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The Declaration of Principles


WE DECLARE that we cannot and will not accept any act that would weaken or compromise the tradition that we have received in regard to any of the following principles which we hold to be essential to an unimpaired realationship to Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church:

1. The authority of the HOLY SCRIPTURES as the Word of God, and which we believe are infallible, and as our standard in English the King James version, and as summarized in the Creeds, taught by the Fathers and defined in the Bishops Charges on page 542 of the (1928 PECUSA) Book of Common Prayer and the Articles of Religion.

2. The Catholic CREEDS (the Nicene, the Apostles',and the Athanasian) as binding on every member of the Church to a specific personal commitment and conviction.

3. HOLY BAPTISM as ordained by Christ, so set forth in the Book of Common Prayer, as the seal of our Salvation and CONFIRMATION by a bishop in the apostolic line wherein we receive the strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Apostolic tradition.

4. The HOLY EUCHARIST validly celebrated by a bishop of the Apostolic line, or a priest ordained by such a Bishop, and properly received by those confirmed or ready and desirous to be confirmed: however, Communion will not be refused to other Christians.

5. The HOLY ORDERS of Bishops, Priests, and Decons, restricted to men by the universal practise of the Holy Catholic Church, and as intended by the Book of Common Prayer.

6. The integrity of the EPISCOPATE in its sacramental functions and as evangelists and guardians of the Church's faith and moral teaching.

7. The historic Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and ceremonies of the Church as a common liturgy and doctrinal standard. By the Book of Common Prayer we refer to the American 1928 edition; and other equivalents in use in other countries.

THE ANGLICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH, approved in Convention, June 28th 1975.

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