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Do I Ever Update?

March 19, 1999: Well, I added some new stuff to the page. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll add the conductor's page and info about the school. Check back tomorrow

March 20, 1999: I'm going to update tonight.

Night of March 20, 1999: OK, I made a conductor's page. As soon as we have our next pratice I'll try and put pics up! Hey! if you have a Hanson page, please click the link. It would mean a lot to me!

March 22, 1999: No updates today. We have practice tonight. Take that back, I just have time to add 2 pics to the brass page. Hope ya like them. I'll add more pics to the other pages in a couple of day! Now, it's off to practice!

March 23, 1999: Nothing really to update today. Practice went OK, I probably won't update untill the weekend. I have got slamed w/homework this week and plus I have tests(ITBS). It ends tomorrow! HOORAY! Anyways, I'll try and update tomrrow! Later.

Match 24, 1999: Yup, I can't update until the weekend. Something really horrible happened to me, homework! hehe. Just kidding. Really, I got slamed with homework. So, I'll be putting messages here until the weekend so you know I'm not dead! Hopefully, Monday I'll be able to take some pics of the band and myself.

March 28, 1999: oops! Sorry, I didn't update this weekend. Um, hehe. Tomorrow's practice I'm gonna take pictures of the band. That should be cool. IF he doesn't cancell practice. Which, he better not! =) Thursday, I promise!, I'll update. If I have time then I'll do it before then.

March 30, 1999: We had practice yesterday. So everything OK there. I did happen to take a couple of pictures. So I'll get those up, maybe on Sunday when I go over to my grams house (My b-day!). She has the scanner!

March 31, 1999: All I did was add a link to the main page.

April 1, 1999: Happy April Fool's Day! I changed the color on the main page.

April 4, 1999: Happy Easter! Happy b-day to me! I'm 14! Cool! I will not be updating from April 5 - April 11. I'm going to Disney World for spring break. I hope everyone has a happy Easter! See ya when I get back!

April 11, 1999: I'm back! Too many people at Disney World! Diney-MGM Studios Rules! hehe.

April 12, 1999: Pratice was cancelled so I changed the layout of the page. I'm so proud of myself. If any of the links don't work please email me!

April 13, 1999: I added some pics of instruments in the diff. sections. And I added a Mother's Day banner on the main page.

April 17, 1999: oops. I really haven't updated in a long time. But, there's nothing to update. Mr.V.G. is on a trip so that mean we wont have practice until Monday. I put a pic link at the bottom of the main page. Please go to it. It's really cool.

April 20, 1999: I am really thinking about hosting web sites. If you have a jazz or music related webpage, email me and I will visit your web page to see it. If I approve your site I will add a link to your site from mine. If I do host your site all I aske is that you link back to mine. Sound Okey? hehe. Then email me! Later.

April 22, 1999: I'll take pictures today at practice. I changed the main page a little bit.

April 24, 1999: This Thursday we will be at a festival in Milledgeville(sp?). Nothing new to update.

April 28, 1999: I wont be updating in a while due to a family illness. Hope you stay with me!

May 2, 1999: I'm back. Thursday was gloomy (if you know what I mean) hehe. Tuesday, May 4,1999, we will go to 2 elementry schools to preform for the spring. Have a nice day!

May 9, 1999: Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 1999: Please go and read the Future Of My Site link. It's very important!

May 20, 1999: Today we played a couple of songs for the 5th graders, which are upcoming 6th graders, so we could recruit for band next year. We haven't had a practice in a long time so it wasn't as good as I hoped. Nothing's really going on since there's only 10 days left of school. But it's not like I'm counting or anything....

May 24, 1999: Well, tonight is the last concert for the jazz band. This site may end sooner than I think. This weekend I will probably write the last update. This site has been so fun I hate to give it up. Well, I'll talk about it more in my last update. Hope we play good tonight, it'll be the last time....

May 27, 1999: Isn't this cool? I'm updating from my Social Studies teacher's computer. It's 1st period. hehe. We played great the other night. It was our best preformance not to mention our last. Things are blury for the future of the jazz band. Hopefully we'll know what's going to happen by early next week. Becuase that's the last week of school. I'll be updating this weekend.


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