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Trailer Friends!!!

This section is dedicated just to my trailer freinds!!!

*^*Mel*^* Mel, Mel, Mel, what to say. You are one of my closest friends, even though we only see each other twice a year if we are lucky. You are away at Trent, and I wish you teh best of luck! You and James have been together for like EVER, and it's awesome, you deserve to be happy! You are the short one that we hang around with,and one of the oldest,but it's all good eh?? hhhmmm, you are like my sister, litterally!!! I can't wait til we see each other next!! Talk to ya lates!!! *HUGS* You Summer sista (hehe you like that?? I think it's cute!!)

*+* Nicole*+* Hey Nic! How are ya?!!?! HHHmmm, you are always a person to sepak her mind, when she thinks it needs to be spoken. My summer holidays just owuldn't be the same without hearing about some fight that you were in with someone one from the trailer. When push comes to shove, you are always there!!! hhhmmmm..... heheh you have to get up early in the morning, when the rest of us get to sleep in!! hehehehe oh well..... hmmm...... I hope we keep in touch. *HUGS* Your summer Sista!

*&*Jenn *&* Hullo! I just met you this year, even though your trailer has been next to mine for a while now (i think!) We started to write sum letters, btu we kinda stopped already! I hope we keep in touch, as you are da bomb girly!!! You don't care what anyone thinks, and it's totally cool! Have fun with your chatline boys! but stay safe ok?!?!?!?!?! you are also short!! but we know you can take on anyone, so that is a bit scary! heheh (jokes!) Write back soon. *HUGS* you new Summer Sista!

*%* Miss (melissa) *%* HEY! I don't know if you will ever read this, but that is ok! You and I are pretty similar, I think... :) You have a cool voice, heheh i only know cuz you always sing!! I wonder if I will get my G-2 before you.. can u park yet?!?!?! ;) hhmmmm... dont' worry about anything, stay safe, and stay cool..... Stay the same, it's not as if i think you will ever change :) I think you should write me a letter, so call me sometime!!! ok?!?!?! you better!! We like only talk in the summer!! hehehe *HUGS* your Summer Sista!!!!!!!

*$*Steve*$* Hi. I also met you this year. You seem pretty cool!! :) Ummm you and your sister have a cool relationship :) hhmmmm...... i hear you are good at volleyball... hmmm you probably are, but i will never know!! hehehehe......... I also hear you are a good snowborder :) probably... heheh i'll write ya a letter if u want!!! but you gotta write back!!! you are cool,I am glad I met you this summer! I dunno if the summer would have been the same if I hadn't! never never change!! *HUGS*

*#* Zach*#* HEY! I was one of the first people to meet you and Troy. :) yup yup yup, the good ole days! Hhehe you have changed a lot since then... A LOT.... I heard a lot of stuff about ya before I went up this summer, but you are still a good guy at heart! :) Life, Love and Have Fun. right?!?! drop me a line sumtime. *HUGS*

*@*Troy*@* Hey Hey. You and and I have some memories eh?!?!?! hehehe jokes! That was a cool summer! lots of fun.. hhmmmm... as i have heard you have been through a lot since then... well.... (i don't know what to say after that!).. hmm you are a nice guy!!! The world needs lots of those :) well... drop me a line sumtime if you want!!!! *HUGS*

