Welcome To My Page Of Codes & Cheats
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Welcome To My Page Of Codes & Cheats

Here are just some cheats for some computer games.
*Start a new tower.Go to the very bottom,left corner.Try to place a lobby.
your money doubles from $200,000 to $400,000.
*Hold down Shift+Ctrl while placing your lobby.Instead, of a 1-storylobby,
you get a 3-storylobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Hold Shift whil typing in "funds".This will give you more money or an earthquake. To avoid an earthquake, just pause the game.Use the cheat.Save game.Unpause game. If you get an earthquake, just load game.When it comes back up, you won't have an earthquake and you can also use the cheat more!
On some computers you may have to hold shift while typing these.
*joke-take a guess.
*gilmartin-a military base.
*buddamus-more money and all rewards.
.4.Star Control 3
Press ALT + F9 to restart hyper melee with no asteriods and planets.
Pokemon Cheats & Tricks

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Email: sportenth@aol.com