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New Books Nearing Completion

"Deaths From Cobb County Newspapers"

I am very excited to at last be able to announce that my collection of death notices and obituaries, transcribed and abstracted from Cobb County newspapers during the past twenty-five years or so, is finally nearing completion. I am hoping to get Volume One to the printer before the end of December.

There should be several volumes (if the first one doesn't sit in the garage in cardboard cartons collecting dust). Volume I covers the surviving copies of The Marietta Journal (later Marietta Journal and Courier) for the time period September, 1868 through December, 1879. Subsequent volumes will cover successive years, and in order to keep these books affordable, I am trying to limit each to between 100 and 125 pages. Yes, a full name index will be included in each.

Because the earlier issues carried almost NO death notices, I have included information from a few of the earliest years of the newspaper's legal ads when they concerned the estates of deceased citizens or the guardianship of orphaned minors. Hopefully, knowing of the presence (and the dates those ads was published) will assist the researcher in locating estate records and help to pinpoint dates of death.

While it is true that The Marietta Journal carried primarily the news of Cobb County, it was also in the early days, the official legal "organ" of the counties of Paulding and Cherokee. Therefore, news and legal ads of those counties have been included. In addition, the Marietta paper copied news items from other newspapers throughout the state, and I have tried to include all those which named the deceased individual as well as the circumstances of his death, if noted, without regard to the county of death.

A word of caution: Surprisingly, many of the articles I have transcribed reporting deaths, especially those describing accidental deaths, murders, and hangings, are quite graphic for that day and age. You can trust me when I say that I did NOT add any embellishments of the gory detailed descriptions.

Volume I contains death notices reported during the years 1868-1879 - softback, comb-bound, 113 pages includes full-name index - $24.00 includes book rate shipping.

Volume II contains death notices reported during the years 1880-1883 - softback, comb-bound, 109 pages includes full-name index - $24.00 includes book rate shipping.

Volume III contains death notices reported during the years 1885-1887 - softback, comb-bound, 109 pages includes full-name index - $24.00 includes book rate shipping.

Contact me if you require insurance and/or prefer another shipping method.

Order by check or money order by sending your request to me at:

Linda Smith Murray
4115 Valley Wood Drive, N. W.
Marietta, Georgia 30064

I also accept Paypal payments. Contact me for more information if you prefer to pay by that method.


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This page was updated October 24, 2004.

Copyright2002 LindaMurray
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