Georgia Peach
Hi! My name is Adrianne and this page is to tell you a little about me. As you have probably guessed by the title I live in Georgia. I am a 25 year old mother of two (ages 7 and 4). I have been married for nine years to the man of my dreams. (Yes that was correct nine years, I married very young:-) I have recently took a great interest in attempting to build web pages. I will be changing things and adding things often so please feel free to come back and check things out. In the very near future I will be adding pictures of my family and friends to this page. I also have a small collection of poems that I wrote that I will be adding to my home page also. So just sit back check it out and let me no what you think. Hope you enjoy.

February 10, 1999

I would like to ask you to please take the time to click on the links I have been adding to my pages. The number of missing and abused children is growing everyday. It scares me to death. My heart goes out to these children. Take the time and look through the pictures of the missing children. You never know you may be able to help. I can only imagine what the parents of these children must feel. Keep them in your prayers. Thanks, Adrianne

Check out my award. Thank you, Anna.

This award is very special to me. "Mom's Rooms" is one of my favorite homepages. Thank you very much Jan :-)

Message for Adrianne

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