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This was made by my friend James. He's really good-dont' ya think???? Well here it is :

The Only Answer
June '95

So here I sit in the depths of darkness. This place that was once filled with such light and promise, is now flooded with pessimism and has lost all signs of life. The only sign of light is far off in the distance, it is the only thing that casts any light upon this now lonely place. Here it is cold now, alone in the darkness. As is shiver in the cold without a fire to keep me warm I notice a single spark from the which had once kept me warm. Just as fast as I had noticed the spark does the wind blow it out, forcing my arms around my body in a futile attempt to keep warm. In this immense darkness that I have been trapped in for so long, I can no longer see anything. I can no longer see my own hand in front of my face, and most importantly I can no longer see why I am . It if had not been for this small glimmer of hope far off in the distance I may not have seen the knife that I held across my wrist. Without this tiny glimpse of hope an optimism, I may very well have done it without even knowing that I had. The wind persists at my humble body. Here I am only a shivering lump destined to freeze to death. The light is so inviting, and yet so far away. I must take the long journey to the only sigh of light, hope and life, but I'm afraid. I am afraid of the lonely trip that it will take to get there. It is a journey that I must make on my won, I know that, but I am not about to challenge myself in such a way. I know that without some help I may never make this journey but the only place that I can get this help is at the end of journey. I try to stand up so that I can start on this long trek, but fear holds me back. Fear of the long journey itself that may or may not lead to happiness. Afraid of being alone, of being trapped in the darkness and the cold.....All the same reasons that are pushing me to make this journey. I only have on question. "Why?". From there I am so confused. I just need someone to take me in their arms and carry me for this first couple of steps , I just need some help to get me started on my way. All I know is that I have to try. With some help, or without, I can't stay here with a surge of light from the glimpse of optimism in the distance, I suddenly have a burst of energy...I now have the power to stand and to take those first few steps. As I draw closer to the light warms my eyelids t hat had been all but frozen shut to reality. I open my eyes wide to see pendants, two of them hanging from the light. One is a shinning silver lightning bolt, and the other a cross. Though it will be a long hard journey, I know that my life depends on the fact that I make it, and I know that I will make it.

By: James "Jeep" Bull
