Familiar Emptiness

My desperation grows quickly as I cringe and fall to the floor,
Once more, my eyes flood with tears as she heads out the door.
The emptiness is familiar, its like a dear friend who cares,
It welcomes me, it comforts me, I will wait for her on the stairs.

I will be the first to greet her when she makes her return,

My love for her was deep, her gentle hug is what I Yearn.
Im starting to believe that she doesn't feel the same way that I do,
Her ways seem cold, her emotions caged up like animals in a Zoo.

Why does she have to party all night and run around all crazy and wild?

Women like her should have thought twice before giving birth to a child.
It hurts so bad when she just leaves me here,
To lose her forever, is all that I really fear.

It seems that I no longer matter to her, I guess I'm just no fun,

Her smile holds all the comfort and warmth of an afternoon Sun.
I do my best to be as good as I can be,
Yet, I'm not able to get her to notice me.

She does not realize the love I keep for her in my Heart,

The love slowly turns to hate every night we spend apart.
Without a Mother's embracing love, a child can easily die,
If I don't make through tonight, Tell my mom I said Good-Bye...
