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This was also written by my friend James, but this time I dont' know when or even what it is called, but I like it, and it is good!

They held each other close, and life swirled around them. Oblivious to the world around her, she seemed content. It was only when she let her glance veer from his eyes that she saw her life passing her by. The place where affection and passion once found a home was now being filled with fear. Fear that her life wouldn't wait for her, fear that her love may keep her a prisoner from her true potential. There was only one choice to make, she must let go, she must fall from the graces of the life that she now calls home to get back what is truly hers. They say that it's not that fall that hurts so much as the sudden stop that follows, in this case, I'm not so sure that was true. You could see the tears welling in her eyes, and you could hear the raw emotion in her voice as she fell back into the reality where she can discover who she really is and where she wants to go. Maybe one day, when she's ready, she will find this same happiness with another, until then it is her wish, and responsibility to herself to discover who she is and who she wants to become. For now we will all just have to live with her decision and I must say that I am glad to hold her hand as she ventures on this journey into adulthood.
