(Personal names after Ship Names are the names of the ships' captains) This information was obtained from The Times (newspaper). Heading dates are the dates
of publication. I have tried to transcribe the information as published with regard to
Whitby ships etc.I do not have additional details on these ships or their masters etc
unless, either it is on my other Whitby pages, or the person concerned is one that I
have a specific interest in. However, please feel free to e-mail me at
bob.sanders59@ntlworld.com You may also find the Yahoo ! Whitby Group helpful regarding
some of those named and the ships concerned.
ENTRIES FROM THE TIMES NEWSPAPER RELATING TO WHITBY SHIPPING & RELATED MATTERS - 1800 - 1829 10 February 1800 "From Admiral Milbanks, at Portsmouth, to Evan Nepean (?) Esq, Mercury, Spithead, Feb 6 Sir I beg to acquaint you that on the 24th January, cruizing agreeably to your orders, I recaptured (Scilly bearing N by E 28 leagues) the ship Aimwell, of Whitby, from Quebec bound to London with a valuable cargo; she had been taken 25 days before in lat 49 deg 30 min N long 13 deg 30 min W by L'Arriege, French privateer, belonging to Bordeaux......." 11 December 1800 Reference to ships which had made their escape from Russia Ports includes the Centurion of Whitby. 18 December 1800 "The Active, Anderson, from Whitby to London is captured and carried into Holland" 24 November 1804 "Yarmouth Nov 22nd Yesterday morning two large ships got on the Newcome, and every means were usedby the yawls to get to their assistance, but every attempt proved abortive, as the
sea ran so very high.......The crew of the other, the Albion, of Whitby, John King,
master, which had thirteen feet of water in her hold, and the water still gaining
fast, were obliged to run her on to the Home Sand, off Lowestoff. The ship and
cargo are lost. She was three hundred and forty-three tons burden, laden with coals
and glass, and on her first voyage." 21 December 1804 "Hull Dec 18th The Industry, Dahlstron, of Whitby, was wrecked off the mouth of the Humber, on 3rd
inst. The crew were saved" 20 November 1807 "Whitby Nov 14th The sloop Endeavour, Richardson, of Whitby, there is reason to believe, is lost, with
her crew near the mouth of the Tees; Part of her stern having been found upon the
neighbouring sand" 12 December 1807 "The Andalusia, of Whitby, George Bayne, Master, from Riga to London, with a cargo
of hemp and deals, and the Britannia, of Newcastle, J English, master, from Stockholm
to Hull with a cargo of iron and deals, part of which had been taken by the enemy off
the Dogger Bank the 1st inst. Have been driven to Heligoland by stress of the weather" 30 July 1811 "The Adventure, Snowden, of Whitby, from Leith for Quebec, was lost the 24th of May
last in the Gulf of St.Lawrence. Crew saved. This is the identical ship which the
circumnavigator, Captain Cooke, sailed round the world in. She had a thorough repair
at Whitby last year" 16 August 1811 "On Friday last was lost near Shields, the Happy Return, of Whitby, crew saved. She
was the oldest ship in the trade between Whitby and Newcastle, being built in 1688,
the year of the Revolution" 10 August 1815 Whitby 9 August 1815 Arrived the Valiant, from Greenland, with 14 fish, also the James, Smith, from ditto, with three fish. Captain Smith says, fishing at Davis's Straights this year has been very bad; the ships in general only getting from two to three fish. They have had much bad weather. HIs crew provisioned their boats twice, with the intention of leaving the ship in the ice, when the weather clearedup and became more moderate" 17 October 1817 "Davis's Straits Fishery .....Whitby ----- James, full; Valiant 14 7 August 1818 "Greenland Fishery Arrived at Hull the 3rd inst. the John, 13 fish; Shannon, 13 fish; and Duncombe, 8 fish; Arrived at Whitby 4th inst. the Cherrub, with 33 fish; and Monarch, with 7 fish. The Enterprise, of Lynn, passed Shields Bar on the 3rd inst with 11 fish" 4 September 1818 "Portsmouth Sept 2 ……..the ship London, of Whitby, for Batavia, in lat 12.30, long 25W. All well." 27 October 1818 "At Stokesby, on the 24th inst by the Very Rev The Dean of York Miss D Heaviside
to Robert Barry, esq. Of Whitby" NB: Robert Barry was a Whitby Shipowner 21 December 1819 "The effects of the late gales were apparent in the books at Lloyd's yesterday, which exhibited the following melancholy list of losses and disasters at sea:- ……..the Agenoria, of Whitby……have either been driven on shore or sustained severe damage from the gales" 5 January 1820 "The Roseberry, of Whitby, in entering that harbour on Saturday, struck against the West Pier, carried away her bowsprit and foremast, stove in her stern, and received other damage" 17 October 1821 "Davis's Straits Fishery Whitby - James, full; Valiant, 14" 9 November 1821 "On shore at Hornsea, William, of Whitby, from Sunderland to Wisbeach, with coal: crew saved, and vessel expected to be got off" 16 November 1821 "The Adventure, from Whitby to Wisbeach, was totally lost the instant, on the Lincolnshire coast" 8 August 1822 "The Whale Fishery Aberdeen, August 3 Whitby - Lively, 1 fish; William and Ann, 5 ditto" 4 September 1822 "Greenland Whale Fishery James, of Whitby, 4 (fish)" 17 October 1822 "Mundsley, Oct 14 The Good Intent, of Whitby, is lost near Cromer. Crew saved. Scarborough, Oct 14 The Happy Return, of and from Whitby, bound to Hull, with stone, is gone on shore to the southward of Filey, and is likely to be a total wreck, crew saved. The Ruby, of and from Whitby, for London, with goods and corn, is on shore on Gristhorp Sands. Cargo landing, crew saved." 22 October 1822 "In consequence of the heavy gale of wind on Monday last, a great deal of damage has been sustained by different vessels. Among others mentioned are….Betsey, of Whitby;……" 6 November 1822 "The Vine, of Whitby, was wrecked on Sand Hale, 16th ult" 19 December 1822 "Lynn, Dec 7 - The Fortune, of Whitby, with coal, for Wisbeach, parted from her anchors during the gale on Thursday night, and was wrecked at the entrance of this channel. Crew saved" 4 November 1823 "Effects of the Late Gale The Neutral, of Whitby, is upset near Lynn" 4 August 1824 "Letters were yesterday received from Captain Parry, from Whale Island, Davis's Straits, crew all well, dated the 26th of June. No accident had occurred since they left the river. Both the Hecla and Fury kept company during the voyage and arrived together. The expedition was to proceed on their ulterior destination on the 1st of July. Despatches have also reached the Admiralty from Captain Parry, later in date than the private letters above referred to. They were brought to Whitby by the William Harris, transport, which left this enterprising officer on the 2nd of July, at the entrance to Baffin's Bay. " 7 October 1824 "Whale Fishery The following account of the Davis's Straits fishery, to the 9th of September, was yesterday morning received at Lloyd's:- Whitby, Oct 4 - Off the port, the Mary Frances, Wilkinson, from Davis's Straits, with 13 fish, about 140 tuns. Captain Wilkinson reports that the average of the fishery to the 9th ult. was about 55 tuns to each ship……. Whitby Ships - James, 5; Phoenix, 4; Resolution, 2; and William and Ann, 13" 18 August 1825 "Dover, Aug 16 - The Friendship, of and from South Shields, for Jersey, was run down last night, off Hythe, by the Stakesby, of Whitby, bound to Miramichi, Crew saved." 19 Oct 1827 "Whitby, Oct 16 - On Friday last, a large boat with a forecastle was washed on shore near this place, marked outside "Susannah, of Harwich" and on the inside cut out "John Cooke" 30 October 1827 "Liverpool, Oct 25 - The Rambler, of Whitby, was abandoned on the 27th August in lat 51, long 21, water logged. The crew and passengers saved, and arrived at Philadelphia." 29 December 1827 "Memel, Dec 15 - The Union, of Whitby, stranded here the 29th of October, was entirely broken up by a heavy gale on the 9th and 10th inst" 4 December 1828 "Portsmouth, Dec 2 - The St.Andrew, from London to Sierra Leone, put in here today, with the stern frame stove, and loss of anchor and chains, having been run foul of in the Downs, by the brig Brothers, of Whitby. The latter lost bowsprit and foremast, and was nearly full of water" 4 December 1828 "Destructive Gale Filey, Dec 1 Names of ships on shore here - …..Soleby, Lothian, of Whitby" 29 December 1828 "Havre, Dec 13 We beg leave to acquaint you, for the information of the committee for managing the affairs of Lloyd's, with the arrival in this port of the American ship, Thomas Dickason, Captain Anthony, from Savannah, having on the 19th instant taken off the wreck of the British ship Piersons, of Whitby, Feggo, master, timber laden, from Quebec to Hull, then water logged, distant about 80 leagues WNW…." 6 August 1829 "Vessels spoken with… The Victory, of Whitby, the 9th ult. , lat 46.14 N, long 56.6 W, by the Emerald, arrived off Dover" 15 December 1829 "Scarborough, Dec 12 - The Acasta, of Whitby, from Sunderland, got on shore on Filey-Main early this morning, but is likely to be got off, by discharging part of her cargo" 19 December 1829 "The brig Prince Kutusoff, of Whitby, bound from Quebec to Liverpool, with timber and staves, was driven ashore and wrecked on the long strand, at Castle Freke, County Cork, early on the morning of Sunday, Dec 13. She was seen in bay from the shore the whole of Saturday, contending with the storm, but the wind was adverse and the sea so high, that she appeared to be with difficulty prevented from driving on the rocks. Towards the evening she was brought to anchor in the bay, and the wind becoming for a while somewhat moderate, the Waterguard boat, from Mill Cove, under Mr Dawson,Chief Officer, by the greatest and most laudable exertion, got out to her, and took her crew on board their boat, and at imminent risk, in pitchy darkness and a rank storm, brought them safely to shore at Sheep's Cove. The gale continuing to increase, the vessel soon began to drift, and before day, was driven ashore, where she now lies, a complete wreck. It is expected that the cargo, with the rigging, will be all saved: the hull must go to pieces - Cork Constitution"
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