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WITCHCRAFT: Dispelling the Myth!

There are Many myths surrounding witchcraft. Myths that witches themselves believe. I am on a mission to dispel these myths, and with the power of God, truth will be seen for what it is. TRUE.

First, most witches claim they do not cast spells, they must follow the decree of their craft. Which is "an', it harm none, do what thou wilt." In other words, as long as you do not hurt others, do what you want.

Okay, let's give the benefit of the doubt and say they do not cast spells. WHAT do they do then?

1. Worship 'Mother Earth'- The need to keep earth viable and livable. Good idea right? What's wrong with it? Worshipping 'Mother Earth' is a thinly veiled masquerade for "goddess worship." God clearly states first and foremost in His commandments, "Thou shalt have NO other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3) ANYTHING put before God becomes an idol. Whether it be a named god such as 'baal' or in items, such as gold, silver, books, t.v. etc. Anything that takes your time away from God, becomes a god to you.

2. Tell (predict) the future- Otherwise known as 'psychics, tarot readers, soothsayers,divination, fortune telling, necromancy, prognostication, observing times, astrology, stargazing, horoscopes, etc. What's wrong with telling the future? Well to predict any future events involves talking to spirits. Spirits of the dead!

This can be done! Just read 1 Samuel 28. King Saul went to a woman, who called up the spirit of the dead Samuel!

These spirits are called 'Familiar Spirits' or in an other word, DEMON.

Which brings us to the fact that witches claim satan or his demons, are a 'Christian' belief. They claim he did not exist until the New Testament. Let's explore that further.

Who is Satan? In hebrew, the name satan has come to mean one who opposes God. The word in itself means 'Accuser' or 'Adversary'. It was translated into greek as "diablos", in english, devil.

Several Old Testament passages represent satan as one who accuses people of wrongdoing, rather than the embodiment of wickedness. Zecheriah describes him as a prosecuting angel. In Job, satan cynically charges that Job serves God for personal gain.

The idea of satan being an evil being continues in the New Testament. As Jesus prepared for His Messianic mission in the wilderness, He was tempted by the temptor himself. When rebuked by Jesus, satan left.

In the book of Revelation, satan is ultimately defeated after battle.

Point being, YOU cannot rebuke or battle (physically) with an idea or concept. Ephesians 6:12 tells us 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places' Ephesians 6:11 warns us to keep on the whole armour of God that we 'may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil'.

So who or what are the 'familiar spirits' or 'demons' mentioned earlier? They are the devils angels. Matthew 25:41 tells us that the 'everlasting fire' has been prepared for the devil and his angels. (NOT humans!)

3. Practice Magic-Magic is any pretending act or practice.

Magicians have been brought before kings, pharoahs, and leaders as far back as the book of Genesis. Is it wrong? Well, when many who practiced magic came to believe on the Lord Jesus, they brought their books together and burned them all, before men. (Acts 19:19) So if they themselves denounce the craft, who are we to say it's OK?

All of these practices and more, were and still are carried on. All done in connection with 'Familiar Spirit' or demons.

ALL who forsake God and seek help from these demons are to be destroyed. Read Revelation 13.

Devils can work miracles, insomuch that even the very elect can be deceived. Deception is the bottom line with satan. He comes to deceive, steal, destroy AND kill.

Why does he do this? Because of hatred. Satan hates God so much, that he will do anything to pull people away from Him.

Witches and others say, "Christians claim to be the only way". This is a fallacy! Christianity, Religion etc. is not the way to heaven. There is only ONE way. JESUS CHRIST!! Your church, whether it be baptist, pentecostal, or wiccan, will NOT get you into heaven!!

Acts 4:12 tells us that "neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we might be saved."

Jesus himself stated in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO man cometh unto the Father, but BY ME" (Emphasis added)

Witchcraft, Wizardry, and familiar spirits were denounced in Leviticus 20:6. "And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I (God) will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." And again in Galatians 5, Witchcraft is grouped in with other 'works of the flesh.' (adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings and such like). "As I have told you in times past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God" Galatians 5:21.

You might think, "But I don't do those things, I'm a good person." Your goodness will not save your soul! There IS a life after this one, and the choice is up to you as to where you will spend it.

Heaven and Hell are real!!! Eternity is a VERY long time!!!!

Romans 3:23 tells us that "ALL have sinned, and come short the glory of God" We cannot redeem ourselves, or save ourselves, we MUST rely on Jesus Christ!!

No, you might not worship Satan or demons per se, but neither do you worship God. You do have a master, and when you deny one, you accept the other.

Okay, let's talk about 'sacrifices.' I understand that for the MOST part, witches do not sacrifice animals, humans, etc. It's looked down on in ALL cultures, but bear with me a moment. There are those who do!! maybe they are the ones who are WAY out in left field. Nevertheless, it does happen.

A witch may place on her/his altar an 'offering.' ie: fruit, grain, or maybe a flower. An offering, if you will, to the 'Creator of all.' (whom they see as a Mother goddess) They believe that the deity has two parts. Mother Goddess and her consort, known as the horned god. This horned god is seen as the god of the forest, lord of the hunt, Pan. Specifics vary from one witch to the next, but the goddess and the god are known as the five fold deity. The triple goddess, who is maiden, mother, and crone, and the horned god of light and dark.

Where does all this take us? Back to #1 A thinly veiled masquerade for goddess worship which is contrary to the first commandment. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

Where spells are concerned. Ok, maybe they will not turn you into a toad. But read the following, keeping in mind, that it is taken in part from a book belonging to a "Wiccan" (which is a 'church' for witches)

Let's say a witch need money,(don't we all?). The witch would prepare for the spell by gathering some herbs that are believed to have power, to correspond with money. Then an appropriate candle would be chosen, maybe a gold one, or silver, or perhaps green. Also gathered would be a clean piece of paper, the size of a bill that needs paying, or the size of a dollar bill, and a green pen. After making sure each item meant money, or reminded them of money, a circle would be cast, possibly a mental circle, perhaps a circle drawn. They would then ask the goddess and the god, the powers of the four directions to enter their circle and be with them. Then the purpose would be spoken, the candle anointed with oil, making sure the oil has some significance toward their goal. The next step would then be to draw on the clean sheet of paper, with the green pen, a picture of the goal. Say maybe a $50 bill or a $100 bill, whatever it is they need. After drawing the bill, it would be marked as paid. Finally, they would thank the goddess and the god, and close the circle. Of course, exact steps would differ from one witch to the next. But you get the point right?

If this is not a spell, charm or enchantment, then what is it?

These practices are spoken of and denounced throughout the whole Bible. God's power greatly exceeds that of witches, demons or Satan himself!

In Daniel 1:20-When King Nebuchadnezzar was talking to four children of God, he found that "in all matters of wisdom and understanding...he found them TEN times better than ALL the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm."

Do you get the point? FOUR CHILDREN!!!! annointed by God, were better than ALL the magicians and astrologers (put together) in the whole country!!! What does that say of God's power?

Witchcraft is described in 1 Samuel 15:23 as sin. The same as rebellion! When we rebel against our parents, or God, we are in sin, just as in witchcraft!

Remember, this in not my opinion, but God's, the Creator of ALL!!

12 Forbidden Heathen Practices

1. Enchantment
2. Witchcraft
3. Sorcery
4. Soothsaying
5. Divination
6. Wizardry
7. Necromancy
8. Magic
9. Charm
10. Prognostication
11. Observing Times
12. Astrology & Stargazing
