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To The Ones I Love:

There are many people that I love in this world.
First, my parents. they brought me into this world. They have cared for me and continue to do so. they may be strict, but i know they are thinking it is for my best interest....

My friends. you guys are amazing. You have been there when i need to laugh, cry, joke with, jog, anything. It's been awesome and it will be better!!!

Nick, you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

The Things I Love
Many many many, this part will be updated all the time

Sun in the summer, the way the sand goes through your toes at the beach, laughing on the phone with your best friend for hours, the smell of baking chocolate cookies, getting a tan, writing meaningful poetry and now having people respect it, going to BFN in the summer, swimming in my pool, being on the computer working at my page until my eyes get blurry, When you are upset and you listen to country music and suddenly all your problems disappear, the way your nails look right after you have painted them, glittery things, the colour blue, shopping money, the attention you get on your birthday, cute quiet little babies, full moons 98degrees, walks, eating ice cream with crazy guys that get food all over themselves to make you feel better, writing long letters/e-mail and getting long ones back, all the pictures in my room, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 3, my plum coloured honda civic, getting pages from guys who am luving off, playing goalie for my soccer team, things that sparkle, the cute things people write in your yearbooks, picking up guys with the girls DT in my car, lil fish that swim around in lil bowls and DON'T die, grape pop, swinging on swings at night, laughing and laughing and laughing....

More to come...........
