Who Cares?

In a time of darkness, I searched for hope. A friend.
A person who'd always be there until the very end.
It's difficult for me to trust so easily these days.
So many mind games that everyone seems to want to play.

I offered you honesty and security. A love that siblings share.

Are these things so easy to come by? Does anyone care?
I did, and I still do, hurt the way I'm hurting now,
Makes me want to give up and throw in the towel.

You have become a mystery to me. An enigma for sure.

Do I posess the sanity and patience to once again endure?
Maybe I was the one who truly did not understand you.
My heart aches, there is no more we can do.

Do you understand how much you really matter to me?

We can not turn back. It can't be the way it used to be.
Memories of happiness and excitement remind me of when times were good.
An empty void is what you left behind. It's where you once stood.

Did you run from me? Did I leave you sitting on the stairs?

I can't help you. I want to, I need to. And I ask who cares?
So, I've placed my heart and soul behind a very thick wall.
Waiting and wondering who has the potential to make it fall.
