Useless..... stuff (??)
Yah, this is a section of my homepage, where I am going to just talk and talk and talk. about life, guys, girls, everything.
Lets see, life. It is really a great thing. Don't ya think? Well, I mean human beings are intriguing people, we are smart, dumb, tall, short, big, skinny,
no two people are really alike. everyone is differnt. The thought of bringing a human into this world is an amazing thought but, kinda ouchy!!!
but boyz on the other hand, they are ssooo confusing it's not even funny. One day it seems like they totally like you, and all that jazz, but then the
next they don't talk to you. why? don't they see the pain they cause you???
friends, does anyone really have friends? Or is it every person for themselves? I honestly dont' know, I can't figure it out. I probably will, when i am like 80
and have no friends... ya know??
I keep getting told that family are going to be the only people who wil be there for you when you are old and no one else is around.... well.. i don't know...
will I be able to stand my family?? I dunno, sure lotsa them are coolio people, but others annoy me. I think i will outgrow that though, you know like the way you
ourgrow dislikes for certain foods?? (off topic but that is ok) I mean when I was younger I HATED brussel sprouts, now, gimme some cheese(melted) and I will
eat lotsa them!! yummy!
hhhmmmmmm relationships are awesome. I love the one i am in, but don't you find them confusing? I mean, a simple look makes you think that you are going to be dumped
or that they are mad at you, or if they are tired... oh god, that scars the crap outta me. PLUS friends seem to get mad all the tiem about not doing enough stuff with
them, when you think you are doing a lot with them and stuff... i dunno!
hhhhmmmmmmm html also pissed me off....... one tiny mistake and you end up with sumthin totally different than you wanted. heheheh and you have to ask ppl and they think you
are stupid or wahetver!! hehehe it's all crazy.
At heart, I think I am true romantic, i mean the whole idea of dinner and dancing, where your date brings you flowers at the begining, and then pays for the dinner (which takes
place at a quite, cozy little restaurant, at a table for two, with candles in the middle....)... you wearing a flowery dress, him wearing dress pants a shirt... dancing either at a club
or salsa dacing... or sumthin...then walking in the park, or along the beach (in the summer at night) with a bright moon, and tons of stars..... it being cold, but not too cold. Just
cold enough so that you have to get close to keep warm. He drives you home, and the entire way you laugh about all the quirky details that happened (like how when you were talking, you
swung your arm out, and hit the couple next to you.. stuff like that), then he walks you to your door, nad you stand there under the porch light. He looks you deep in the eyes, and
says he will callyou tomorrow, and you know that he actually will. A sweet but small kiss goodnight, then you turn into your house, and he walks back to his car. You keep your door open
until he drives away....
whoa! that was a bit extreme eh? oh well.. did u want me to describe the perfect guy to you now?? hehehe Maybe next time I update!
well anyways, I am sure you don't really care, but it's all good.
I am out
bu bye!!! *HUGS*
hehehehe i talked about a lot of nothing here didn't I?!?!?!?! Well I hope you liked it... well even if you didn't, I don't care too much!! :) hehehe