Lost And Found

Irony of my life, when I lose I win, when I win I lose,
The correct path to my destiny is what I can not choose.
Endless trails ahead with bumps and cracks along the way,
Clouds spin above my mind and begin to turn gray.

I lost my way today and found a new way to give,

I found my life, and lost some strength to live.
I lost my spirit, and found a sense of Divinity,
I found alcohol's effects, and lost my virginity.

Tasting my guilt, makes me ill of some of my life choices,

The more I push, the easier it is to listen to failure's voices.

I lost a friend and found a leech at the bar,

I found my nightmare and lost my dream to go far.
I lost my innocence and found the worse kind of wealth,
I found my sarcasm and lost my worry for good health.

Caring nothing about me, just caring for more fun,

In my anarchy and chaos I thought I'd never find the one.

I lost my fear and found the ability to once again believe,

I found my sensitivity and lost the not wanting to achieve.
I lost my anger and found the man I'd soon grow to love,
I found myself and almost lost my Angel from above,

Blinded by self discovery, I ignored the love that waited so patiently,

Almost too late, but I opened my eyes and saw the one who loved me for me...
