Jeff's Jewish Links Page
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Jeff's Jewish Links Page

Last Update: Dec. 27 '97

Live picture from The Wall, courtesy of Aish HaTorah:

The Kotel from across the street, about 19Kb;
       hold your horses: it's coming from the other side of the world.

Some Selected Places:

The OU Current Events and More!

Portrait of the Rebbe Chabad-Lubavitch in Cyberspace They have a very nice library.
Alternate: Faster-loading non-graphical version

National Council of Young Israel

Daf Yomi Calendar
Daf Yomi from Kollel Iyun Hadaf

Torah Tots

Aish HaTorah They have a variety of resources available.

Ohr Somayach They have a very comprehensive and frequently-updated site.

National Jewish Outreach Professionals

Outreach Judaism, A national organization dedicated to countering the efforts of Christian missonary groups who target Jews for conversion.

Jews for Judaism

Havienu Shalom, a "virtual congregation."

Office of the Prime Minister Policy papers and press releases from P.M. Benyamin Netanyahu.

Shmiras HaLashon Yomi via e-mail. Check it out.

The Kaddish Foundation Dedicated to tending to the spiritual needs of the dearly departed of Israel.

Atlanta Links:

Torah From Dixie Our hometown Web publication, featuring RealAudio Shiurim, with a wide variety of text-oriented learning opportunities. This site is graphics-heavy (slow) but it's worth it.
Congregation Beth Jacob of Atlanta (Schedule of services)
Atlanta Kashrus Commission
Young Israel of Toco Hills (Atlanta) (Schedule of services)
Atlanta kosher food resources maintained by Natan. Very nice.
Atlanta kosher food resources, courtesy of
Atlanta Chai

Some Additional Resources:

Holiday Calendar Courtesy of Bnai Brith

Virtual Jerusalem

Oizer Alport's fairly encyclopedic list of Jewish links.

Some More Kosher Food Resources:, a very nice site maintained by Scharf Associates
Kashrus Conscience from the Kosher Information Bureau of L.A.
American-Asian Kashrus Services
KosherQuest a "publication" of the Kosher Information Bureau, whoever they are.

Click here for the Atlanta Orthodox Community Home Page.

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