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My friends are the most important things in my life. I cherish each of my friendships a great deal, and I love all of my friends with all of my heart. I hold all of our good times tightly in my heart, and i hold all the bad times even tighter. I would not be as good of friends with all of you as I am now without our quarrel's or fights, or bickering, or teasing. You make me who I am today, thank you. =)


I love you sooo much!!! And you know it! =) I will never forget how many stupid problems you have helped me get through, and the bigger ones. Our sugar spiders ROCK, and we make the bestest ice cream sundaes (although we get SICK after!!! teehee). The semi-circular benches are OUR place!! no one will be able to take that night outta my memory book, you were there when I needed you most! Death is a way of life, it comes with living, it's natural but knowing that does not make it any easier, i love you, and i will be here for you throughout everything, even death! =) *HUGS*

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, what excatly to say. IT's so totally weird how we met, new years eve 1999, etc, then later on I went out with your ex (who had intorduced us). We became better friends when me and him were breaking up. I love that we go for ice cream when we're upset, and timmy's for happy time. I love our landscape pictures. I love how we cry when we're happy, and that we let each other know how special we are to each other. I love the triangle with jamie ( NOT KINKY FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW!) I love our breakfasts!!! hahaha You are an amazing person, Totally one of my best friends!! I will always remmeber our girls nights!! Love ya always girly!! =) *HUGS*

hmmm, what to say, what to say... "How about..." I know, I steal it all the time, but I must as it is such a great line. It says it all, eh? =) We've only known each other since the summer before grade 9 when we watched BOYS CLUB! ahah That was a BAD movie! but it was the begining of a friendship; a wonderful one! You are totally like my sister, no one will be able to take that away from us, no boy, no friend, no distance--- nothing. We've had many good times, and one god awful fight, but we are stronger than ever. I apologize deeply for me saying I didn't know if i could ever be friends with you again, cuz my life just wouldn't be the same. *HUGS*

BAM BAM! Oh god, where to start! So many memories.!! You are the girl who has seen me through all of my phases, and still love me! hahah, you are such an awesome chicka! It's crazy! =) Loves and hates, friends and enemies, good times and bad! ALWAYS!! hahahah =) You were also involed in the landscapy pics-- they turned out awesome! hahaha if it werent' for you, i think i would either be insane, or depressed.. haha boy probs, fam probs, friend probs. You are always someone who i can just bitch at if i'm mad at you! haha doesn't that sound nice? We both work in the mall now, so hopefully we can see each other outside of school more often!!! You are one of my number 1 girls!!! *HUGS*

Hey baby girl! Whats goin down? I love ya to bits, you are always there when I need ya! It's crazy cuz we've only known each other since the end of the summer! hahaha it's soooo cool!! i'm glad you are at our school now! =) I hope ya feel like you belong cuz you do! =) Our group is filled with a bunch of crazy's (so i'm sure you fit in just great). NExt time, you drive and i'll make faces ok? hahaha, hmmmmmm =) I let you drive my car, i know you'll do the same sometimes.. hahahah =) So is L&S good? haha you like being the only girl? hahaha i know you love it! hahahah, well hunny, we have to have our girlie day sometime soon!!! I'll have you turned around really soon! hahaha (then you'll be a girl! haha) love u!! *HUGS*

MARTHA'S IN THE HOUSE!!! hahah we are so alike, it's CRAZY eh? hahah that one night on the phone, was kinda scary! hahah I've just gotten to you know you this year, but i met you last year i think!! You and KD are the bestest couple ever! I think you are awesome!!! hahaha hmmm, i want a relationship like yours! ahhhh english class sucks ass,!!!! hahha Green and normal hair eh? STUPID TEACHER! hahaha OH WELL, our crafts make up for it. (don't ya think?? Your lil love package was the cutest! haha) sooooooooooooo we better have some more classes together!!!!!!!!!! More sleepovers too!! hahah maybe next time my house won't be scary and sound like people are breaking in! OH GOD THAT WAS FREAKY!! ahah love u! *HUGS*

hahah You are awesome!!! Anyone up for hot chocolate sitting on a curb? =) teehee... or what about a good ole time eating ice cream?? hahah You are a great guy! Always around to talk to when it's needed.. haha I just wanted to let ya know you are a ggreat friend! And I hope you never change!! loves ya! *HUGS*

BARABOUS! hhahaha our eye lashes make noises? hahah the english crew is awesome! YEEEHAWWW!! WE are awesome in dat class eh? You are a person who always knowsw what to say and when! hahah and it's always funny (well at lesat in english class!) You are always gonna be in my heart, oh tay?? OH YAH and you and kevin are awesome! hahaha LOVE U!!! *HUGS*

You are awesome! We have been friends since grade 3, and since then your hair has gotten a bit better.. hahah but i've always gotten to know you more!! You are a great guy!!! and i think that anyone who doesn't see that is STUPID! haha u up for going shoppping? ahah love u *HUGS*

hahah WASSUP?? =) so you like my 2 million questions about everything lately? hahah we haven't seen that much of each other lately, and i'm not sure why, .. hahah i will never loose my ice cream you made me! =) YAY!! haha that makes me happy.. hahaha little mermaid two baby!! YAY!! hahahah love u!! *HUGS*

More to come....

Icq friends
My Trailer Friends