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So you want to join the AWF?

Well, before you join...

Make sure you look over the Rules . This way, there won't be any surprises when you're playing the game...

After that, make sure the wrestler that you want isn't already being used by someone else. I get e-mails all the time from people that want to be The Rock. The Rock is almost always taken. If they would check out theRoster first, we'd all save alot of time...

Lastly, send an e-mail to the Owner of the AWF. (The e-mail address is at the bottom of each page.)

Include the following information in the e-mail:

1. Your Wrestler's Name(WWF Only):
2. Your Manager's Name(WWF Only--optional):
3. A Sample Role Play(Let's see how good you are!):

Just copy and paste that in a mail and I'll sign you up!

Where do you want to go?

AWF Wrestler's Bios
Join Now!
AWF Title Histories
AWF Pay Per View Histories
