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undefined Hey, So this is going to be my online journal, some what... yah, and this is my first entry. wow! haha isn't this good fun? haha i'm not sure if i really want to do this, or not, cuz i dunno who still comes to my sight, so i'm not exactly sure what to write on here.. i guess i'll just pour out my heart? haha sounds good.
so, me and nick had this great talk last night, i love him so much it's scary. I dunno.. i've never felt like this about anyone before, i feel like he makes me a better person... i dunno. We went to see tomcats.. haha i'ts a good movie.. one REALLY gross part, but i was laughing most of the time, which is usually a good sign... uhhhhhh i had to work today and i hate work with a passion, like i'ts not even funny, i really need a new job, i'm on the hunt, hopefully i'll get UNlazy and apply at the places that i have already found, do u think i will? hahah nope, i won't.. oh well.. my mom bought cheezies, (i don't know how to spell that word) and even thou we jsut finished din din, i feel like eating some, NO, i won't let myself. I will not give into the temptation.. haha oh my god i think i'm on crack, well maybe not, who knows.... i'm listening to the music on my new computer and we have more bass on this thing then i do on my actuall cd player.. hahah it's weird, but sweet, i love this new thing when it works.. that reminds me, i should make a cd sometime soon.. the last few times i tried it didn't work, and i had to pay my mom for the cds anyways, i got totally cheesed.. oh well, what can ya do? well, i'm gonna go work around here a lil more, i'm starting to do some more updating because i have nothing else to do lately. love u, thanks for listening... wait, i don't care if you do or not.. it's just a place for me to vent... OuT.
