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Adoption - Our Homepage

Welcome to our adoption page! Whether you're a birthparent considering adoption or an interested friend, we're glad that you found us. We are hoping to build our family through adoption and we have prepared this page to help us get the word out. Here you will find a brief description about us, some of our dreams and plans for a child, and a little about where we live. If you would like more information, please e-mail us or give us a call. We would love to hear from you!

Dear Birthparent ~

Hello! We are Jim (32) and Wendy (29). Please allow us to begin by saying "thank you" for considering us as prospective parents. We don't presume to know what a difficult decision this must be for you. We hope that our letter will put you at ease by knowing that we are a loving family who will give your child a wonderful life.

Our relationship and values - We met and fell in love while attending the same church and have been married 7 terrific years. Our relationship is built on friendship, trust, mutual respect, and a love that continues to grow. We enjoy emotional as well as financial security. We are best friends and have lots of fun together. Although we are both very healthy, we are unable to conceive a child. We realized early that becoming parents was more important to us than getting pregnant.

Our home life - We live in a four bedroom home with a large, beautiful yard in North Carolina. One of the bedrooms is just waiting to be a nursery. One of the reasons that we selected our neighborhood is how friendly and peaceful it is. It is a fantastic setting for children and they seem to be everywhere. More than once our neighbors and their children have asked "so when are you going to have a baby?" Soon we hope to be able to give an answer. All that's missing from our home is the patter of little feet.

There are many parks and lakes nearby our home and both the mountains and beaches are short driving distances. Our families live nearby and are a very important part of lives. They support our decision to adopt and eagerly await a new baby to love.

We enjoy spending our time together gardening, working on our house, and playing with our cat, Tigger. We love to cook together, experimenting as we go. We like antiques and enjoy going to flea markets and antique auctions. We have also been blessed with many vacation opportunities and love to travel.


Careers - Jim has a computer science degree and is a computer department manager for a large company. He has spent most of his career with the same firm and is well liked by his peers. Although successful in business, Jim remains a down-to-earth man who enjoys simple pleasures. Jim is patient, caring and has a great sense of humor. He is terrific with children and they all seem to love him.

Wendy has been a homemaker for the past eight months and is looking forward to being a full-time, stay-at-home Mom. Having attained financial security as a couple, Wendy's decision to retire from corporate life was an easy one. Although she enjoyed a satisfying career as a personnel manager, she is ready to devote her time and efforts to the things most important in her life - church and family. Wendy is warm-hearted, kind, affectionate and always has a positive outlook.

Hopes and prayers - Giving a child unlimited opportunities is one of our goals. If he or she wants to be a doctor, athlete, musician or just about anything, we want to make sure that those choices are easily available. But we also want to encourage a very free and lively childhood, with large doses of affection and positive reinforcement. We want to provide a caring environment that promotes good self-esteem and unconditional love. There will always be time for friends, laughter, cookies, and just plain ole' childishness. Giggles are good!

We are prepared for the opportunity to raise children. We know that you are faced with perhaps the most difficult decision of your life and we commend you for your concern for both your future and the future of your child. Our hopes and prayers go with you, no matter what decision you make.

Again, thank you for considering us as prospective adoptive parents. We have completed a home study (required for adoption). We also have an attorney who would be happy to speak with you. We will be happy to meet with you, if so desired. We are also open to corresponding and sending pictures throughout the child's life. Most importantly, your baby will grow up knowing of your love and courage in providing the gift of life and a hopeful future.

If you would like to talk, please call us toll free at (800)484-4007 pin 4570 or e-mail us at

Again, thank you, and we wish you the best in all things.


Jim & Wendy



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