had stolen some money from him a few evenings before, and desired the
deceased to ask the girl for the money, as he could not speak English. The girl said she had no money,
and began to scream out. After that the landlady went outof the house, and returned in a short time
with the two men. The moment they came in she shut both doors and bolted them. One of the men took up
the poker from the fireside and struck the deceased on the head. The person who struck him, judging 
from his face, his hair, and his height, was the prisoner. Witness believed him to be the person. 
When the deceased received the blow he fell. His head was cut open, and witness and a companion picked
him up and took him to another house, where some of his hair was cut off and plaister puton the wound.
After that they took him to a druggist's shop; the druggist dressed the wound and put fresh plaister
on, and he was then taken on board ship. It was about 11 o'clock when they got on board, and in the
morning they told the captain what had occurred. The deceased remained in bed all day, and died about
half-past 5 o'clock in the evening. He was attended by a doctor on Wednesday morning, and when the 
doctor came in the evening he was dead. On looking closely at the prisoner Loynes, witness should say 
he was the man that struck the deceased with a poker. After the blow was struck he ran away. This
evidence was corroborated by Antonio Segowitch, another Austrian seaman. The constable Wright deposed
that on his apprehending the prisoner he said "I know I am the man you are looking for; I will not 
deny the charge". Witness told him afterwards that he was charged with the mouder of a foreign sailor
at Cardiff, when he replied "I do not deny that I am the man, but I did not strike the blow". Mr.Samuel
Wallace, the surgeon who attended the deceased, said that when he first visited him he found a plaister
above the left temple, on removing which he observed a contused wound two inches and a half in length.
He tried to probe it, but it being such a contused wound he could not reach the bone. The deceased 
could speak, and described his feelings, complaing very much of the pain from the wound. He seemed very
weak and faint. Witness applied some soft lint to the wound and made him lie down. He left him a little
composed , and desired that if any inflammatory symptoms took place he should be sent for. In about four
hours after he was sent for, and as he was going down he met another messenger, who told him the man was
dead. The wound was such as would be produced by the round end of a poker. He had subsequently made a 
post mortem examination of the body in conjunction with Dr.Edwards and found the skull fractured. He 
was of the opinion that death was caused by the blow inflicted by the poker or some such instrument. 
The prisoner declined to say anything in his defence , and was committed to take his trial for the
wilful murder.

16 July 1851
Daring Escape from a Railway Train - Bristol, July 14
Yesterday a powerfully built man named George Fisher, formerly a member of the Cardiff police force,
but who was in custody on several charges of burglary, managed by boldly leaping from a railway train
in motion, on the Bristol and Birmingham line, and when within about a mile of Bristol station, to 
effect his escape. It appears that Fisher had been discharged from the police force for misconduct, 
and it was subsequently discovered that he had long been connected with a daring gang of burglars, 
who had committed great depredations in the neighbourhood of Cardiff, and in the perpetration of
them it was ascertained that Fisher had taken a very active part. A warrant was accordingly granted
for his apprehension, but before it could be executed he absconded, and remained at large till the
close of last week, when Superintendent Stockdale, of the Cardiff police, succeeded in tracing him 
to Holyhead, where he apprehended him, and had him handcuffed prior to conveying him by rail via
Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and Bristol, to Cardiff. Between Birmigham and Bristol the 
prisoner complained that the handcuffs, from their tightness, and the time they had been on, had cut
into his wrist, and the superintendent, after ascertaining that the door of the carriage was locked,
took the handcuffs off one wrist. As usual, on the arrival of the train at the junction of the Bristol
and Birmingham and the Great Western lines, about one mile from Bristol, the train stopped, that the 
passengers' tickets might be collected. The railway guard , it seems, neglected to lock the door of
the carriage in which were the superintendent and the prisoner, after taking their tickets, and when
the train was again in motion the prisoner suddenly opened the door and leaped out. The police super-
intendent, at the risk of his life, jumped after him, but fell on the rail, and severely bruised his 
shoulder, which rendered him incapable of pursuing the prisoner, who ran through the engine-house of
the Great Western works, climbed the bank, and escaped into the wood at the No.1 Brislington tunnel.
A number of the Bristol police were at once sent in search of him, but as yet without success. He was
last seen by a labourer lying in a dry ditch (with the handcuffs on) between Bristol and Bath. 

11 August 1851
Crown Court
John Chivers alias King was indicted for a burglary in the house of Thomas Clark, at Bridgewater, on
the 4th of May, 1850
(In summary - the prisoner and an accomplice named Collins left the Horse and Jockey in Bridgewater
at 12 midnight, and went to Thomas Clark's house, about half a mile out of the town. They broke in
and took a quantity of plate, a jar of gin, and other articles. They then buried them in a dung-heap
and returned to the town. Collins was caught and committed for trial, when he told the police where
to find the stolen goods. They went there and retrieved some items, but the majority had already gone. 
They searched for the prisoner but he had escaped to Cardiff. Collins was sentenced to 15 years 
transportation. The following is the account of the capture of the prisner - "Subsequently, information
having been obtained that the prisoner was at Cardiff, Stockdale, the head of the police in that town,
accompanied by a constable, went in search of him, and discovered him working in a brickfield. The 
moment the prisoner saw them coming near him he started at full speed across the moors, followed by
Stockdale and the constable; a most exciting chase then took place. The moors were intersected with
streams and deep ditches, therfore the prisoner was compelled to leap them and alter his course. The
constable still pursued him until they had accomplished upwards of seven miles. He was then pressed 
hard, and was approaching a tidal river, which, from the nature of its banks, was very dangerous. The
prisoner then commemced taking his clothes off as he ran, till he had divested himself of every article
of clothing, and when he came up to the river he plunged in and swam across. THe officers got across by
a railway bridge and headed him. He laid down for a short time, got up again, and surrendered. Stockdale
took him into custody, and having procured a sheet, wrapped him up in it, and took him back to Cardiff,
and ultimately brought him to Bridgewater. 
The jury found the prisoner Guilty, and he was sentenced to be transported for 15 years."

4 September 1851
The ship Hibernia, of Cardiff, for Quebec, onthe 7th ult., in lat.47 N, long. 45 W, has lost chief 
officer overboard. 

23 December 1851
Appallimg Shipwrecks
The other vessel run down was the Eleanor, belonging to Cardiff. One of the crew went down in her, and
unhappily perished. The collision took place about 10 miles from Dorman. The remainder of the crew were 
rescued by the vessel which came into collision with the Eleanor, the brig Mimer, belonging to Hamburg.

15 January 1852
The New Docks at Cardiff
It is understood that the formation of the new docks at Cardiff will be commenced during the course of
February. The trustees of the youthful Marquis of Bute have accepted the contract of Messrs. Hemingway
and Pearson, and their contract will alone cause the expenditure of a quarter of a million of money, if
not more. The whole of this will be expended upon the formation of the docks, which are to be constructed
on a scale of great magnitude, as well as to be fitted with every necessary and convenience for carrying
on a most extensive trade. The gates will be constructed spacious enough to admit vessels and steamers 
of the largest class. The building of these docks will also involve the extension of railway accommodation
thereto, and the erection of warehouses, wharves, sheds, stages, etc., so that altogether the outlay of
money will be heavy.

24 February 1852
On the 14th inst., at Cardiff, the wife of Henry Scale Esq., of a daughter.

1 April 1852
Fortifications in the Bristol Channel
The Board of Ordnance have determined upon erecting a battery of guns in the neighbourhood of Penarth-
head, near Cardiff, and a party of the Royal Engineers have been engaged in examining and inspecting the
head and the adjacent coast, with the view of ascertaining and reporting upon the best site for the
construction of defences for the better protection of the Bristol Channel at that part. The battery at
Pater Fort, Milford Haven, is likewise to be altered, at an expense of nearly £2,000, and it is said 
that additional defences in the Haven are to be erected at a cost of £5,000

12 April 1852     
Apothecaries Hall
The following are the namesof gentlemen who passed their examination in the science and practice
of medicine, and received certificates to practise, on Thrsday, the 8th of April -
Joseph Lewis, Cardiff

17 April 1852
Portsmouth Garrison
The 48th Regiment leave this on Monday next and folloeing days in four divisions, for Newport, Brecon, 
Cardiff, and Carmarthen. The headquarters for Newport, Wales.

14 May 1852
The Colliery Explosion near Aberdare , Glamorganshire
Cardiff, Tuesday evening
The great catastrophe which occurred at the Middle Duffryn Colliery, the property of Mr.Thomas Powell,
was briefly announced in our last number. We now append further particulars.
The firemen proceeded into the pit as early as 4 o'clock on Monday morning, and made the most minute 
investigation, when they found all safe and freefrom gas. At a subsequent period, somewhere about 7
o'clock, a second fireman took the place of the others, and made additional investigations, when he
saw some indications of a "fall", or loose rubbish, etc. about to drop fromthe roof of the deep head-
ing. He at once communicated this fact to the agent, who was on thework, who directed a party of men
to carry thither timber to prevent the fall. 9 o'clock had now arrived, and just at this time the agent
and others who were on the surface heard the report of the explosion. They guessed at once the fatal
catastrophe, from observing, also, the large volume of foul air driven up through the upcast shaft,
where a steam jet was at work to draw off the outrushing air. Skipley, the agent, immediately proceeded
down the winding shaft, and met a few men acending, terror-stricken, and half-choked by the "afterdamp"
He still descended; but before he came to the situation of the lowermost ladder, found that it had 
fallen or had been blown away. He, therefore, descended to the bottom by a rope, where he found two of
the party dead, whom he had sent to repair the roof of the delf heading, where the fall was apprehended.
He groped his way for a short distance, with others who had gone down with him, and shortly found two
or three poor fellows, half insensible, groping their was back to the pit. These were at once assisted
to ascend by means already provided in lieu of the broken ladder, and the exploring party then went on.
They presently came upon a heap of dead bodies, within 100 yards of the pit. In the general rush towards 
the meansof escape, and while yet possessing but slight strength to escape, one had doubtless fallen, 
and those who followed him, stumbling over the body of the first, fell also exhausted and dying. This 
heap of dying men increased with a frightful rapidity, until further egress was choked up. Passing over
this mound of the dead, Skipley and his men, although suffering much themselves from the "chokedamp",
rushed on in search of living men. Alas ! they only came upon another heap of the dead, some 50 yards 
from the first, where, also, perhaps, one had fallen from greater exhaustion, through longer exposure
to the firedamp - their work having been further in the levels - and succeeding comrades fell over him
until the passage also was choked up with a pile ofthe dying and dead. In these two piles lay nearly 
60 men and children who, in the fruitless attempt to escape the terrible afterdamp - more fatal than 
the firedamp - had tumbled down upon each other and miserably perished. A father and two sons were
found among one of the heaps of the dead. The poor man in his frantic eagerness and anxiety to save
himself  and his two sons had clutched one under each arm, and thus sought to escape; but alas ! death
seized them in their terrible embrace, and all three fell together still clasped to each other among
the ghastly dead.
As we yesterday said, the recognition of the dead at the pit's mouth was a terrible spectacle, at which
humanity shudders, and detail of which is too harrowing forour pen.
The catastrophe is at this moment being made the subject of an official investigation by Mr.Herbert
Mackworth, the Government inspector, who was recently appointed the successor of Mr.Blackwell, resigned.

22 July 1852
On the 15th inst., suddenly, at Cardiff, aged 53, Lieutenant R.D.Hyde, royal Navy, and youngest 
son of the late Rev.G.Hooton Hyde, rector of Wareham, Dorset

7 October 1852
The Pilotage of the Bristol Channel
Yesterday afternoon a meeting of shipowners, merchants, and others interested in the question of 
the pilotage ofthe Brisol Channel was held at the Town-hall, Newport. Mr. Crawshay Bailey, M.P.,
presided, and among those present were Coffin, M.P. for the Cardiff boroughs, and Mr.
Price, M.P. for Glocester, the Sub-Commissioners of the Trinity Board, etc. The meeting arose
out of a preliminary one convened a fortnight ago, at which a circular from the Trnity Board to
the Sub-Commissioners of Pilots, announcing the intention of Government to revise generally 
throughout the kingdom the system of pilotage, was considered. At that meeting it was stated
that the pilotage of the Bristol Channel being in the hands of the Bristol corporation, it was 
only in consideration of the Channel being opened to the pilots of the various ports that any
diminution of the present charges could be expected.
The Chairman said they had met to consider a great grievance connected with the different 
ports in the Severn - namely, that the Bristol pilots should have the monopoly of the Severn.
In the year 1851 they had sail from Newport 487 vessels under 300 tons. Now, for thes, the 
Bristol pilots were allowed to take £10 16s each,; this, on 487 vessels, amounted to £5,259;
and there were 238 vessels above 300 tons which had left Newport. On these they had a claim 
of £12 18s each, which amounted to £3,070, and the two together came to £8,329. He understood
there was a new pilot bill coming before the House of Commons, and it would be their duty to
watch that thoroughly, and get this clause altered if they could, taking it away from the
Bristol people and giving it to the different ports.
Mr.Sturge, of Glocester, remarked that the chairman had only taken the maximum rates of pilotage;
the charges were - under 100 tons, £3 3s; under 200 tons, £4 4s; under 300 tons, £5 5s; and 300
tons and upwards, £6 6s.
Mr.W.Coffin, M.P., observed that masters of vessels coming along the English shore could come
into Newport and Cardiff without any pilots at all. The consideration now was how was the evil
to be got rid of. If a general act was brought forward regulating the pilotage of the whole of
the kingdom, they might get a clause inserted into that act; but if no such act was contemplated
it would be better for the ports of Swansea, Newport, and Cardiff to unite and bring in a bill
themselves (Hear, Hear). To effect this the required notices ought to be immediately seen to.
It wouldonly be attended with a small expense. 
Mr.Latch reminded the meeting, in speaking of former attempts of the kind which had failed, that
the Bristol corporation were very powerful, and no doubt they would protect their rights.
(Other speakers were Mr.Webb, a large shipowner, who urged the meeting to take steps to abolish
the Bristol monopoly; Mr.Davis, Mayor of Newport; Mr.Price, M.p.; Mr.Hellicar, merchant, one of
the port-masters of the Society of Merchant Venturers of Bristol (he suggested that the Society 
be asked to co-operate as he didnot think they would object to a well regulated pilotage), Mr.
Lyne, R.N. (he supported Hellicar))
After a very lengthened further discussion, it was ultimately agreed upon that the chairman
should address a letter to the Government with a view of ascertaining whether they would bring
forward a bill regulating the general pilotage of the kingdom. A resolution was also passed for
the formation of co-operative committees in the various ports of the Channel above named.
(two letters were also sent to the Trinity Board)       

3 January 1853
Murder at Cardiff
A murder has been committed at this port under these very mysterious cicumstances:-
an Irishman named Timothy Harrington, a labourer at the Cardiff docks, was found 
by a policeman severely wounded by cuts in the side and bowels. It seems that a
policeman on the Taff Vale Railway, which runs down the docks, hearing cries of
"Murder" near the docks, hastened to the spot, and found Harrington lying on the
ground bleeding profusely from wounds in his bowels, and vomiting blood. Having
procured assistance, the unfortunate man was conveyed to the infirmary, where
notwithstanding the attention paid to his case, he died next morning. Shortly
before his decease he rallied a little, and his dying deposition was then taken
before Mr.Griffith Phillips, a local magistrate. This statement, however, which 
was very meagre, thre little light upon the affair, the patient appearing un-
willing to inculpate anyone, but merely affirming that his wounds were inflicted
by two Greeks. An inquest has been commenced upon the body and adjourned for the
present. At the inquest (held before Mr.Lewis Reece, the local coroner) a watch-
man on board a vessel called the Madomac, of Boston, lying in the docks, named
Henry Simpson, deposed, that he heard the cries of "Murder" twice in succession,
followed subsequently - half a hour after - by groans; but he did not move from
his post. About that time two seamen belonging to the vessel returned to their 
ship. These two men, whose mames are Gabriel Gibson, a Swede, and Richard Keenan
alias Morris, an Irishman, have been taken into custody, and on Thursday were
examined before the local magistrates. The only evidence against them was the 
fact of their coming to their vessel about the time of the murder, in doing which
they must have passed the spot where the deceased was afterwards picked up; but,
in the expectation that further and more conclusive evidence will be brought for-
ward, they are remanded for the present. The Government has offered a reward of
£50 for the detection of the murderer. To this sum £10 has been added by the local

7 January 1853
Railway Intelligence
South Wales
The electric telegraph is being laid down on this line. At Cardiff the posts and
wires are being put up, and the work is progressing satisfactorily. It is intended
to lay down the telegraph from one end of the line to the other, so as to be able 
to communicate from Milford to Glocester, London, Liverpool etc

10 January 1853
The Cardiff Murder
The inquest on the body of the unfortunate man Timothy Harrington, whose death took
place under circumstances briefly mentioned in The Times of Monday last, has been 
resumed and concluded. (there follows a restatement of the circumstances as at 3
January above) 
The following is the substance of the evidence adduced at the adjourned inquest:-
Mrs.Ann Harry, wife of the landlord of the Duke of Wellington public house, deposed
that the deceased was in the habit of frequenting her house, and that he was there
on the night of the murder. He came about 10 o'clock, and left at 20 minutes to 11.
He had had two pints of beer, but did not appear drunk. He said he was going home
when he left, and was alone when he quitted the house. Police Superintendent
Stockdale stated, that nothing had been found upon the deceased, and that, although
he had no further evidence to offer at present, he believed the perpetrators of the
murder would be discovered. After a few questions of no moment had been put to the 
witnesses and police by the jury, the coroner proceeded to sum up the evidence, and
said there could be no doubt that a foul murder had been committed, and he thought
the jury would be justified in returning a verdict to that effect. The jury accord-
ingly returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown".
It is believed that sufficient information has since been obtained to lead to the
commital of Gibson and Keenan. It appears that after the unfortunate man had left 
the Duke of Wellington on the night of the murder he was seen in company with two
men. On Thursday the two prisoners were placed with others in a yard in the gaol,
when two witnesses immediately picked them out as the men they had seen with the
deceased. A further inquiry is to take place before the magistrates.

11 March 1853
South Wales Circuit
Swansea, March 9
The assizes terminated here last evening.
Gabriel Gibson and Richard Keenan, both young men, were charged with the wilful
murder of Timothy Harrington, at Cardiff, on the 27th of December last.
(The details of the murder, as given above on 3 January are repeated, except that
the report says that Harrington first went to The Hibernian Tavern, and then to 
the Duke of Wellington. The follows some further information -)
About the same time the prisoners , who were sailors on board the Madomac, a foreign
vessel lying at the docks, returned to their ship, having been ashore during the
evening. In their possession were found two knives , which Dr.Williams, of Swansea
examined with a microscope, and on which he is said to have found remains of human 
blood, which he was able by practical knowledge to distinguish from the blood of
other animals. Dr.Williams, however, was not examined, for the case broke down 
before he was called. The evidence to connect the prisoners with the deceased, was
that of a man named Howell, who deposed that at a quarter to 11 o'clock he saw
Harrington being dragged along near the dock by the two prisoners. He asked 
Harrington to come with him, but Keenan threatened him if he interfered. The
prisoners held Harrington by the arms and dragged him along. It was a moonlight
night, and the witness afterwards picked the prisoners from others at the prison.
The witness, on being cross-examined, admitted that he had been imprisoned 14
days for stealing a rope.
Mr.Bell, surgeon, of Cardiff, who examined the deceased's wounds, on being shown
the knives found in the possession of the prisoners, gave his opinion that they
were not sharp enough to produce the wounds of which he died.
His Lordship then put it to the jury whether it was worth while proceeding further,
and they being of the opinion that unless stronger evidence could be brought forward,
they could not convict the prisoners, a verdict of Not Guilty was returned.

17 May 1853
Training of South Wales Militia
The Regiment of Monmouthshire Light Infantry have received orders to assemble, for
the purpose of training and exercise, at Monmouth on Thursday next, the 19th inst. 
The number of volunteers now enrolled is upwards of 650, and they will assemble for
28 days' duty. Upwards of 1,000 recruits have been enrolled for the Glamorganshire 
Militia, which will be called out for training on the 20th of this month. The place 
of assembling will be at Cardiff, where the old Town-hall has been prepared for the 
reception of arms and accoutrements. The Brconshire Rifles assembled on the 10th 
for duty at Brecon. The total number of men to be raised this year is 288, and there 
are still 92 required to make up the proper number. The Carmarthenshire Militia have 
not yet made up its quota, and it is expected that the ballot must be had recourse to. 
The regiment will be called out before the close of the month. 

25 May 1853
Foreign Office
May 21
The Queen has been pleased to approve of Don Edward Alvarez y Gutierrez as Consul at
Cardiff for Her Majesty the Queen of Spain.
3 June 1853
The Glamorganshire Militia have assembled at Cardiff for the purpose of undergoing 
a month's drill; and a body of 16 picked men (non-commissioned officers and privates
of the 1st Regiment of Foot) have been draughted to Cardiff for the purpose of
instructing the volunteers in the routine of the drill. Nearly 1,000 men are 
assembled and the whole force presents a most creditable and soldierly appearance;
and, auguring from the steadiness and precision with which the various exercises 
and movements are executed, there is no doubt that the regiment will prove as 
efficient as any in the country.

20 June 1853
Royal Glamorgan
Prior to the dismissal of the men of the Royal Glamorgan Light Infantry Regiment
of Militia to their homes, the following regimental order of the commandant,
Lieutenant Colonel Knox, has been placed in their hands -
"In dismissing the volunteers for the Royal Glamorgan Light Infantry to their
homes, the Lieutenant Colonel commanding has much pleasure in congratulating the
regiment upon the progress it has made during its first period of training. By
their attention to their military duties the men have obtained the approbation 
of their military superiors; by their orderly conduct in billets they have 
acquired the esteem of the inhabitants; and they have in all respects so done
their duty that they now return to their homes with a just and honest pride in
themselves as belonging to so fine a regiment"
The volunteers will be called out again in October. About 900 men attended the
present call. The full establishment of the regiment comprises - 3 field officers,
10 captains, 20 subalterns and staff, 1 sergeant-major, 36 sergeants, 36 corporals
and 1,086 privates.
(On 27 June the Times published a letter from the Mayor & chief magistrate of Cardiff
W.Williams, to Lieutenant Colonel Knox, congratulating him and his officers on the 
conduct of the Regiment during its 28 day training period in Cardiff)

20 June 1853
Royal College of Surgeons
The following gentlemen having undergone the necessary examinations for the 
diploma, were admitted members of the college at the meeting of the Court of
Examiners on the 17th ins. -
C.E.Vachell, Cardiff

6 July 1853
It is a fact worthy of notice, that scarcely any vessels have left the southern
Welsh ports this year for North America which have not carried out with them
full and heavy cargoes of iron in lieu of sailing in ballast, as custmary; and
that vessels, instead of laying up during the winter season, have been most
actively employed. The demand for shipping may be inferred from the large number
of foreign ships of considerable size which frequent Cardiff, Newport, Swansea,
Bristol, Glocester etc. and readily obtain good freight. The greatest difficulty
id still felt in obtaining ships at moderate freights for the shipment of coals, 
and small class vessels are taken up for the transmission of the "black diamonds"
to the coal depots of the ocean steam companies. The scarcity of seamen is still 
felt in consequence of the great demand for shipping abroad, and many vessels 
have waited for a long time for want of hands, and now able seamen are eagerly 
caught at.

29 August 1853
Shocking Suicide
A very painful sensation was created on Friday at Cardiff, owing to the shocking
suicide of a youth named Henry Marklove, only 16 years of age, and the son of a
highly respectable corn merchant of that town. The following are the brief particulars
of this melancholy case:- It seems that on Friday Mr.Coleman of Llandaff, directed one
of his men to look over the farm to see that no trespassers were damaging his fences 
and crops. While this person was going through a cornfield near the river Taff, he 
saw a man lying on the ground, and conjecturing he was tipsy called out to him, but
did not receive any answer. Mr.Coleman's servant then approached the intruder, took
hold ofan arm, and, on lifting it, was horror-struck by the discovery that he was
dealing with a corpse. Being much alarmed he istantly ran to Llandaff Mill where
he arrived in a state of great agitation and mentioned what he had seen. The whole
place was in commotion, and several persons hastened to the spot, when to their
astonishment, they discovered the lifeless remains of the unfortunate youth. It was
soon apparent that death had been occasioned by disharging the contents of a pocket
pistol through the brain, the charge entering the forehead, and the deadly weapon was
found by the side of the hapless boy. A ladder was procured, and the remainsof the 
poor young fellow borne to the Halfway public-house. An inquest has since been held
on the body by the coroner, Mr.R.L.Reece, when it was stated that a paper had been 
found in the pockets of the deceased upon which he had written "Dear papa, I am sorry
for what I have done ......I am, dear father, your affectionately , Henry Marklove"
On the back of the above was the following:- "My name is Henry Marklove; my father lives
at Cardiff". The jury returned a verdict that the deceased had shot himself while
labouring under tempoary insanity. It seems that the father of the deceased had given
him the choice of a profession or business, but nothing would do for him but the sea.
He was received as a supernumerary apprentice on board a fine ship , the Annie Fisher,
in which he had not long since returned from South America, and had been on a visit
to his father and family at Cardiff. He left by railway on Monday week, and from that
time his movements were involved in mystery, and it is difficult to conjecture the
motives which led him to commit the rash act. The sympathies of the public have been 
much awakened on behalfof his bereaved father.


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