Let us praise Him from the mountains! He is risen. He is the King of Kings, and worthy of all the praise. Without Him, we are nothing but dust. Because of Christ, we are able to gain the victory in all things. Believe on Him, this day, that He Has Given Us the Victory in All Things. Let the enemy know that you know this, when you are face to face to Him. Tell him he is a liar and there is no truth in him. Believe the words you speak, truly believe them, as words of faith, even as you are speaking them forth, and miracles shall follow.
Too many times, we say words, and they are just that. Meaningless words. Yet if we would only speak the words, as words of faith, as words that we truly believe with all our heart, then miracles will follow.
Thank Him today. Through Jesus, we are able to withstand the fiery darts of the enemy, and turn them back into the enemy's face with the vengence of the Lord. Let the words which come forth from our lips, be not simply words, but words of faith, spoken like Elijah; words that are faith in the verbal, like Elijah spoke to the bones, let us speak forth to the enemy, whether it be the words of faith to one who is sick, or one who is hurting, or to the enemy that he might flee. Let those words be words only coming from our heads, but words of faith, that speak into existence that which we speak.
Let us not be as so many, who speak the words of Christ, and do not believe the words that are spoken will come to pass. Yes, not everyone has the faith or calling of Elijah, but we all must speak at one time or another the words which the Holy Spirit gives us. Let them be spoken from the heart, not as giving lip service, empty and without faith. Let the words of faith be spoken from the lips of believers all around the world this day. Let us be joined in spirit as one body, as He calls us forth to the mission fields. Let the words of Jesus be spoken forth believingly as words of truth, so the dead will raise up, the sick will be healed, the miracles will come to pass, and the words of truth will make the enemy run with fear as the body of Christ unites.
Let us receive the word of Christ, as a faithful word. It is truth, even if none believes it. Don't you think the enemy knows if you are speaking forth in faith, believing the words you speak as truth? Do you think he will flee, if you really are not speaking forth in faith? I don't think so. I know he knows the word of God, probably better than you, and he recognizes if you are speaking forth just verbally or with the words of faith from the heart.
So, do not half heartedly speak forth, and expect a miracle to break forth, but speak as a child of faith. Speak as a man or woman who believes the words he or she speaks is truth, and shall come to pass, because God's word is truth. Fear not, but believe, that the words you speak shall come to pass, without doubting in your heart, and you shall have whatsover you believeth. Speak forth as you are given the words from the Holy Spirit in faith, and you too will walk on water with Jesus.
Much Love in Him,