This site has been online since September 22nd 1998.
This Page Was Last Updated 07/02/2001
Last Update EVER?! NOPE!
Updated July 2nd, 2001
Well - So I lied... Here is yet another update from yours truly...
I still recieve many many e-mails from the viewers of this site... So - I think I might have decided on something... Many things have changed since my last update, I no longer work on, that stopped around June of 00', and I stopped playing Graal November of 99' I think - well - for the most part anyway...
Now I work for the DE-Network as a programmer and am 1/3 of the Board of Directors. I also work with
Anyway - I am most likely going to start this site up again, and make it for the next Zelda game, for the GameCube... I will be moving hosts to the DE-Network, and will replace this page with a redirection page. I will create an entirely new layout, and completely revamp the site...
Also - I would like everyone who still view's this page's feedback on what they think of this...
You can still reach me at my same e-mail,
Anyway - I'll post another update soon, with more info on when this will happen, and more details then...
But - if any of you have any programming jobs that need to be done, check out the DE-Network's website for more info... Also - we provide excellent webhosting, which can be found at
DE-Network Homepage
DE-Network WebHosting
Last Update EVER
Updated December 20th, 1999
Wow, who would've ever thought this little site I made for fun a year ago wouldve turned into a site that received 20k hits in 4 months... I was astonished at how people constantly came here for information even though there wasn't a whole lot and yet said that my site was the best there was. It really makes a person feel good inside when you can help people as much as I tried to do here. I beat Zelda64 on December 5th, 1998. I was very disappointed with the last dungeoun of the game. Gannon was pathetically easy. In my opinion, they couldvemade the game a little longer if it took them 3 years worth of delays to release it.
I am currently running many many different websites now and have abandoned this one. I figured I would update this one, one last time just to inform everyone that I have stopped working on this site (yes, I know, that should be obvious after a year of not updating). I am currently in need of some help on a new site that I have opened... . I really need some help there and if someone comes by this page and reads this, please go there and check it out.
I will leave this site up, if nothing else, for the sake of memories. This was my first ever website and it helped me to get a lot of what I wanted to learn how to do done.
I also play this game called Graal a lot nowadays. It is similar to "The Legend Of Zelda, A Link To The Past" but it is playable online and offline. The official site for it is
If you ever need anymore information regarding Zelda 64, that isnt on here, then I suggest you visit They have all you could ever need to know about Zelda 64.I am proud that I could have touched people from every country in the world almost, and I hate to see it all come to an end... It really saddens me to say good-bye to this page because I spent many hours working on it, and because I really missed the good ol' days when the Zelda 64 hype was at its peak and the game would be released in a few days and everyone was excited. Ahhh, the sadness of reminiscing... Well, it is with a heavy and weaping heart that I bid you all farewell...
I will miss you all... This is Link64, saying farewell and goodbye to you all...
Welcome to "The Legend Of Zelda, The Ocairna Of Time World". This site is dedicated to bringing you all there is to know about "The Legend Of Zelda, The Ocarina Of Time". This is a new site so if you have anything you would like to contribute to it or see on it E-Mail Me.
I will try to update this page at least 2 times a week. I still goto school so I don't have as much time as I wish I had to work on this page. I will be adding pictures, news, info, and more as I get time to update.
As for the Copyright © information, the pictures with the IGN watermark are Copyright © of The Imagine Games Network. The pictures with the NP watermark are Copyright © of Nintendo Power. "The Legend Of Zelda, The Ocarina Of Time World" is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Power or The Imagine Games Network.
If you want to use a picture off of my site ask me if you can and if I say you can then you must credit me for it and have a link to me on your Links page. If I get a Banner I will post it in the Pictures section with instructions about using it.
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