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Love - that is the beat of my heart, children. Oh, my children, don't you see my tears, my pain, for all the people of the world for whom I died, who do not know me? I weep for them tonight from heaven, the tears fall down upon the earth, touching those who will be touched, and hear my voice, and know my tears. Pray for all the ones on earth, that they may come to know me, as you know me.

Oh, children, do not rejoice in the killing of the people, for there are many who are mine, who do not want to be there, and who do not rejoice in the war that is thrust upon them. Do you not know that my children are on both sides of the fence, both sides of the war? They are pitted against each other, brother against brother. My child, don't you see the families being hurt, the families being split, the hatred that runs in the streets, the blood that runs through the rivers and that divides the children of my heart?

Pray for all my children, that there will be no hatred in their souls, that they sin not against my Holy Spirit, and that they sin not against their brother with the hatred that runs like blood through their veins. Pray that they will love, and not hate, that they will see their brother through my eyes, and forget not that love which I have placed in their hearts. Let not the enemy deceive their hearts; let them come to me, with their hearts open, and ask me to heal the pain and the suffering inside of them, so they will hate no longer.

Children, remember that all are your brothers, when you are faced with the hatred of war, and remember that it is the enemy who wishes to destroy you - not the person you are facing across the fence, across the border that may lay between you. Remember my love is the bond between you.

Forget not that I died for all mankind; not just a few, but for all, that all may come to a knowledge of the truth, and know me. Do not hate, but look through the eyes of your heart, with my eyes, and see the heart of love inside the soul with which you are face to face. Give them shelter, if you have it; give them food, if you have it, hold not your hand back from blessing the brother facing you in need. Remember that can be you someday, or it may be an angel unwares. Withhold not your hand from blessing, and do not hate any man, for hate is not of me, child, remember this.

Thus sayeth your Lord, whose hands were pierced through for you, my child. I love each one of you, not one more than the other, but each of you. Forget not that it is your brother who you face. Love him with my love and touch him with the hand of my blessing, as I have touched you my child.

Much Love in Him,
Gloria Shepherd
April 2, 1999

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