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He is calling out the troops. The end time army is now gathering from all over the earth. Jesus is calling out the end time warriors and troops. They are hearing his voice from all over the world, the shofar is being called out. They are being gathered by the Holy Spirit - all the warriors, and troops are gathering. It is not something we are doing, but a work of the Holy Spirit. A new refreshing of his Holy Rain is felt all over the earth, as the annointing rains have begun to fall upon those that seek his face from all over the earth.

He is preparing the warrior troops for what is coming, we are learning to be patient, and wait on Him. Not to move out of the spirit, but to wait for Him to give us the orders to move. He is teaching us to be happy and at peace, whether we are at the present time in turmoil, or total peace. It is a condition of the heart within that counts. Like Paul said, no matter where he was, in season or out of season, his joy was full, and he was full of peace. Paul had learned peace in whatever situation he was in, something that Jesus is teaching us all right now, I believe. Sometimes we are in a prison situation, as a prisoner, sometimes we are in a situation where we are on top of the world, and all is wonderful. No matter where we are we need to learn to be at peace, and full of joy and rejoicing.

The shofar was sounded a few weeks ago. Jesus is calling all those that will worship Him in spirit and in truth, in these end times, to come forth. He is separating the wheat from the chaff. It is the Holy Spirit fire that burns out the garbage, as we come into the fire. Those that do not know Him, who are the
Laodicean church, will run away from the Holy Spirit's fire when it begins to engulf the earth. Those that do not know Him, will be in fear, their hearts will fail them, because they have trusted in the things of this world, instead of that which is of the spirit. Those that have put their trust in the things of the spirit, will not have fear but peace. The world will be full of fear because of the things which are happening. We will be full of peace if we have trusted in Him, and the things of the spirit. This is a new beginning for the ones who seek Him, a refreshing of the spirit is happening everywhere. We are being prepared through trials and tribulations to be patient and wait on Him, and to trust in Him only for all that we need.

Much Love in Him,
Gloria Shepherd
March 19, 1999

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