WHITBY SHIPPING 1830 to 1835

1830 - 1835

(Personal names after Ship Names are the names of the ships' captains) This information was obtained from The Times (newspaper). Heading dates are the dates

of publication. I have tried to transcribe the information as published with regard to

Whitby ships etc.I do not have additional details on these ships or their masters etc

unless, either it is on my other Whitby pages, or the person concerned is one that I

have a specific interest in. However, please feel free to e-mail me at

bob.sanders59@ntlworld.com You may also find the Yahoo ! Whitby Group helpful regarding

some of those named and the ships concerned.


12 May 1830

"The Lady Milner, of Whitby: the Lovely Ann, of Lynn; the Mackerel, of Guernsey; 

and the Polly, of Shields, were driven on shore at Bridlington on Sunday, during

a heavy gale at E; the Lovely Ann and the Mackerelit was feared would be wrecked" 13 May 1830 "Extract from a letter from the agent to Lloyds at Sunderland, dated May 10 .........

The Iris, of Whitby, lost her rudder. The Barbara, of Whitby, and Merchants Friend,

of this port, both sunk and received much damage" 8 November 1830 "The Whale Fishery The following is a summary (from the Hull Advertiser) of the result of the late fishing

season.......Whitby, two (vessels), of which one was lost, number of fish 4; 40 tuns...." 6 December 1830 "Galway, Dec 1 - The Blakeston, of Whitby, which was driven on shore near here on

the 20th ult., has been got off, with much damage, and brought alongside the quay" 13 August 1831 "Vessels spoken with .....Nelson, of Whitby, from Killala to Quebec, 29th ult. lat

46.20 long 38.20......" 1 Oct 1831 "Vessels spoken with.... On the 20th passed the ship Briton, of Whitby, lat 49.42 N,

long 16.30 W" 18 April 1832 "Wick, April 13 - ......the Champion, of Whitby, and the Sarah, of Glasgow, ran on

shore near the Huna, on the south-west of the Pentland Firth on the 10th inst." 2 October 1832 "A list of British ships at Davis's Straits Whale Fishery Season 1832 .....Phoenix, from Whitby, full....." 4 March 1833 "Berwick, Feb 25 - The Brothers, from Whitby to Shields was wrecked on this coast

on the 21st inst, Crew saved" 25 April 1833 "Newcastle, April 20 - The Mowbray, and Camden, both of Whitby, sprung a leak in

Shields harbour the 16th inst., they were laid on the shore to be repaired, and have

since proceeded." 17 June 1833 "Yarmouth, June 14 - The William and Nancy, of Whitby, slipped anchor and chain,

lost stern boat, and received other damage, off the North Foreland on Tuesday" 5 September 1833 "Whitby, Sept 2 - A violent gale from the NE came on here about 12 on Friday night

last, and continued, without abatement, until Sunday night. Saturday evening the brig

Alfred, of Aberdeen, in making for the harbour, went down, and all aboard are drowned:

part of the wreck has since washed up, and been sold. The Ann and Susannah went on

shore at Robin Hood's Bay the same evening, and was broken up the following tide. Crew

saved by the exertions of the fishermen; also part of her cargo and stores saved. The

Trimmer, of Whitby, a keel belonging to Sunderland, and the Trafalgar, of Newcastle,

are on shore at Staithes, north of this port. Some firkins of butter and the wreck of a

boat marked Friends, of Wisbech, George Huet, have washed on shore at Stainton Dale.

The Charlotte and Esther, of Exeter, succeeded with the greatest difficulty, in reaching

this harbour safely" 6 September 1833 "Dover, Sept 4 - The following have put in here , mostly with loss of anchors, etc viz

.....Mary, of Whitby...." 22 November 1833 "Vessels spoken with - The Sovereign, of Whitby, bound to Charleston, on the 9th inst.,

long 16.48W." 27 August 1834 "Wells, Aug 24 - The William Harris, of Whitby (No 5), was damaged and lost bowsprit

in a squall on Thursday night off the Dudgeon. " 30 August 1834 "Vessels spoken with - The William, of Whitby, bound for New York, on the 27th inst, in

lat 47" 8 October 1834 "Vessels spoken with - The Champion, of Whitby, from Hull to Richarburto, on the 14th ult.,

in lat 45, long 43" 21 October 1834 "The Samuel, of Cardiff, has put into Yarmouth leaky and with loss of anchor and chain,

and windlass broken, bound to Whitby" 22 October 1834 "Lowestoft, Oct 21 - The Avenoris came into this harbour yesterday with damage and loss

of foremast, having been in contact with the Flora, of Whitby" 24 October 1834 "Whitby, Oct 21 - This morning the wind suddenly shifted WSW to a violent gale at NE......

The Nancy, from Whitby has put in waterlogged, ...The Henry sunk in Whitby harbour during

a violent gale on 21st inst., the good Intent took ground at the Pier Head, Whitby, and

it was feared would be wrecked, the Mary Ann, from Whitby to Newcastle, was driven on

shore at Staithes. Crew saved" 25 November 1834 "Lowestoft, Nov 22 - The Mary Ann, of Whitby, was wrecked on the beach on the 20th inst.,

crew and materials saved" 22 December 1835 "The Fortitude, of Whitby, ....driven on shore near Lowestoft during a terrific gale from

the NNE to NE during Saturday night and yesterday. Crew saved."

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