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Updates darlings!

I decided to do an updates page.. so you all know what is goin on in Becky's World!!!!

April 7,01-- uhhh added a journal, a section on lifehouse, uhhhhh updated a few other things too.

JAN 26/01-- SUP? haha i added some stuff about some people i luvvvvv haha check it out!!!

DEC 25/00 MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN!! hahah sweet so i've update lots this past year? hahah jk! oh well, i'm changing the look of the place! keep coming back!

OCT 31/00-- HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I updated friends, and added some more poems!!! Thanks YO

Sept 18/00-- friends pages man! hahaha

AUG 23/00-- lil stuff today, the about me stuff on the main page (or go) and my friends.

JULY 24/00-- I updated a bit, friends pages, and the things i love....ahha nothing to big!

JUNE 16, 2000-- Hey! well... i'ts my first upday in FOREVER!! hahaha i've updated my friends page!! check it out!

DECEMBER 25= MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! hmmm today I added the e-mail forum, changed the main page.. and added THIS page right here!!!!

Hope y'all likes.

Jan. 7/00 Hey Hey Hey! I wrote a story... check it out!! ok?!?! and tell me what you think, and I changed a lot of the backgrounds of the pages and stuff.. it looks.. ok i think... what do u think?!?!
