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The Life and Times of Fredinand Jarel Hixon Sr.

There's More!!

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I was fresh out of High School and in to the ARMY when my first child was born (Tiffani D. Hixon). I really wanted my first born to be a boy but I was still overjoyed. I remember running out of the delivery room in my green docotrs "scrub" outfit (complete with cap, gown and booties for my feet) and saying, "It's a girl, it's a girl!" This was definitely one of the most happiest moments in my life. She was so small and cuddly.

Being a teenager married to another teenager with a kid did not make life any easier. I did not have a lot of money and niether did any of the family. We lived in rooming houses for months at a time until we could save up to get an apartment. It wasn't easy living with the rats and roaches, we had so may roaches that the kids were afraid to go into our minature kitchen at night. As difficult as it may have been, we made it through.

I remember the broken tiles on kitchen floor, the cold breeze that came under he door, the cold mornings when we had to turn the stove on for heat. I remember our very first phone. This was a sign of technology in our home. It was the only electrical appliance we had at the time.

I got my first job outside of the Army at KFC. I started out as a cook in the kitchen cooking that Original Recipe, Extra Crispy chicken, and biscuits. I must have been pretty good at it, a year later I was Assistant Manager of that KFC.

Our first apartment was a two bedroom with a patio, I will never forget it because it took me a while to actually get use to having room to grow. My daughter can not recall any of this for obvious reasons (she was less than a year old). One year later (more or less) my first son was born.

Not having a chance to get use to our new apartment we moved to another apartment (3 bedrooms). Although more bedrooms, still the same amount of space. My wife and I thought it was great until our brand new car got repossesed. It was a sad year, my father became very ill and our dog died. Somehow I held this family together through all the hard times (financial and emotional) the kids were happy and never had a clue just how hard the times were.

Fredinand Jarel Hixon Jr. was the name of my first son and I was so proud of him. I remember the night when he was born. My wife (now ex-wife) Lori kept telling me her stomach was hurting and she thought she was in labor, I just rolled back over, went to sleep and told her it was gas. We got to the hospital that night and minutes later Jr. was born.


After about 11 years of marriage my wife decided that we needed some space. We had married at the age of 17 and after all this time, we had grown apart. Unfortunately the family split. My two oldest children (Tiffani and Jr.) came to live with me. Michael and Brett went to live with their mother.

I am now happily re-married to Jennifer. She was previously married and has a daughter named Megan (whom I dearly love). It has been over two years now but we both learned a lot from our previous marriages. And unlike last time, I am old enough to not only be a good father, but a good parent.

My oldest child (daughter Tiffani) is now 16 years old and my oldes son (Jr.) is 15. At this time I am now a Grandfather. Despite what most may think I am genuinely happy. When I was in the hospital with Tiffani and I looked down at my Grandson for the first time, tears filled my eyes. I now know the true meaning of family and love for one another. It would be an understatement to say that it took me thirty-three (33) years to absorb this knowledge but it was well worth the wait. My family is increasing in size but that is a good thing. I now have the honor of watching my teenagers grow into adults. Watching them shape their future. The process has already begun. My daughter has become an intelligent young lady, my son is becoming a handsome young man. My adopted Son (John) has shown me that teenagers are not bad creatures after all. They keep me on my toes, I count my blessings every day.

My wife (Jennifer) and I are now expecting yet another bundle of joy. As with all the rest, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Thomas Zachary Hixon. The early years will be just as enoyable as the others but I would not change them for anything. Jennifer and I have our hands full with our youngest daughter (Megan), she is 6 years old and is full of energy and curiosity. I feel like I need a book of answers when I am around her. She asks so many questions! Megan is a young socialite, she spends most of her time with her friends ocassionally sparing time to be with us, but it is alright for now. We love her unconditionally. Jennifer and I both agree we have enough children in our life. With the birth of our first child together (Thomas Zachary) another of our goals has been achieved.

I am grateful for the many GREAT things that have happened to me in my life. Sometimes I just want to shout out to the world how happy I am. Not a day goes by that I do not appreciate the gift of life. I may not have a` lot of money but I have a beautiful wife, great kids, a roof over our heads, health and happiness. I love them with all my heart no matter what, I will always be there when they need me. So far, it has been a good life, I have learned to take the good with the bad, looking forward to the rest of it!!

