A long time ago
A wrong doing was done upon me
Something that shouldn't of happened
To me or anyone
The pain it causes
The dark it creates
You make your life out of it
You have no hope
Think you have no friends
No one is willing to listen to
You pray for an end...
An end to the hurt , the pain ,
the blackness that has become your life
You cling to a tiny hope that maybe
things will become lighter
That the sun will taint the darkness
that has stained your heart , your
body , your memories...your soul
You try and see light at the end
of the tunnel
but no matter how hard you look
not even a speck of light penertrates
these black walls that you now
live in
It doesn't matter how hard you
you can't see a thing
You're eyes getting tired from
the strain
so you give up
Give up that any sun will appear
to light your way
You are stuck on the "dark destruction
of life" path
Head lowered , eyes downcast
You now pray for no one to notice
That maybe you can die and fade
away with the little peace you do have
Afterall why go on?
When all there is is darkness and
People ask me if my peoms
are about my life experiences and the answer is yes...