My Children, fret not, know that my heart is full of joy as I see your heart before me. Know this, my child, you are being tested, and the testing may seem fierce at times, but it is only for a little while. Rejoice, and know that I have chosen you for a great task in these last days. You must be strengthened through trials and tribulations, like steel is tempered in the fire. I am tempering you my child, making you strong for what is ahead. Rejoice, my little one, again I say rejoice, and know that you have been counted worthy of such a trial as this.
Do not be burdened by the things of this world, but come into my presense expecting great things to happen, great miracles to take place. Do not come expecting nothing, but come expected much, and you will leave with more than you even could ever imagine. I am a God of Hope and of Love, and I have taken you from the miry clay, and placed you on the cliff of the rock, in the cleft of that rock. I have hidden you in the bosom of my love, under my wing, my child, so know that with me you have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Fear is your enemy, my child. Fear not. Trust in me. Perfect love casts out fear. Again I say to you, trust in me with all your hearts, never fearing what is happening, or what things the world may put upon you. With me on your side, you are a majority, and nothing of this world can hurt you, if you will only trust in me to take care of you, and yours. We are a majority, you and me, nothing can harm you, or hurt you, if you would only believe those words with all your heart.
I want only to care for you, give me all your cares, cast them to me recklesslessly, knowing with all your heart that I will take care of all that you give unto me. That is my heart's desire to take care of you, and to hold you in my bosom, my child, for my love for you is greater than a mother's love, greater than any love you can imagine. It is perfect in all ways, there is nothing selfish in it, so it can not hurt you my child. If I am chiding you my child, it is because I love you and do not want you to be hurt in the times which are coming. I am teaching you the ways of my love, and the ways in which you are to hold fast to the faith which I have placed in your heart. Know that I do not want you to suffer, but I am testing and letting you be tried by the purifying fires of my spirit, which is the only way to cleanse you of all the things which hold you back from being in perfect worship with me. It is the only way for you to be cleansed of all that is of the world. Trust me my child, I am cleansing the things which are unpure in you, that are not of me, my child. Know that I am doing a perfect work in you through this testing and purifying. Trust me my child, to bring you to a new place in me.
With love, your Heavenly Father.
May 23, 1999