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A,B,C's: The Native American Indian Way
Author: Richard D. Red Hawk
Card Catalog Description: Presents the letters from A to Z, using each letter to introduce the culture, customs, and history of the North American Indians. Order this Book
The American Indians : Mystery and Tradition on the Great Plains, to Unlock and Discover (Treasure Chests)
Author: Fiona MacDonald
Synopsis: This book serves as a fully illustrated and informative guide to the culture and traditions of the Sioux, as well as other nations that populated the Great Plains. Children can learn the sign language and symbols used by Native Americans, plus a secret tray inside the book holds everything needed to create a beaded headband, a model tipi, and more. Includes study maps and over 100 color illustrations. Order this Book
Beyond the Lodge of the Sun : Inner Mysteries of the Native American Way (The 'Earth Quest' Series)
Author: Chokecherry Gall Eagle
Synopsis: Medicine man Chokecherry Gall Eagle reveals the authentic core of two powerful Native American teachings. Chokecherry Gall Eagle says he has been given "permission" for one time only to bring out this knowledge for all to read, breaking the barrier against sharing the wisdom outside Native culture. Radiating with a rare authenticity, the book also includes warnings about common illusions and pitfalls of false shamanism. Order this Book
Buffalo Woman Comes Singing : The Spirit Song of a Rainbow Medicine Woman
Author: Brooke Medicine Eagle
Synopsis: In the spiritual community, Brooke Medicine Eagle has been renowned as a powerful teacher, an entrancing personality. Now, with awareness of Native Americans growing, she reveals the extraordinary way in which she became a Native American Earthkeeper, healer, visionary and singer. Order this Book
The Encyclopedia of Native American Legal Tradition
Author: Bruce E. Johansen (Editor), Charles Riley Cloud
Book Description: Integrating American Indian law and Native American political and legal traditions, this encyclopedia includes detailed descriptions of nearly two dozen Native American Nations' legal and political systems such as the Iroquois, Cherokee, Choctaw, Navajo, Cheyenne, Creek, Chickasaw, Comanche, Sioux, Pueblo, Mandan, Wyandot, Powhatan, Mikmaq, and Yakima. Although not an Indian law casebook, this work does contain outlines of many major Indian law cases, congressional acts, and treaties. It also contains profiles of individuals important to the evolution of Indian law. This work will be of interest to scholars in several fields, including law, Native American studies, American history, political science, anthropology, and sociology. Order this Book
The Four-Fold Way : Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary
Author: Angeles Arrien
Book Description: A leading expert on native spirituality and shamanism reveals the four archetypal principles of the Native American medicine wheel and how they can lead readers to a higher spirituality and a better world. Features meditational exercises, a self-inventory to track progress, and inspirational quotations. 30 illustrations. Order this Book
Native Wisdom : Perceptions of the Natural Way
Author: Ed McGaa, Rudolph Chasing Hawk
Author's Review: The author, Ed (Eagle Man) McGaa, , January 25, 1997
Perceptions of the Natural Way- responds to numerous questions directed by young Americans to an Oglala Sioux who has personally participated in his tribe's ceremonies and culture. There are many "Native" books out there but rarely are any written by an enrolled, registered tribal member who fought for the return of the old traditions as well as traveling with the holy people of the past. Native Wisdom opens the door to the real Native American cultural and working Spirituality. Forget the European mind-set and walk toward experienced knowledge. Observe the splendid world view accomplishments of a people with a strong Humanitarian and Earth Track Record. The Book begins with the Chapter- Who is God? The Indian's response is "I do not know! And, no one truthfully, really knows for sure." Creator is a Mystery but yet Its teachings are everywhere and very observable if we have the sense to look! IT (Great Mystery & not He or She) is evidenced through direct,undiluted observation. This Natural Way method led the people to Democracy, close family ties, disciplined yet freedom in living, and a viable Mother Earth for thousands of years! Order this Book
Sweetwater Wisdom : A Native American Spiritual Way
Author: Wendy Crockett
Synopsis: A Native American woman shares her personal experience "on the red road," and the spirituality that sustains her and her people. Readers of all faiths, and none, will find fresh insights on family and community, prayer and ritual, and how to live in balance with the physical/spiritual worlds and our male/female sides. The book is a beautiful expression of how a person of spirit can live on this earth. Order this Book
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