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Thanks for surfing thru my site!!
My name is Suzy!!
I am 33 years old and live in Macon, Ga. I spend most of my time either working or going to school, but my favorite hobby is surfing the 'net and chatting with all y'all that I have met on here. I really hope that you are enjoying these pages, I've enjoyed doing 'em.

As you can tell my favorite pets are CATS,
I have one very spoiled one right now ..!

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I've still got my eye out for my S O U L M A T E (if there is such a thing).
But so far, he hasn't revealed himself. I don't think you ever know where you will find love and who with but.... I think he will be funny, smart, sweet, kind, independent(financially & emotionally), possibly a musician and definately spritual (not neccessarily "religious" though).
I am happily single for now so...who knows?



Be careful ..
What you think because your thoughts become your words.
Be careful...
What you say because your words become your actions.
Be careful....
What you do because your actions become your habits.
Be careful.....
About your habits, because your habits create your DESTINY!!