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Cobb Leader Weekend
Burning Questions

What's with the Big Chicken?
The Big Chicken is a symbol for Cobb County, Georgia. The Cobb Leader Weekend was initially started by volunteers in the Cobb area. We have taken the likeness of the Cobb Big Chicken to represent our weekend. Every patch has the Big Chicken dressed in the theme of the year. You can read more about the Big Chicken by going to this website:

I am troop leader for some Brownie Girl Scouts ... is this something that would benefit me and the troop or is for older Girl Scouts?
This is something that will most definitely benefit your troop of girls and yourself!

Most of these classes are geared towards the Brownie and Junior Girl Scout levels, many of the classes make items you may take back to your troop to show your girls how to make themselves, many offer handouts to take home with you, and there is a chance to network with other leaders that work with your age level. (Roughly 1/3 of the adults who attend are Brownie Leaders). In addition Council Staff members, Trainers, Service Unit Directors, Leaders of ALL Levels, and Troop Parents attend this weekend. This gives you ample opportunity to network and make new friends who are there for you to call on if you need information in the coming year.

Just what types of classes or workshops are there?
We are offer several Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia Trainings (indicated on the workshop list by two asterisks **) and many enrichment programs which you can be useful in your troop meetings. If you have a question about whether one is right for you, email us and we'll help you.

When can I put in my application?
As soon as you have a copy of the reservation form!
This weekend is LIMITED to REGISTERED ADULT GIRL SCOUTS. Once the camp is full, you will be placed on a waiting list.

Who plans this event?
A Committee of volunteers plan this great weekend for leaders to find out that - They are not alone and to - Help them to make contact with people who will be a resource to their troops.

The committee is made up of people who are from the many troop levels in Girl Scouting. Most of the classes offered each year are from suggestions made by adults who were at camp the year before.

How do you pick the theme?
The themes are picked by the committee based on what the most popular choices were on surveys at the end of the camp each year.

Why can't we have a Disney Theme?
All Disney characters are covered under strict copyright laws. Our camp does not have permission to use these characters.

How will I know if supplies are required for my class?
There is an indicator provided on the class list that will tell you if additional supplies are needed. A list of these supplies will be mailed in your confirmation packet. Please note that class fees do not include the cost of additional supplies you will need to bring with you.