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Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,  


As a citizen, I request that the commission begin a plan now for improving the future of nighttime outdoor lighting in our community.

  -The increasing opaque glow in our night sky is evidence of needless energy wasted.

  -Lighting that is produced in our “line of sight” is blinding and a safety hazard.

  -Unshielded or excessive lighting intrudes into nearby homes, yards &natural areas.

Please design a plan to discourage outdoor lighting that:

1.Shines light upward into the sky, where it serves no useful purpose.

2.Creates glare in our “line of sight”, or intrudes into private properties/natural areas.

3.Is excessively bright, exceeding recognized industry recommendations (*IESNA).

*Full cutoff and shielded lighting fixtures are now offered by all lighting manufacturers.  These fixtures efficiently distribute light downward, without glare and control the spill of light into the neighboring properties and into the night sky.


Through these improvements, we can improve nighttime visibility and public safety, conserve energy, be good neighbors, and regain our disappearing view of the universe.


Signed ____________________________________________________________


Phone & email ______________  ________________________________________

For information contact:  The Astronomy Club of Augusta (serves the CSRA) at  or 

IDA = International Dark-Sky Association at 520.293.3198 or

IESNA= Illuminating Engineering Society of North America at 212.248.5000 or





Dear Planning and Zoning Commission,  


As a citizen, I request that the commission begin a plan now for improving the future of nighttime outdoor lighting in our community.

  -The increasing opaque glow in our night sky is evidence of needless energy wasted.

  -Lighting that is produced in our “line of sight” is blinding and a safety hazard.

  -Unshielded or excessive lighting intrudes into nearby homes, yards & natural areas.

Please design a plan to discourage outdoor lighting that:

1.Shines light upward into the sky, where it serves no useful purpose.

2.Creates glare in our “line of sight”, or intrudes into private properties/natural areas.

3.Is excessively bright, exceeding recognized industry recommendations (*IESNA).

*Full cutoff and shielded lighting fixtures are now offered by all lighting manufacturers.  These fixtures efficiently distribute light downward, without glare and control the spill of light into the neighboring properties and into the night sky.


Through these improvements, we can improve nighttime visibility and public safety, conserve energy, be good neighbors, and regain our disappearing view of the universe.


Signed ____________________________________________________________


Phone & email ______________  ________________________________________

For information contact:  The Astronomy Club of Augusta (serves the CSRA) at  or 

IDA = International Dark-Sky Association at 520.293.3198 or

IESNA= Illuminating Engineering Society of North America at 212.248.5000 or










































   Name _____________________________                                                    Name _____________________________

   Address ___________________________                                                     Address ___________________________

                 ___________________________                                                              ___________________________







       City of ____________ Planning and Zoning Commission                                       ____________ County Planning & Zoning Commission

       c/o Director, __________ Planning Department                                                       c/o Director, __________ County Planning Department

        ____________________________                                                                         __________________________________

       ___________________________Zip_______                                                       __________________________________Zip_______













       Name _____________________________                                                            Name _____________________________

   Address ___________________________                                                                 Address ___________________________

                 ___________________________                                                                                  ___________________________






       City of ____________ Planning and Zoning Commission                                         ____________ County Planning & Zoning Commission

       c/o Director, __________ Planning Department                                                       c/o Director, __________ County Planning Department

        ____________________________                                                                         __________________________________

       ___________________________Zip_______                                                       __________________________________Zip_______