Name: duh

It's Pronounced Like:

It Came From:
Leonardo Da Vinci

Greatest Day In World History:
November 5,1980

Which Means Dat I Am A:
Scorpio and Monkey

Place Of Birth:
Hong Kong

Which Means Dat I Am:

One lil bro

Mah Nicknames:
GG...Buttmmunch...Korean Boy...VeE...JelloGirl...Vincilla...Vinccirooni...Vinc...Wingee...and of course *LiLBuTT*

Mah Code:

Mah Favorite Pager Code:

Favorite Colors:
PINK PINK PINK.keke. Black and Blue.

Places I Shop At:
Macy's.Rich's.Da Limited.Da Gap.Express.Contempo.Old Navy cause dey got so much pink stuff.

Clothes I love:
RALPH LAUREN.POLOSPORT.TOMMYGirl.anything dat's pink.

Music I love:
R&B.Pop.Love Stuff

Favorite Foods:

Favorite Drinks:
Anything Coffee..but especially *mocha*

Tennis.Piano.Flute.Shoppin.Computers.Drawing.Writing.Dancing.Shootin Pool.Bowling.Movies.

Favorite Flower:
Pink Roses...*hint*hint*

Favorite Place:
Da Beach

Best Thing Ta do Ta take up Time:

Coolest Video Game In Da World:
Super Mario Brothers

Stupidest Thing I've Done So Far Dat I Can Think Of:
Um...walkin past by someone and not sayin anythin ta them...if yah don't wat i'm talkin bout...dat means i didnt' tell yah da story.

Smartest Thing I Ever Done:
Darn...there's tooo much

Who I Lub:
Um...hmm...Why don't yah tell mee??? ;)

Most Important Quality I Find In A Guy After His Looks Of Course...Heehee:
Sense Of Humor...and after that he gotta be sweet ta me or it can be da other way around too

And Most Always:
He Gotta Smell Nice

Most Romantic Thing That Has Ever Happened Ta Me:
Um...hmm...let's see...

One Thing That I Learned Bout Guys:
They don't really like meeting parents

I Really Hate Guys Who:
Lie Ta Me...doesn't everyboodie though?

Most Painful Experience:
Being Heartbroken :(

Hardest Thing Ta Do:
Play Hard Ta Get

Best Moment Ta Remember With A Guy:
Da First Kiss

It Sucks Ta Be:
Cheated On

The Worst Thing Ta Do Ta Someone:
Disappoint them

I Really Don't Like:
Smokin...cause it stinks up your clothes

Da Best Thing Ta Do When In Doubt:

There's No Such Thing As A:
Hopeless Romantic Cause Um...because love is not somethin to be hopeless about

Words Dat You Shouldn't Say Unless Yah Mean It:

Favorite Things Ta Say:
"Yah"..."Um"..."HeeHee...HaHa"..."Dum De Dum"

Most Important Quality I Find In A Friend:

Most Annoying Thing In Da World:
Mean People

I'm Very:

But I'm Always:

You Should Always:
Respect Elders

I Hate People Who Are:

I Love Ta:

I Love Myself Because:
I'm SoOoOo Silli

I Usually Like Things Because:
Other People Like Them

Never Say:
You're Sorry Unless Yah Mean It

A Tradition Of Mine:
Make a wish at 11:11pm and hope dat it comes true

A Quote Dat I Think Is Cute:
You're Mah Yellow When Me Is Blue

Favorite Quote:
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart,
The only dream that mattered,
Had come true,
In this life,
I was loved by you.

BaCk Ta HoMePaGeE

MaH eMaiL: