Here you will find Reviews on The Songs of Fan Mail. "FANMAIL" Dallas Austin RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?: T-Boz, Left-Eye, Chilli, and Virtual Vic-e Music Style: Futuristic Upbeat R&B style TLCvirtual Review: I love this song with a passion, one of the best songs on the Album. It is the best album opener I ever heard in my life, no one compares. It is great because it is dedicated to the fans (accented with a great clip of a Left Eye interview). The concept of cybersex, is what I got from it, and it is quite interesting. The way the R&B sound on top of the furtistic beat is a well done combination. Virtual Vic-e even though a voice really brings out the song completely. the only down thing about it is that it wasn't longier so that i could be a actual single. Loving it... "The Vic-E Interpretation" Dallas Austin RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?: Virtual Vic-e Music Style: Interlude TLCvirtual Review: The voice of Virtual Vic-e is quite remarkable, and the way she ponders the point of using material things to pick up people in a club is one I never thought about. It gives flavor to the album, something different, and Vic-e truly sets the atmosphere for the next song, Silly Ho. Vic-e is truly one of TLC! "Silly Ho" Dallas Austin RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC? T- Boz and Virtual Vic-e Music Style: Furtistic Hip Hip Club style TLCvirtual Review: The most outrageous, and most heart pounding track off the album. The song just gives you one breathe of air, till the bass bounces up and down your body. Yes I am talking about the legendary Silly ho, the first song to hit the radiowaves and Clubs everywhere. Many may compare this beat to a Timberland or Missy, but it's by far, doesn't compete with this sound. Looks like this "trashing ho's" song is a perfect club song, since most of the Silly Ho's hang out there. T-Boz is not the one for you, she states in her lyrics, that I may add, go perfectly with the beat. It's a totally new style and I admire it so much. Everytime I hear it I have to bounce in my seat. Virtual Vic-e's debut rap is perfect with her voice, but the best part is the the pause, it gives you just enough air, before it goes one more round, to blow the roof off, SKY HIGH!!! Whoot, Whoot, Whooo! "Whispering Playa" Dallas A./Lorenzo M/ Rick J RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?:Left-Eye, Chilli Music Style: Interlude TLCvirtual Review: This Interlude is too funny. It makes me wonder why the girls arn't into acting. The Playa, played by Lisa's true boyfriend Lorenzo, did his part nice. It was phat. makes me wonder, do guys really act like that? It would have been nice if the girls had more parts, but it was good none the less. "No Scrubs" Kevin B./Kandi B./ Tameeka C. RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?: Chilli Music Style: Mid-Tempo Upbeat Funk TLCvirtual Review: The concept of what a Scrub is dazzled by acostic guitars, and a melody that will get you straight into the song the first hear. Chilli's second time round taking the lead, as takes TLC closier and closier to Number #1. I still can't get over how beautifully written this piece is, and how the melody just makes you want to listen to it over and over again. It's a catchy tune, and almost everyone is singing it on the streets, in the car, I even had to catch my self singing it in odd places. You can't get enough of No Scrubs, and once the video comes out, everyone's going to be wanting it more! I'M GOOD AT BEING BAD RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?:T-Boz, Left-Eye, Chilli Music Style:Hip-Hop Rap Kiss Off! TLCvirtual Review: Ok, TLC got that. I was really thinking it was going be this nice pretty song, with some Chilli vocals, and they switched the gun on me, guess that's why I get for underestimating TLC. I mean look at the name, this song can't get any badder. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, ripped the beat up! Hard drums, Hissing sounds, and T-Boz just spilling out the nastiness, yet it's good nastiness! if you think TLC has lost there edge and gone too pop, guess again, taking Donna Summers old tune and bringing out the history in it was a right move, yet not a right move for Donna sice later versions, don't have the sample, none he less, Left Eye kicks it with her first rap on the album, and it is hot and sexy all the way through! IF THEY KNEW/AUSTIN,LOPES,WATKINS, ETC. RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?:T-BOZ, LEFT EYE, CHILLI Music Style: Futuritic Club beat TLCvirtual Review: If you was listening to "Good at being bad" before, you will love the transition from that song to this song! Talk about heavy hitters. This song takes ont he Virtual Cyber sound once again, as all the members take on a part. Looks like we got ourselves a "Creep" part two, only with an edge. Left Eye's rap is the highlight, with her adlibbing all the way through. The Chorus is the bset part, and it's very well written, and the content of the song, the theme, and sound gets everyone jumping in the clubs or bouncing in your car, for sure club material! I MISS YOU SO MUCH/ BABYFACE & SIMMONS RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?:CHILLI Music Style: ANGELLIC BALLAD TLCvirtual Review: After getting rid of the hoes, and the scrubs, being Nasty, and crepping around, TLC take it down to show that femine side of understanding and love. Chilli HighLight ballad on "Fan Mail" (remember her first on CrazySexyCool, Take our Time,) Well our dreamy Chilli heart is shattered into tiny pieces, and when she sings those tunes, you feel the pain. The sound is very "Babyface", traditional to his sound adding acoustic guitars to show that emotion of losing someone. If this song does not make you cry the second time around, replay and think about that guy, or that girl, that has hurt you, or has left you, or just won't give you the time of day, and then feel Chilli's pain. (sniff). More to come! FAN MAIL TRACK LISTING Fan Mail (feat./ Virtual Vic-e) Vic-E Interpretation (Interlude I) Silly Ho (feat./ Virtual Vic-e) Interlude 2 (Whispering Playa) No Scrubs I'm Good at Being Bad If they Knew I Miss you so much Unpretty My Life Shout Come on Down Dear Lie Interlude 3 (Communication) Lovesick Automatic (feat./ Virtual Vic-e) Don't Pull Out on me Yet Come back for Updated News
Here you will find Reviews on The Songs of Fan Mail.
"FANMAIL" Dallas Austin RATE: (Not yet rated) TLC?: T-Boz, Left-Eye, Chilli, and Virtual Vic-e Music Style: Futuristic Upbeat R&B style TLCvirtual Review: I love this song with a passion, one of the best songs on the Album. It is the best album opener I ever heard in my life, no one compares. It is great because it is dedicated to the fans (accented with a great clip of a Left Eye interview). The concept of cybersex, is what I got from it, and it is quite interesting. The way the R&B sound on top of the furtistic beat is a well done combination. Virtual Vic-e even though a voice really brings out the song completely. the only down thing about it is that it wasn't longier so that i could be a actual single. Loving it...
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