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hi. How are you? I am... well... for a loss for a better word.....fine.

I thought I would tell you about myself! I don't really know what to say, so I'll just start writing and see what come out... Oh k ???

I am a 17 year old girl from Canada. My birthday is in May, and I am a Taurus! hahah If you know me, I am sure you can tell--> I am VERY stubborn. I have blond hair and blue-green eyes. I am like 5'7" if I am lucky, but.. o.k think I am crazy, I want to be short.

My insight.... short short short, short people want to be tall and tallish people want to be short, and average people like me want to be anything but our height! the end...

I have some coolio friends, all of you guys are Different but amazingly cool!!!
I love QuOtEs . And poetry, and books, and Twist Magazine..... reading.. in general!
I guess, in a way I am an overachiever.. Which is NOT good at all.. Yearbook/newpaper/school work/... wow, too much oh well, we'll see what happens. I guess I could be normal well depending on what your definition of normality is... but :).I get hyper, I depressed, I get bitchy, I love, I hate...
peace out....

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