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Welcome to the world of Geographic Information Systems

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Geographic Infomation Systems

What is GIS Geographic Information Systems

LINKS Meta DatabaseCitizens Internet Mapping System
FAQ and general information about GIS IDRISI software _ Clarke Lab at Clarke University Research Program in Environmental Planning and Geographic Information Systems (REGIS) GIS support and research facility - Iowa State University
Free access to GIS data on the internet USGS - GIS technology and scientific research
Iowa State GIS links
more GIS sites

GIS software/companies/organizations

Aerotopia - Photomap
Aerotopia - Map factory
AutoCAD mapping
ER Mapper
ESRI homepage
ESRI - What is GIS?
ESRI - Virtual campus
ESRI South East Regional ArcInfo Users group
Florida Association of Cadastral Mappers
IDRISI homepage tutorial
Interactive - USA Atlas - Make your own maps
MapInfo homepage
MapInfo free webseminars
MapInfo users - useful site
PCI Geomatics - remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Spatial analysis and Cartography
Links to useful remote sensing sites, and aerial photos