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APPENDIX D continued from page 15

Diet and the Bible

In Acts 15:20, 29 (pg.14) and in Acts 21:25 Paul speaks of the gentile converts and mentions only the things that would be overlooked and that are most important. He doesn't say to pay tithe or not to steel or murder, but mentions the overlooked things that the gentiles might do wrong. If we say that this is wrong then we say it is O.K. to commit fornication for either all or none is true. Why would God constantly keep hammering this thing about blood and strangled animals if he is only speaking of the normal amount of blood that spills out when carved up for food? Why would Paul say not to eat animals that are strangled if that is an old testament law? How much harm could there be in letting the blood stay in the meat a few hours before carving it up? If what God says here is only what normally happens anyway then why does God make such an issue of it?

Many modern doctors and scientists have testified that the blood is what caries the germs and the uric acid etc. that are harmful for us. They testify that meat becomes tender by letting these germs slowly eat through the meat and tenderize it by eating it up into a microscopic sponge. I know that if my muscles could be cut with a fork that they would be all sliced up by now. They testify that even cooked meat still has many of these germs present plus the poisons they produce. They seem to be saying that God was right all along. Because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor. 6:19-20, Rom.12:1) it is our duty to God to have health reform in our lives. That is to use the most healthful food available, prepared in the most healthful manner (Isa 55:2).

God wants us to be healthy (3 John 2) and the creator designed a perfectly sound body, and He wants to help us keep it that way. If we are to eat anything then I would think that God forgot to tell us that some things are poisonous and as our designer didn't show much concern for our health for what we eat clearly affects our health and our health clearly affects the mind and spiritual perceptions. This is why the diet was made an issue at the beginning of Daniel. So that we could have a clearer mind and understanding of His word. Thus victory over indulgences of appetite make it possible to have victory over other sins.

Some of your questions answered:

What about 1 Tim. 4:1-5 "Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (2) speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (3) forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanks giving of them which believe and know the truth. (4) for every creature of god is good, and nothing to be refused," This scripture passage refers to meats "Which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving" by his people. These meats, as we have already discovered, are the clean meats listed in Lev 11 etc. Verse 4 makes it clear that all "creature of god" are good and not to be refused provided they are among those created to be received with thanksgiving (the clean animals) v.5 tells why these animals (or foods) are acceptable: 1. They are sanctified by God's word which says they are clean, 2. and by a prayer of blessing which was offered before the meal. Please note, however, that God will destroy people who try to sanctify themselves while eating unclean foods (Isa. 66:17).

What about Mat. 15:11 "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." Please read verses 1 to 20. The subject in this chapter is eating without first washing the hanks. (see verse 2) the subject is not eating but washing. The scribes taught that any food eaten without a special ceremonial washing by the eater defiled a man. Jesus said that the ceremonial washings were meaningless. He listed certain evils-murderers, adulteries, thefts, etc. Then he added, "these are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man." Matt.15:19,20.

What about Peters vision of Acts 10, doesn't it say all manner of beasts are to be eaten? The subject involved in the vision is not animals, but people. God gave peter this vision to show him that the gentiles were not unclean as the Jews believed. Cornelius, a gentile, sent men to visit peter (God told him to do so) and peter would have refused to see them if this vision had not been given him before the men arrived. Having had the vision peter welcomed them, explaining that ordinarily he would not have done so, but he added that "God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean." (Verse 28) here Peter gives the interpretation of the vision. In the next chapter (Acts 11) the church members withstood peter and criticized him for speaking with this gentile. So Peter told them the whole story of his vision and its meaning. Verse 18 says, "When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, then hath God also to the gentiles granted repentance unto life."

What about Rom. 14:3,6,14,20 "Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. etc."? Verses 3 and 6 are a discussion of those who eat certain things verses those who do not. The passage does not say either is right, but rather counsels that neither pass judgment on the other, but rather let God be the judge (see verses 4, and 10 to 12). Verses 14 and 20 are referring to foods that were first offered to idols (and were thus ceremonially unclean to the scribes and pharisees) and to the clean and unclean meats of Leviticus 11 (read 1 Cor. 8:1,4,10,13) the point of the discussion it that no food is "unclean" or impure just because it has first been offered unto idols because an idol is "nothing in the world" (1 Cor. 8:4) But if a man's conscience bothers him for eating such food, he should leave it alone or if it causes offense to a brother, he should likewise abstain. How else would these verses make sense in the light of all the other texts on the subject of meat?

What about Jesus feeding the people loaves and fishes etc? These meats were provided by Israelites and were in accordance with the health laws. If they were not wouldn't the scribes and pharisees have condemned Christ for breaking that mosaic law?

Why did God make the hog, if not to eat? He made him for the same purpose that he made the buzzard or mouse or lobster or catfish as a scavenger to clean up refuse. And the hog serves this purpose admirably.


In choosing man's diet in Eden God showed what was the best diet and no animals were eaten. When Israel was in the wilderness God kept them from eating flesh. They rebelled against this and God gave them birds to eat but many died from it. When God did permit flesh foods he had strict standard of what we were permitted to eat. No animal fat was to be eaten. No animal from which the blood had not been carefully drained was to be eaten. No animal that was not cleaned under sanitary conditions or that had touched the other diseased animals was to be eaten. Even whole types of animals were never to be eaten under any circumstances like the pig. These animals are found to be high in parasites. (See pgs. 13-15)

Eight Laws of Health Health Promise CARD:

I promise not to eat anything that is poisonous or injurious to health. I pledge to my Lord and Saviour that I will not eat any dead carcass or blood or caffinated drinks or use tobacco or alcohol in accordance with the health laws of God.

Signed- Dated

Cut out and put in your wallet.

For more on the Health message and how to keep yourself health or cure illnesses by cooperating with God by using the methods that God has provided in nature write for a copy of Healing by God's Natural Methods by Al Wolfsen published by Teach Services, Donivan Rd. Box 368 Brushton, N.Y. 12916

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