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The Last Update

I know this is late, but...oh well.

I was hoping that this would be long, but when I got to thikning about it, what is there to talk about? It's over. School ended last Friday, June, 4, 1999. As I was leaving the middle school I looked over my shoulder. That was the last time I pulled out of the parking lot as a middle schooler. Kinda weird once you think about it. I am going to miss it, yeah. But I feel like something..I just don't know what it is. It sounds stupid, I know. But haven't you felt that way? You've finally reached what you've been dreaming about, and when you get there it's like, 'Now what?' That's exactly it. Ofcourse I have dreams of finishing high school. That's a big dream. But what do you do about the summer? When you've done everything imaginable to keep yourself occupied. I guess I'll find away...

OK, I was rambling the first paragraph, so on to the 'Final Thought' (I've been watching too much Jerry! =) ) Thoughts about this think we could of been better, if everybody would have came to practice more often. But I think we did good this year. I personally think we were better last year, but like I said, it's an opinion. The music was better this year. Now, I'm staring high school in the face. And scared to death of it too. I'll make it. I hope....

So this site, it's not like I had a lot of visitors. But I appreciate the ones that did come and visit. I learned that it is very hard to maintain a web site. But I had fun.

That's really all I have to say. Not much, I know. But what do ya say? Everyone, have very happy lives. And hope we get to meet again. Goodbye!


Saturday, June 5, 1999

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