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A Poem!

My heart has changed,
it was once mine,
and mine alone
that was fine
now it's torn
between me and you
whatever i do
could leave me blue
i am scared
and I dont' know why
I feel like
breaking down to cry.
but then, i also feel like
jumping up and yelling
"this is a wonderful thing!"
and starting to sing.
MY heart is now yours,
so be careful please
cuz i don't want
to take a chance on a sleaze.
friends first,
always and foever
even thou, it can never
go back to the way things were.
now answer me this
and answer me true
please answer me
when I ask, do you?
do u love me?
can you see?
the way my heart
makes us out to be
I really really... hope so.

