Cheat mode:
Press T, enter one of the following codes, and
press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Code |
Level skip | thereisnotry |
Disable AI | whiteflag1 |
Restore AI | whiteflag0 |
Increase Force level | deeznuts |
Fly | eriamjh |
Invincibility | jediwannabe1 |
Disable invincibility | jediwannabe0 |
All weapons | red5 |
All items | wamprat |
Mana | yodajammies |
Gain all force powers | raccoonking |
Light master | imayoda |
Dark master | sithlord |
Show entire map | 5858lvr |
Slow motion | slowmo1 |
Disable slow motion | slowmo0 |
Restart level with current weapons | pinotnoir1 |
Disable level restart | pinotnoir0 |
Full health | bactame |
Warp to new location in current level | warp<x,y,z, coordinates> |
Max from "Sam and Max" helper | max |
Unknown | hyper |
Unknown | activate |