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What's Going To Happen?

I know this is a little early to be talking about, but it's not that far away. School will be ending soon and I will leave Northside Middle School--which means I'll be leaving the jazz band.

I have already decided that I will not be trying out for the jazz band at the high school. I have had a lot of fun with it, but I really don't want to do jazz for the rest of my 4 years in school. I will, however, tryout for the Symphonic(sp?) band. I will definitely be in the marching band. I have always wanted to do that! But jazz band is out of the question. After this year, I decided that it would be better for me and everybody if I didn't try out. And since I'll be a freshman next year, it would be very hard to get in it. But, if I wanted to try out I would tryout. But since I don't I wont worry about it.

This is my own personal opinion. If anybody were to read this and is associated with the NMS Jazz Band, I would just want to make it clear that I have lost intrest and have decided not to go further with it. If a 6th or 7th grader that is interested in the jazz band at NMS and they still have it, I would encourage everyone to try it once. I did, and I found out that I wasn't ment for it. But they might be. It's a wonderful experience, you feel like you've been more sucessful than all the others. And that's a great feeling. But I believe that I could feel that feeling some other way.

Which brings me to my point. I will not be updating once school is out. I see no reason to. I will keep this site up so maybe someone from Northside Middle School can see what a great band NMS really had for 2 straight years. Both which was taught under Mr. V.G. I think he did a great job. Hopefully someone will continue it when he is gone and has a band of his own.

After school is over I will write one more update, a long one. I will make other web sites maybe not about band. I love band to death but I have other things in my life. I'm very concerned about people who suffer from cancer, since I found out a very close relative has it a couple of weeks ago. Also, another topic is animals, as of right now I'm aming to become a Marine Biologist. And I love advice and teenage issues. Such as dating, relationships, friends, violence, and other important teen issues. When I do make me another web page I will add the link on the main page so you can see it.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this site, even though it has been up for a very short time. I enjoy having something of my own. I hope everyone has a happy life ahead of them.

If you would like to email me and talk about anyting my email address will never change unless stated otherwise. Which will be noted on the main page. I love to meet other people all over the world.



Northside Middle School Jazz Band
