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Random Thoughts

Just Thinking

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When you are trying to be cool, be yourself instead, it's less offensive that way

Drugs are for people who have no life

If at first you don't succeed, try harder!

Growing up is like going to a movie, you never know who did what until the very end

Be all that you can be, nothing less

Sometimes being more requires doing less

Never judge a person by their looks

When it is all said and done, you are responsible for yourself

If "con" is the opposite of "pro" What is the opposite of progress?------

We all have the ability, the difference is how we use it------Stevie Wonder

A Father is a man with pictures in his wallet, where he used to keep his money when he was single------ Tiffani Hixon

Truth against the world & Love against all else------Carl Tierney

There is no beautier of complexion or form or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us-----R.W. Emerson

In Love we find understanding; In Understanding we find Appreciation; In Appreciation we find joy------Carl Tierney

Be Like A Postage Stamp...Stick to One Thing Till You Get There------J. Honeycutt

We keep saying that we will do it later.... Somehow later never seems to come.... One day we look around and it's too late.... Sometimes we look around and it is gone.

Miracles happen everyday. Open your eyes and heart and you will see them------Daddy Eagle

Life is what happens when you are making other plans------John Lennon

A life filled with love must have some thorns, but a life empty of love will have no roses

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