Laugh For Me

I've exposed a side of myself for all the world to see,
You welcomed my eclipse and I welcomed your Laughs for me.
This crazy place we call home is filled with strangers,
None more stranger than me , we laugh at our dangers.

Vulnerable to all that choose to enter my inner spirit,

Our friendship has gotten deep, you speak and I hear it.
I feel a closeness that I was really not searching for,
You pick me up when I fall to the icy cold floor.

Your warm smile that I can only recall as a memory,

It's the image that comes to mind, when you laugh for me.
Your wit matches my own, our sharp tongues that can do Damage,
You put up with my sarcasm and nonsense, How is it that you manage?
We have taken our time to build a lasting friendship,
From the Cup of Life, we have each taken a long sip.

Importance to what is real and letting go of what is not,

Makes me thank a Higher Power for all that I have got.
I cherish our moments and I want the whole world to see,
My heart smiles bright when you share your laughs with me.
