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Overall difficulty level: 3/10

Skill: 3/10 (all routes)

Aerobic: 5/10 (depending on route)

Scenic: 6/10

Crowdedness: 4/10

Suri's not my favorite place, as they've stepercized the main XC loop and it was already wide and smooth to begin with. I prefer the trails that challenge my skills, but Suri has some nice sections nonetheless. Perhaps the other reason I don't ride it so much is that it's a little farther away than the other mountains in the Seoul area. If you climb from the main park entrance near the water treatment plant, you'll hit a dirt road which after 1 km or so comes out into another dirt road. This is ground zero, with 3 singletrack coursings waiting for you. One of them is rocky and tight; the other two are more rolling. The singletrack heading straight uphill to your left from this point is "The Horseshoe." Follow it around for an hour or two of rolling XC pain to put you right near Sanbon subway station.

Access Sanbon subway station, in suburban southern Seoul, in Gun-po. Exit the station and head northwest. Look for signs in incorrect English that are supposed to say water treatment plant, but which say something like "water treat." Anyway, ride to the base of Suri Mtn and turn left, following the base of the mountain around to the plant. Just past the plant is the main entrance. You'll probably see a few cyclists hanging around; it can be a somewhat popular place. I don't know how useful this map will be for you, since it's in Korean. It's from, a race promoter, and marks a recent race course. On the bottom of the map is the Suri Middle School, where the DH course ends. Ask for "Soori cho-deung hak-gyo."

--Steve Danyo