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ADAT YESHUA MESSIANIC CONGREATION, a Messianic Jewish Congregation in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Pray for the Shalom in Yerushalayim, may those who love you prosper
Pray for the Shalom in Yerushalauim, may those who love you prosper Adat Yeshua Messianic Congreation Pray for the Shalom in Yerushalauim, may those who love you prosper

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ADAT YESHUA MESSIANIC CONGREATION, a Messianic Jewish Congregation in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Pray for the Shalom in Yerushalayim, may those who love you prosper. Adat Yeshua Messianic Congreation Jewish Atlanta Georgia USA Yerushalayim hanukkah yeshua chanukkah messiah spirit high holy days shabbat purim God G-D hashanah passover yom kippur shavuot sukkot pesach ruach ha kodesh jesus temple Adat Yeshua Messianic Congreation Jewish Atlanta Georgia USA Yerushalayim hanukkah yeshua chanukkah messiah spirit high holy days shabbat purim God G-D hashanah passover yom kippur shavuot sukkot pesach ruach ha kodesh jesus temple